One of the best acts of self care I have ever done for myself is to put me first. This means having to let go of people, places and things that have been hurting my heart and soul. This means staying close to teachers, mentors, guides and friends who GET me. This year has been a year of great expansion. At times I have felt so alone. I know I am never alone, and even though I felt it, what that did was bring me closer to God and my team of Divine helpers. I know my guardian angels and I know the seven Archangels that I work with. I know many of the Goddesses and I am learning just how interconnected everything is.
A month ago I went for an abdominal CT ( cat scan) as I have two abdominal wall hernias that are post-surgical. They have been hurting me and are very large. In order to have a CT you must drink this contrast solution. I had to be at the hospital at 8 am and at 830, 9, 930 and 10 I had to drink a glass of this solution. It was terrible and tasted like metal. That was my first trigger. Then I had to have an IV (intra-venous) put in so that they could put in more contrast when I was in the CT machine. This solution was warm and makes you feel like your are peeing your pants. When they went to hook me up to the solution, the IV wasn't positioned well so IV solution went everywhere. This triggered my experience of the chemotherapy I had during the walk with cancer. So in those couple of hours I had the taste and the chemo triggers, then all of a sudden I realized I was alone for the first time in the six years that I have been healing. My husband was at work, my son was at school, my sister was at work, my mom was at work, I didn't ask any friends to come with me and I felt all alone. I also felt rage building up within me. Being at my old worksite still held a bit more healing. I began to well up with emotion and began to cry. I apologized to the nurse and shared a bit of my story. Thankfully she was compassionate and listened. During this time, I was not allowed to drink or eat since the night before. I was hungry. I was tired. I was emotional. I was feeling like crap!!! I managed to pull myself together and get dressed and then go and get some soup to eat. I took a cab home and knew that I didn't feel well. That night I began to vomit uncontrollably. I dislike vomiting. Even while walking through the cancer, I never vomited. My body disliked this whole experience. Thankfully I now work from home, so I cleared my schedule and took it easy. I nurtured myself and sat with everything. I allowed myself to feel the feels. I acknowledged my anger, sadness, fear. Two days later, my son got sick with the flu. Then three days after that, again I began to vomit uncontrollably. I knew I had gone to a place where I was not in a state of ease. I had to do my work. I had to dig deep. Flu, according to "the secret language of our body" vulnerable, frail, tired. Overwhelmed by negativity. feeling like you have to carry heavy burdens that you can't handle. Feeling invalidated. confusion and chaos inside you. In need of a time out. All of this resonated with me and I knew I needed my mentor to help me shift out of this funk. During my appointment with her, she said to me, "what do you want??" how do you want to feel? and what do you want to create?" I was honest with her and I said I have never really asked myself these questions. I have never dreamed big. I have felt selfish to ask for more than what I thought I deserved. I shared with her that even when I did my vision board in January 2017, I didn't know what to put on it. I was raised to be grateful for what I have and not to be selfish. I have had to change my way of thinking to realize I deserve the abundance of the Universe. I have had to learn I am worthy of achieving more and asking for what it is that will make my heart sing and my soul grow. So for over a week now I have been sitting with "WHAT DO I WANT???" I know I want health first and foremost. I want to continue to share my light and bring people closer to God through my angel work. I know that I want to continue to grow and heal and teach. I want to feel good. I want to create and through an amazing 'felt angel class" I have tapped into my creativity. I am so delighted that my words that spirit brought for 2018 are ABUNDANCE and INTEGRATE. This past year, through my words of EXPANSION and CONFIDENCE I have indeed expanded. It has been painful. However today I can honestly say I am grateful for every single moment of my life. I have been tested in forgiveness ( my sisters in law still don't speak to me and this january will mark two years that they don't have it in their heart to forgive me - and I am finally at the point that it doesn't affect me any more.) I have been tested in trusting that God really does have my back and that I am supported at all time. I have been tested in relationships, however I know that love and compassion helps heal all of it. What has never wavered is my deep FAITH I have in the Divine. I love God with my whole heart. I know that I am a part of something greater than me and I love to be of service. I am so grateful for life and for learning and healing. As we head into the last month of this year and as we close out the last chapter of 2017, I wish you so many blessings of love, light and peace. If you would love an angel card reading, or a full year reading please book I wish to leave you with this: The Gentle Art of Blessing On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all. On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will accompany them on their way and the aura of its gentle fragrance will be a light to their path. On meeting and talking to people, bless them in their health, their work, their joy, their relationships to God, themselves, and others. Bless them in their abundance, their finances...bless them in every conceivable way, for such blessings not only sow seeds of healing but one day will spring forth as flowers of joy in the waste places of your own life. As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, its nurses and streetsweepers, its children and bankers, its priests and prostitutes. The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing: bless them totally, sincerely, joyfully, for such blessings are a shield which protects them from the ignorance of their misdeed, and deflects the arrow that was aimed at you. To bless means to wish, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others and events from the deepest wellspring in the innermost chamber of your heart: it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with utter awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole. To bless is yet to invoke divine care upon, to think or speak gratefully for, to confer happiness upon - although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of Life's abundance. To bless all without discrimination of any sort is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray of sun that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives. When something goes completely askew in your day, some unexpected event knocks down your plans and you too also, burst into blessing: for life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, you yourself called forth, so as to learn the lesson you might balk against were you not to bless it. Trials are blessings in disguise, and hosts of angels follow in their path. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden to material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy. When you pass a prison, mentally bless its inmates in their innocence and freedom, their gentleness, pure essence and unconditional forgiveness; for one can only be prisoner of one's self-image, and a free man can walk unshackled in the courtyard of a jail, just as citizens of countries where freedom reigns can be prisoners when fear lurks in their thoughts. When you pass a hospital, bless its patients in their present wholeness, for even in their suffering, this wholeness awaits in them to be discovered. When your eyes behold a man in tears, or seemingly broken by life, bless him in his vitality and joy: for the material senses present but the inverted image of the ultimate splendor and perfection which only the inner eye beholds. It is impossible to bless and to judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought that desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall, everywhere, behold the very face of God. Pierre Pradervand P.S. And of course, above all, don't forget to bless the utterly beautiful person YOU are! God bless you all!! Merry Christmas and here's to a magical, abundant 2018!!! Love, Giuliana
During my healing journey I have learned to intuitively hear for a word to guide my year. In 2015 my word was Grace. That was the first word that ever came to me. It came straight from God himself. I knew I had grace. By the Grace of God I am healing. By the Grace of God I am here! I owe God everything!! I love Him with my whole heart, soul and physical body. I loved that word and indeed I had a year filled with Grace.
Last year my word was 'future', and 'more'. Indeed I had a year that propelled me in the direction of the future. I did so many courses and attended classes and I did my goddess work. I am preparing for the future by doing more and more. This year, 2017, my words have been hard.. 'expansion' & 'confidence'. I have been expanded in ways that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Healing has been tough, rough, sad and expansive. Breaking open is where the light enters you. I look back on this year with the awareness that I am so strong!! Don't get me wrong, I see my weaknesses too. I have fallen. Having the flu this past week has brought many awarenesses. Having a mentor to guide me and help redirect me has been the greatest act of self care I have done for myself. I am so appreciative of her. I thank God for her. I look forward to where I am headed and I am becoming confident in who I am and what I want. I have never really asked for a lot in my life. So yesterday when she told me to write down what I want, how I want to feel and what I want to create, it has ignited this fire within me. WHAT DO I WANT????? HOW DO I WANT TO FEEL?? and WHAT DO I WANT TO CREATE??? I am still sitting with this, however what I know for sure is that I am a really talented Angel intuitive. I am trusting way more than ever and focussing on all the hits this year ( she taught me that) has shown me that once you tap into the Divine wisdom you are truly guided by trustworthy helpers. I couldn't imagine not having this help in my life. I know I am faithful and I am a lot of fun to be around. I know that my deep faith in God is what I want to share. I told her today, I claim to be Giuliana the fun and faithful angel intuitive and I am. That is the direction I am going in for 2018. My words for 2018 came a couple weeks ago. They are ABUNDANCE!!! wooooo hoooo.. and INTEGRATE!!!! they resonated with me deeply. I know I can't wait for all the abundance that awaits me. Words have power. Words have energy. Every word that comes out of our mouth, is written, is thought has a life of its own. It has a vibration that goes out into the Universe like a huge wave! Setting an intention for your year through the use of a word, or a particular angel or goddess will guide you with the magic that is available to us from the universe. An intention is this "
This year I am offering a word for the year for only $10. I will sit with God and our angels and intuit which word would guide you. For $25 you can get an angel or goddess reading for your year. As always I am also offering a whole year reading... minimum 12 cards for you for an energy exchange of $88. You can book that here If you don't know, I am doing semi-weekly prayer circles in my prayer group. These are FREE acts of prayer service and you can join me here Let's make 2018 the BEST YEAR YET!! I am so excited for what is to come. Lots of love, your fun and faithful angel intuitive, Giuliana Giuliana - Melo [email protected] Today the Holy Angels wanted me to write and so write I will. Today's blog is all about "trust!" Do you trust your intuition? You may be asking "what is intuition?" Intuition is that voice within you that knows something is truth. It is that voice of the Divine that guides each of us. It is our internal compass. It is what leads us down the right path. It is that which helps us make decisions for our highest best good. When we follow our intuition we are living life in the flow of ease & grace. Gifts are deposited into each of us. We all have the ability to "tune in" to this. These are the ways:
I am clairsentient and claircognizant. However now my clairaudience and clairvoyance are becoming stronger. Now I would love to share a story with you. A story of trusting. A story of amazing blessings!
Friday Oct 27, 2017, my son and I had a date to see Teresa Caputo here in Calgary! We had been looking forward to this event for a very long time. She was scheduled to start at 7:30 pm. At 7:13 my husband started calling me and hanging up. He called me twice. I knew this was not like him so I called him back and when he answered he sounded incoherent. I knew he had been at work since 5 am. It was now over 14 hours that he had been spraying lacquer paint and I knew he had chemical overload and needed fresh air. At the same time he was calling me, the announcer for the Teresa Caputo show, announced that instead of starting at 7:3o as scheduled, they were now going to start at 8. Well I knew that we couldn't stay. I texted my husband's boss for the address and he said he would call him. He texted me saying that I should go pick him up as he didn't sound good. ( afterwards my husband shared with me that his boss asked him to be straight and if he had been drinking to just say so. he hadn't! ) So Paulo jr and I called a cab to come get us. Thank God we got a kind patient driver and he took us to an area that had roads that weren't paved yet and didn't say a word to us when he almost lost his bumper. He waited patiently while we talked Paulo sr. into coming with us. When he got in the car, he was angry and speaking in circles. He didn't remember me talking to him asking him if he was ok. He said it wasn't him calling me as his phone was locked and in his pocket. I know how this goes. It was his angels or guides or his dad in spirit who made sure I knew he was not in a good state and needed help. I know that if we hadn't gone to get him, the outcome would have been very different. He needed fresh air, food, water and sleep. Once home, I received an amazing message. My friends were also at the show and said that a man went to my seat. MY SEAT!! and he received an amazing message from his son in spirit. How amazing is that??? Do you see how spirit works?? I needed to leave so that that man could receive his message!! Everything aligned. I listened to my gut to go get Paulo. Paulo is safe and a man received a message that he most likely desperately needed to hear. I know how the Universe works. When a yes becomes a no, then there is always a higher Power at work. I also know that because I trusted I will receive this experience or something better. I am open to receive my blessings and I am proud of my listening. Of course I am disappointed I didn't see Teresa but I can't wait for the day God brings me to her in another experience. I am trusting my intuition and this life is amazing. It has always been amazing, however now it is like watching a movie in HD! It is more amazing!! I love my life. I love that I get to play and work. I love that I get to surround myself with people who love me. I love that I get to create my own schedule. I love that I get to have the experiences that I want. I love that as I learn to trust me I am actually trusting GOD within me. The Holy angels say to believe in yourself and have faith that God and the angels are with you always!! they want you to ASK for help to lose the fear that blocks you from enjoying faith. The angels emphasize the value of self-trust and they know that you and I have made mistakes in the past. They say these mistakes are all a lesson. That there is value in the lessons and to keep looking forward. WE have God within us and that we are safe to trust in God and trust in them. They are trustworthy guidance. They will help us trust in ourself. I love that we have this internal system. I can't imagine not being tuned in. I never used to be. I used to be a nervous wreck. Now I am tapped in, tuned in and turned on to SOURCE!! Thank you God. Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for the gifts. thank you for life. thank you for everything. If I can be of service by teaching you your dominant clair or by helping you with an angel card message please email me or schedule an appointment on my website. I would love to hear from you... how does this blog resonate with you?? God bless you, Giuliana |
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