We are a group of volunteers whose mission is to provide a hand up to the homeless population and to provide Random Acts of Kindness. We collect NEW items such as toiletries, personal hygiene items, blankets, towels, socks, snack items and gift cards.
Creator of the Charity
Giuliana Giuliano Melo- founder/director/CEO
Kindness Ambassadors
many friends and family
Registered with AB Govt April 2015
We rely on the donations of family and friends and friends of friends. What comes in goes out.
We collect these NEW items so that we can share them with Calgarians in need.
Personal Hygiene items such as:
- Razors, shave cream, aftershave without alcohol.
- Shampoo, conditioner, soap, bath gel
- Deodorant, lotion, handcream, face-cream
- Cotton Ear Swabs
- combs, brushes
- toothpaste and toothbrushes, floss, chapstick
- pads, tampons
- tissues
- blankets, towels, socks, underwear
if you have any questions.
Missions to date: WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!
- Socks and toiletries for the homeless
- coats donated to homeless
- Women's Socks and underwear collected in honour of Sandra Tremblay
- thanks to my AEP family, family and friends and Joy and Vitality Centre for all the donations for the DI
- With Donations from Joy and Vitality Centre and others, we created 40 gift bags that were donated to the Ronald MacDonald House for Mother's day for all the moms there
- Adopted a Family for Christmas 2021- Thank you to all who helped.
- We collected over 1000 pair of NEW SOCKS ( also personal hygiene items, blankets, etc) for donation at the Calgary DI.
- Thank you to all for your support!
- Donations collected and dropped off at the DI in September. Thank you to all for your support.
- Clothing donation to Eagle's Nest Stoney Family and Women's Shelter
- DONATIONS COLLECTED and dropped off Nov 25, 2018 for the "Backpacks of Hope" Christmas campaign. We filled 68 backpacks with personal items, socks and lots of love and delivered to the Mustard Seed and the
- extra items of towels and toiletries went to the DI for the shower campaign!!
- we are happy to announce that we collected enough to create over 50 huge blessing bags for the Christmas Campaign plus hundreds of extra pairs of socks and over 30 towels. We were able to donate to the Calgary Drop In & Rehab and the Inn from the Cold. On behalf of the Crew, thank you for your support. SPECIAL THANK YOU to DANA GOLDSTEIN of ChicFlicks for creating our promotional video that you can see when you join our group here:
- Spring 2016- used blankets and pet supplies to Pet Shelter &
- Summer 2016- old bras to #WomenTalk & sportsbras.ca
- Winter 2016- socks, toiletries, blankets for homeless shelter- Calgary DI
May 2015
- 80 blessing bags donated to Calgary Drop- In.
December 2015
- "Marco Abdi Christmas Giving Campaign" benefitting the 'Calgary Drop -In & Rehab Centre- The DI,' and 'The Calgary Inn From The Cold '- 182 filled blessing bags/purses - blankets, towels, socks, toiletries, clothing, foodstuffs
- Basket of Love Donated to "True Beauty Gala" auction
- 2 purses and 10 blessings bags donated to "Girlfriend Fill-a-purse initiative"
- 1 blanket sent to single mom who just had a baby
- Paulo Melo Jr.- " We fight hunger" food donations by neighbours donated to Calgary Food Bank
- CHRISTMAS BLANKET COLLECTION in honour or the late great MARCO ABDI- Dec 2015
Thank you to everyone who donated to this amazing cause.
Message from Filomena Abdi- Marco's wife "Thank so much for honouring Marco and keeping his spirit alive! As he would say "I see something in you and you are the BEST!!" Lots of love and hugs, xoxoxo!! "
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)."