The Solar Eclipse, The New Moon & The Power of Surrender!!!! TheUniverse truly has your back <38/21/2017 4. Ask for a sign and then use your gifts of feeling, seeing, hearing and knowing to listen in. Ask and you will receive - it is the law!! Say, "thank you Universe for showing me a sign that I indeed am on the right track. I know you are guiding me. Thank you and so it is. Our job is to listen and then take inspired ( in spirit) action. 5. When you think you have surrendered, surrender some more! I have pulled 3 cards for a surrender reading for all of us today. Here is a powerful meditation that Gabby had us do...sit with your palms facing up, resting gently in your lap, close your eyes and take a big deep in and release it.. call on the Universe to come and take from your mind, body and spirit all that you are willing to release and give away. Let it go. Surrender to the Divine. Connect to that part of you that is indeed Divine. Ask Creator " where would you have me go?" what would you have me do? what would you have me say? and to whom? thank you GOD. Thank you ..... thank you!!! and so it is. Take a deep breath in and release and then open your eyes. We all need an anchor and a foundation and the time is now, today to realign to a higher power in order to THRIVE in life. SURRENDER to a HIGHER POWER.. it is your connection to the UNIVERSE!! that is your true Power!! plug in for maximum energy!! vitality and strength! This eclipse will open a portal to Divine energy that will help you manifest your future! Keep your thoughts positive, and focus on what you want. The Universe will comply. Allow the energy of this new moon and solar eclipse to elevate you to higher dimensional energy. You deserve it!! You are capable to hold it.
Like Dr. Barbara De Angelis teaches; Take this time to contemplate and reflect on any spiritual or emotional "eclipses" that have been occurring in your life. Call upon the Light to illuminate any places within you that you need to see, heal and transmute into something higher. Today spend some time in prayer and meditation, focussing on what you want! What areas of your life are thriving and what areas are amazing!! This is what the Universe will bring more of. Pray for peace and always choose peace. You are a creation of the Divine... May this be a new beginning of the triumph of Light over Darkness, and Love over all that is not Love, in you, and in our world. Does this resonate with you? I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment or send me an email message. Love and blessings to each of you. Giuliana xo
Yesterday was a very interesting day in my life and I have an opportunity to "expand" through it. Goddess Athena is the Greek Goddess who helps us heal when we need to ignite the warrior within. She is the daughter of Zeus and her power animals are the white owl and the black pigeon. She is one of the protector Goddesses. She is very wise and will help you empower yourself by using your intuition and to trust yourself. Her colour is fuchsia and her healing crystal is hematite. She is the Goddess who came to me and wanted to work with me this year!! I can feel her guiding me.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to be the observer of some hate that was sent to me. However I called upon God, Mother Mary, Goddesses, my angels and guides and with some emotion posted on fb. I felt I needed to speak up. It was strategic and helped me. Sometimes Goddesses know when to lay down their weapons and sometimes they know when to fight. However, this fight is going to be settled through karmic forces. I have been a great friend my whole life. Everyone who knows me knows that is the truth. I am a good soul. I am a good human. Athena helps you when you have looked externally your whole life for affirmation for outside forces. She helps us when we need to learn to trust our intuition and ignite the inner warrior to carry you through life to the changes necessary to get you where you are intended to go. She also helps us with an energetic shield that repels the negativity others try to send. She will help through the transformation. She came to me yesterday and told me to seek within to that power that I always teach about. The power of the Divine within me. She told me to trust my guidance and know that she is helping me. She is helping me ignite and expand my power centre. She helped me ground myself to Mother Earth and move into my heart. She helped me clear my aura, breathe calmer and allowed me to hear my message to take down the post and grow from this. She said that the messages I was hearing from my angels last week were clear. " Be like a tree Giuliana and let the dead leaves fall!" I finally understood it. Friends that I thought cared about me, don't. It was time to release the need to be liked by people who have never liked me. Now it is time to move on. That indeed, it is time to imagine my invisible crown and move on with my head held high. They can try to discredit me, but it won't work. I am human and I don't need to show up perfect all the time. I am perfect to God and that is enough. I am enough. She helped me today realize that I have the power to heal or harm. So I will use my power to heal myself and others. I have tried to hang on to people, places and things that no longer serve me. I never truly understood what that meant until now. So today I am digging deep to heal because I am worth it. Like Dr. Maya Angelou taught me " when you know better you do better!" This is me doing better. You see? the magic in all of this is that Goddesses rise through the fire!! They are born from the flames. Using them for transmutation and transformation. I am rising, strong, courageous and full of love! I know that forgiveness heals and so I will forgive myself and all others and move on. Athena told me that it is time to make these big changes that I have been resisting for awhile. Wanting to be liked by old people in my life when I need to be my own best friend. Athena is giving me the courage and the clarity and the consistent that I need to walk through this cycle of transformation. I feel her strength in my solar plexus.. and I am expanding it out to the universe! She is supporting me expand my power and is helping me now to speak my truth with love. Her owl power animal is helping me to see through the eyes of the divine!! The messages deep and personal. Yes, this gift of transformation came at a price. The price is transformation. The divine alchemy at work. Love trumps hate. Love always wins. So today through the powerful prayer of " Ho'oponopono- I love you, I am sorry, Forgive Me, Thank you" I will move on. Oh yes, today the mighty Athena and all my other 19 keys that I received in my Goddess Healing Matrix System with Velva Dawn Silver ( are at work. Today I am unfurling my Goddess wings and I will fly above the furor of bullying. Lesson learned. The gift of transformation is infinite in miracles!!! I am open to receiving my miracles. I am open and ready dear God/Goddess/Angels. Thank you and so it is. Healed people heal people. Hurt people hurt people. Karma is real. Today I was reminded of it. These are the laws of karma:
Looking at these laws, I see that my vibration called this experience to me. I had to FEEL the pain of it, and then tap into my intuition to guide me. I had to ASK for help from the Divine and I had to HEAL old pain of the past. I now am FREE to be ME. I am Giuliana. I am a Goddess Energy Coach. I am a spiritual teacher. That being said I am not GOD. I don't have to feel bad for having a human moment. Vulnerability is courage. I am Giuliana Courage. I asked for help to move through this lesson with Grace and Ease during my expansion. All I know for sure is that I am so glad I am not stuck. I am so glad these Divine energies came flying in and aided me. They lifted me up from the fire and ignited the WARRIOR WITHIN. I am sending love out to the Universe. God/dess & Angel blessings to all of you!!!! Does this resonate with you? interested in Goddess energy? Leave me a comment. I would super love to hear from you. |
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