What is a Priestess you ask? Well this is what it means to me.
Webster's definition is: 1. A priestess is a woman who officiates in sacred rites. 2. a woman regarded as a leader ( as of a movement) This is true and she is so much MORE. She is able to position herself between the visible and invisible worlds between the two dimensions. She works with subtle energies and is an emissary of the Divine Feminine represented here on earth. She serves the spiritual needs of her community and in these times is very needed. A priestess is a woman who helps others connect to the divine so that they can heal and actualize their soul's unique path. The priestess is a collective archetype that is in the collective consciousness as a constellation of characteristics of the divine feminine expression through us. We must learn to walk as her. We must train ourselves to embody her and the sisterhood. She is just a girl with a big dream who is living in purpose, is a leader with class and recognizes she has a Goddess deep within her. The history of the priestess is one of great trauma. In fact, I have learned that a lot of us are having to heal our witch wounds. The witch wound is the deep seated fear of being terrorized, betrayed and forced to be subservient. I learned that last month from Desiree Dunbar. She is a Modern day priestess as well. You may want to ask which of these witch wounds play out in your life. Is it terror? betrayal? or subservience? I had to work through all of them by healing it the feminine way so that I could feel safe in my body, feel free, powerful, successful and happy. In 2016, I took two courses with Velva Dawn Silver. She is the head of the Goddess Healing Matrix System- Higher Priestess Practitioner Course- trademarked. I have level 2 designation. What that course did for me is that it opened the door to the Goddess world. Prior to that I had learned to heal my mother martyr archetype and become a more empowered woman. I now walk in way more woman energy and I am healing my inner little girl. My spiritual journey began after the stage three cancer diagnosis in 2011. I was deeply wounded, sick and in need of deep transformation. I had heard the whispers of migraines and diabetes and ignored them. I guess you could say I had so much deep work to do that God sent cancer to awaken me! Through the darkness of such a serious illness, I discovered my light. God brought me to my knees and while I was down there I prayed for help. The help came in various teachers and through them I discovered my magic! He has helped me through the feminine part of Him. The Divine Feminine has helped me RISE and HEAL. Through the Goddess work, I tapped into Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene and a host of other amazing Goddesses. The healing that is occurring is nothing short of a miracle. I have learned how gratitude for my life shifts everything! And I fell in love with my SELF. It is the catalyst for change. Love is the greatest healing energy and with God and the Goddess I am healing and I am allowing the Divine feminine to evolve through me. I remember one day when someone asked me if I was a witch... haha... that had bothered me. I really had had no idea what it meant. Now I do. Old programming made me feel like I was doing something wrong, bad, evil, dirty, ugly and wrong. I am so grateful I discovered the truth. Long ago, the priestess of the past observed the patterns of nature. They honoured Mother Earth with seasonal rituals. Women were seen as the embodiment of the Great mother and were honoured and celebrated as she was able to grow life in her. Later in History, Roman, Greek and Egyptian priestesses lived in holy temples. They were held in high esteem. And then men began to fear them and persecuted and put them to death. Those managing to get away, fled their temples and went into hiding. Today in the midst of the old falling patriarchy, a modern day priestess is emerging. She brings wisdom, and integrates spiritual teachings with her own flavour and spins on on it. This is why I feel strongly guided to pursue this part of me. I believe I was Her in many lifetimes. I resonate deeply with Atlantis, Egypt, Biblical times, Roman times, Gypsy and witches. I believe this lifetime is to help me empower myself. The three pillars of femininity spirituality are healer, priestess and goddess. The three stages of the goddess are maiden, mother, and crone. I learned with Desiree Dunbar, the nine stages of sovereignty are:
I learned the five things I needed to harness to be the sovereign Goddess I am are:
They recognize that through my healing, I am answering a Divine calling. It is a deep calling of purpose and I have a big job left to do. I listened to the call of the Divine Mother. That is why I had a deep mothering energy my whole life. I just didn't know how to direct it in an empowering way. Instead I smothered. Now I know better. Now I am doing better. This also meant that I had to let go of people, places and things that didn't have this vision as me. I needed to pray for gentle and kind friends and teachers. Now I feel that I must share the path of the priestess. It is a path of deep integrity and takes tremendous dedication. I have it. All those years of Health Information Management and integrity has served me well. I am integral. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am faithful, integral and dedicated to my healing through passing through deep reflection of my life, prayer, meditation, and speak my truth with love. Hard work brings with it many rewards. I recognize my divinity. I recognize my worthiness and mostly I recognize the amazing feminine soul I AM. I am holy. I am healthy. I am happy. With that energy I am better able to serve the beauty of life with so much love in my heart and with my whole body, mind and spirit. I am no longer playing small. I no longer subscribe to drama or people who choose to live out of alignment with lies and deception. I choose to help raise the vibration of Mother Earth. I choose to see the sacred . The way I see it now, I had to grow through what I went through in order to become a Priestess. A woman who is standing in
I honour the light within the darkness, I am light and my heart is open. I have infinite abilities and I accept who I am and who I am not. I change what I can. I am love and lovable. I am here present in the NOW. I look forward to the future with LOVE and POWER. So let me reintroduce myself! Hi everyone, my name is Giuliana Giuliano Melo and I am a Priestess!!! I would love to hear from you. You can leave comments below or email me. I am facilitating a new course - 8 Goddess Sisters of Divine Feminine in September if you wish to join. Here is the link fb.me/e/ZNFHXvJq If I can be of service please contact me by email at [email protected]
Happy Saturday everyone... I had a few minutes and wanted to share a message from Mother Mary. During the month of May, I teach the entire month from her messages. She is our Divine Mother. She is the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of Heaven, the Queen of the angels and an amazing part of the Divine feminine (Goddess). She has helped me so much, and continues to help me through this pandemic. The acronym H.O.P.E., she said, is to HOLD ON PANDEMICS END... she says to have hope. Our job at this time is to retain hope, even when we have no idea how our global situation is going to resolve. Her son, JESUS, teaches us about the importance of trust and FAITH. These present circumstances require great FAITH and TRUST. When we have great faith, we say we trust GOD and His plan for our lives.
When we have great faith and trust, we emanate happiness and we are more relaxed and present. Today, she asks us to remain optimistic about our future. There is so much more going on in the Divine Realm, than we are aware. She reminds us to give our worries, cares, and all this FEAR to God. God will heal it all. She calls us to pray and that our prayers will be answered with increased hope, faith, and healing. Stay positive. Have Hope. This pandemic will end. Stay vigilant. Use your intuition to guide you. Don't be a part of the drama. Be a part of the solution. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Mother Mary is an amazing being of light. She helped me learn how to love myself. That is the title of my book - LOVE YOURSELF TO HEALTH. they are $20 CAD plus $15 shipping. If you would like one, please email me. [email protected] June 1, all my services will resume nominal charges. Readings via email, phone or video will be $30 for a half hour. $50 hour. I look forward to being of service. Enjoy your weekend. Love, angel blessings and mostly may God bless you! Giuliana Melo Happy World Goddess Day!
The Goddess is a very important part of my daily life. Goddesses haven't always been a part of my daily spiritual routine, however, when I was healing from cancer, I had to do something different. I knew that there were parts of me that were so wounded that if I didn't dig them up and heal them, I would continue to bleed out onto people who didn't wound me. What that means is that I was a reactionary mess. I needed to learn how to respond better or I would continually manifest drama in my life. I was in my reiki level 2 class with a teacher who had the Goddess Morrigan ( Inner Knowing) and the Goddess Nemetona (Insight) canvases with us. I fell in love with their energies. Funny story: I had taken photos of our event and posted them, however they weren't yet to be shared with the world and Velva Dawn graciously asked me to remove them until she launched them with the new deck. The deck is called "Awakening of the Divine Oracle Deck" by Velva Dawn Silver. You can find it on www.velvadawn.com. That began my journey with the Goddess. I didn't know a lot about the Goddesses and being a God girl, I questioned whether I was crossing boundaries religiously. I came to the conclusion that God is in all energies and that this was my journey. I needed the help of the Goddess to heal my internal wounds. I wanted to find that part of me that was meant to rise. I had just walked through a very painful job situation after the stage three cancer diagnosis and treatment. My son had also manifested epilepsy. My life the way I knew it was over!! I was broke and broken. The Goddess helped me find the strength to get up each day. She forced me to rise. I loved that I had the support of God, Goddess and angels each day. I thanked God for illuminating my path with these Divine Feminine power houses. Mother Mary helped me with self-love. Isis helped me with balance, Abundantia helped me with trust, Diana helped me with manifestation, Kuan Yin helped me with compassion, Kali helped with honouring cycles of my life etc. Each Goddess, and there are 45 in Velva's deck, helped me with a specific area in my life that I needed healing. I continue to ask them in each day. Even though I am an angel lady, I am a Goddess girl too! What does the word Goddess mean to you? Perhaps journal on that. How do you feel right now? If you are feeling like crap, the way I did, then perhaps it is time to RISE SISTER and take a Goddesses hand. You can talk to me. I will tell it to you straight. Perhaps you want to find out more by attending our Goddess Gathering at Joy and Vitality Centre on Sept 28th? or Our Goddess Healing Matrix System- Higher Priestess Practitioner (TM) Shine Event on October 12? Let me know - I can provide all the details. I will post the links below. Let me know. I am happy to be of service for your angel/goddess/coaching sessions.[email protected] Happy Goddess day to all!! Goddess Gathering first link and Shine event is the second link. www.facebook.com/events/2426875264261362/ https://www.facebook.com/events/397793924338655/ July 22 is now recognized as Mary Magdalene feast day. In 2016, Mary of Magdalene was formally identified by the Vatican as an Apostle of the Apostles- their equal!! and the first messenger of the resurrection of Jesus. In 591, Pope Gregory claimed that Mary of Magdala was a prostitute- a story and misconception that is carried to today. According to Gospel, Mary of Magdala was with Virgin Mary ( Jesus' mother) at both Jesus' death and burial. She is identified as the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus. One of the angel teachers from the UK, Kyle Gray, depicts her as teacher awakens. He guides us that we have something important to share, follow our inner call and not to let anything or anyone stop you. He teaches that Mary of Magdala was a great visionary and teacher with clairvoyant abilities. She was able to see angels and tap into Jesus' energy at a soul level. She is calling upon many of us to follow her to teach the joy of spirit. She helps light workers step up and speak their truth. She is a great spirit and is helping those of us who are teachers and leaders to trust the power of our souls to step forward and share what we have learned. Yesterday I was blessed to have been invited to celebrate this amazing woman by attending a labyrinth walk. I was in deep contemplation of her nurturing Jesus during his last hours on earth. What was her role? Was she more to Jesus than history allows us the knowledge of? Are the stories of her being Jesus' wife true? And if so, why has Christianity and Catholicism kept this from us? As a Goddess practitioner, I now recognize that the old paradigm of men having power of women, is shifting. The Divine Feminine is calling us to RISE. This amazing energy, has been calling out to me for a couple of years now. As I sat in meditation, and contemplation, it only made sense to me that I am being called to get to know her. I love Jesus. Jesus loved her. She was with Mother Mary before, during and after the crucifixtion. She was powerful and the men were intimidated by her. If she had been a man, her knowledge, her wisdom and her insight would have been revered.. Instead, she was kept small. Until now! Women all over the globe are being called to know her, to become more like her. We are being signalled to learn from her and to recognize she has much to teach us. She was known as a bearer of Myrrh. Apparently that meant she had anointing power and had anointed Jesus' feet and cleaned him when he was brought down from the cross. If you remember, when Jesus was born, the three wise men brought him gifts of gold, frankincense,and myrrh. Myrrh is related to frankincense and it is one of the most widely used essential oils in the world. She was a priestess! I love that! She was taught by Jesus and I want to learn more about her!! Part of celebrating her is to give thanks to all the female teachers of the world and to all the Divine feminine wisdom woven generation after generation into the beautiful grand tapestry of life. I find it so interesting that thirteen women attended the labyrinth walk in memory of Mary Magdalene. Thirteen is the number of the Goddess. It is also the day Mother Mary showed herself. (May 13 we remember)
As I stood in line for my turn to begin my labyrinth walk, I looked up at the sky and an angel cloud greeted me. Of course they would be there to oversee me and guide me. I felt their love and support so strongly. Then as I began to walk, I intended to be in the moment and not allow my mind to wander. I noticed the ants, which to me represented people on earth. We are like ants, plentiful. Then there was a bee, which to me, symbolized you must watch out not to get stung. Then a number of beautiful dragonflies flew by. They remind me of my loved ones in spirit. I smiled to myself. The uneven stones symbolized that life isn't always smooth, but to keep moving forward on the path. As I rounded one area, there were two trees standing strong. In that moment, my mom and dad came to my mind. They have been like trees in my life. They have been symbols of strength and growth and have given me my roots. The forest close by, was all the people I have had the blessing of meeting along the journey of life. The Sun beamed down on my face as I walked further on the path. The light to me represented God, love and light and reminded me to keep my face to the sun. The wind blew. I had bare feet and grounded myself to Mother Earth. At a couple of areas, stones got stuck in my feet. This to me, deeply represented the times I have walked through hard times. I had to work to get them out. Eventually they came out and the path became smooth once again. Isn't that a beautiful analogy of the times we get to walk through hard lessons and we get to grow? There were thirteen women including me. This represented being connected to all, and never being alone. Another big huge huge sign for me was that there was an angel in the garden put there in remembrance of a Rafael family member. Sundays I work with Archangel Raphael. This was deeply meaningful to me. I took time to thank him for his part in my healing. As there were so many others in the labyrinth too, this symbolized that I could go at my own pace behind the lady in front of me, or I could pass her. Isn't this the same in life? Arianna had asked us to bring something to place on the alter we created there, and I brought my new pink lemurian stone so that it could be charged with the elements and Mary of Magdala's energy. I had it in my right hand. In my left I had a kleenex. About half way through the walk, I decided to put them in my bra. This to me meant that you could let go and put things down. That you don't have to carry things if they get heavy. I smiled as I walked. I held myself open to receiving help. At one point I put my hands together in prayer and thanksgiving. While I walked I made sure to notice all the signs. I felt blessed to have had all the teachers I have had to date. I feel blessed to have a main teacher. I feel blessed to believe in the Divine. I felt connected to everything. I noticed every little and big sign that God, my angels, guides and loved ones in spirit sent. I thanked God for my journey. I actually thanked him for every lesson. I asked for Grace and Ease and lessons gently. When Paulo sr. came to pick me up I felt like I was floating on air. I can't explain it. It was a day filled with magic, miracles, wonder and every Divine Being that I love!!! Won't you get to know them too? If you would love to chat with me about signs, symbols, or get to learn how to trust your intuition please book a chat with me. Or if you would love to have an angel card reading, I have an email special running from today until the end of August. $30 CAD. With that you get a photo of your card spread and all the corresponding messages. I am so happy to share my experience. Invite Mary Magdalene into your life! With so much , love, light and angel blessings! God bless you, Giuliana Healing has brought me the most amazing teachers. In June on the 10th, I am involved in the "Shine" event. I am a Goddess Healing Matrix System, Higher Priestess Practitioner, and what that means is that I seek to help empower women. I know that I had to heal my wounded inner little girl and become empowered. This course and these Goddesses truly have helped me heal. No longer will I be a doormat, or allow myself to feel weak. I have received the keys of the first 20 Goddesses in the course and I am more empowered.
The world needs you to become empowered, now more than ever!! Speak your truth with courage and compassion. Be the kind of woman who is not afraid to be ALL of who she is and refuses to allow others to overpower her and run her life. Connect to your inner Goddess. The flame is within you. Goddess Hestia is the keeper of the flame and she helps ignite it higher and stronger. We must rid ourselves of limiting beliefs that we are meant to remain small. We are not. We are not meant to fit in. We are meant to SHINE. If you feel guided to learn more, please join us at the SHINE event and please consider coming to visit me for a Goddess card reading. this is the link for our event. There still are tickets. Get yours now! I can't tell you the difference being empowered with this teacher and the Goddesses has made for me and my life. www.eventbrite.ca/e/shine-choosing-courage-event-tickets-31080451467 Card from VelvaDawnSilver-Hughes - Awakening of the Divine Oracle Cards- used with permission
Imbolc or Imbolg (pronounced i-MOLG), also called (Saint) Brigit's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Bríde, Scottish Gaelic: Là Fhèill Brìghde, Manx: Laa'l Breeshey), is a Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring.Wikipedia Sourced. How happy I was to find out this day is a celebration of spring and of Goddess Brigit. She is an amazing Celtic Goddess I got to know in my level one- Higher Priestess Practitioner course with Velva Dawn. (copyright) Her healing quality is Self-Dignity. With this beautiful Goddess I have learned to speak my truth. She can help you in this area too! I never honoured my inner voice in a healthy way. I used to scream and yell and it was upsetting for everyone. I was my own worst critic. I judged myself so very harshly. This Goddess helps us with our trust in others. I realize I am in a fire-cycle of my life and she helps me find the balance and calm. A fire-cycle of life is when we release and burn away old patterns. She assists me to use water to calm this cycle and brings me back to a state where I can be open to receive. I certainly can feel this as I am passionate about creating with my writing and my new spiritual business. I have a lot of energy and often don't want to sleep. I have been able to become a stronger speaker by standing in my power and speaking my truth with so much love. I am doing way less out of obligation and instead with an open heart. I am earning respect of my family, friends and peers because of this shift. I am healing more through my writing and have now written in 9 multi author compilations. I am so proud to say 3 are Amazon #1 best sellers!! I have learned that there is deep wisdom in all of the wounds of the past and I am now a thriver and a survivor rather than a victim of cancer. With the help of my many beautiful teachers and this Goddess I know I can continue to heal my life and help empower others. After all the journey on earth is about progress and not perfection. I found it really interesting that this Goddess represents the 3 parts of a woman's life. The young virgin, the loving mother and the wise woman(crone). These are the qualities that women go through during their lives. She accumulates wisdom during all these stages. I feel I am in the loving mother stage still. I am gaining wisdom and I am becoming better and better. When a client receives this card, it may mean that you have been holding back in speaking truth and belief that by not speaking you won't rock the boat so to speak. But physically you are creating a block in the throat chakra area which could lead to dis-ease in that area. Affirm: I am lovingly able to express my innermost thoughts to all without fear of judgement and self doubt. My inner voice is honoured with love, strength, compassion, wisdom with others who may learn from my words and experiences. My communication originates from the highest dimensions of one. If you feel guided to this Goddess please consider making an appointment to come and see me or talk to me on the phone or Skype. Goddess energy has helped propel me to stand in my power and know I have the support of the Divine Feminine. Velva Dawn is an amazing teacher that I love very much. I am a Higher Priestess Practitioner level 2 and I have so much love and wisdom to share. Happy Imbolc!!! I love you all. What if…you could HEAL your hurts and learn how to trust yourself again? What if fear didn’t get a say in your life anymore—and instead, self-love ruled supreme?
And what if—in order to facilitate this kind of deep-rooted expansion—you combined the sacred wisdom of not 2, not 3, but 45 divine goddesses from Ancient Egypt, Greek mythology, Catholicism, Native American legend, Hindu philosophy, Buddhist tradition, and more? You will be able to shift and expand into a higher state of consciousness; one BRIMMING with potential. And in the process, you’d be taking full responsibility for your experience of life. Velva Dawn is the founder of The Goddess Healing Matrix System™, Goddess Girl Power™—Divine Feminine empowerment for girls aged 8 to 18—and the author of Ancient Secrets of the Goddesses. The book ultimately became the foundation for The Goddess Healing Matrix System™, a life-altering system created to help courageous men and women activate their inner goddess, awaken their divine wisdom, and access the spiritual tools necessary for lasting inner peace. I just got home from the level 2 part of the course. I am so ready to help you get through life with more ease. When I started my journey, it was to heal from the cancer that ravaged my body, mind, and spirit. I have been learning that healing is a transformative process. God, faith, trust, love, forgiveness, compassion and the healing qualities of the Goddesses have helped me transform my life. Since my diagnosis in 2011, I can say that I am a very different person and in a very blessed way. I am stronger and more at peace. I have learned to forgive myself and all others and I have accepted that I made mistakes in the past. I am good enough for God so I am good enough for me. I am healing through my feelings of not being enough, worthy, wanting to be liked, feeling judged and giving my power away. I am healing my inner little girl and I am an empowered woman. This transformation has come from the emotional energy and healing that I have done. I have done affirmations daily and this healing work is ensuring I only surround and fill myself with high vibrational energy. It was Nikola Tesla who said 'we are energy, frequency and vibration". I have had to change my ENERGY. So many things affect your energy. The thoughts you think, all the feelings and emotions , food, water, the environment and the people you surround yourself with. I have been very mindful of listening to my intuition to heal. I hear God talking to me and I pray and meditate regularly. I talk to my angels and now I talk to Goddesses. I am clairsentient (clear- feeling). That is my intuitive gift. I started this process in 2011 to heal my body and now in 2016 I realize I am completely transformed. I hear comments all the time about how young I look. I have a lot of energy to create and have written in 9 multiauthor compilations. I have done numerous certifications and now with the addition of the Goddesses I feel empowered. I have healed that inner little girl and I realize my worth. I am love. I am lovable and I am kind and I am healing! I am passionate about helping others open their communication with their Divine Healing Teams. Goddesses are beautiful energies. I am looking forward to this next chapter with so much excitement. I feel God/Goddesses/angels and other beings of love and light in my life and I am an example of healing. This energy is available to all. For more information please email me at [email protected]. I have a limited number of appointments available in january 2017 for an energy exchange of $44. For information on the course and Velva Dawn's products go to www.velvadawn.com HEAL WITH GIULIANA MELO·TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016
Who are the goddesses? A goddess is a female deity; a woman greatly admired, as for her beauty, a feminine deity proposed by some as having been worshiped from ancient times and as present as a goddess in many of the world’s myth and religions. Why would I want to connect with the goddess energy? The goddess energy will help to awaken your intuition allowing you to make decisions easily with confidence. Connecting with the divine feminine energy will also help you to trust that you are hearing your intuitive thoughts clearly. As you cycle through many physical, mental and spiritual changes from adolescent to becoming an adult, the different qualities of each goddess can help you through these times. There are times when you just “know” certain things & then you question why and how you knew this knowledge. Through Goddess Energy, you will learn the qualities of: ~balance ~self-love ~passion ~joy ~protection ~self-fulfillment ~courage ~insight ~learning how to receive ~the infinite supply of abundance ~sisterhood ~independence ~inner sorceress with love and light ~feminine strength & grace ~importance of self-reflection through meditation ~your energy body; the chakra’s ~the moon and the sun ~to honor cycles within your body ~sensitivity ~manifesting I am certified as a Higher Priestess Practitioner and you can contact me at giulianamelo.com- the cost for these sessions is $88 and I will only be opening up 2 appointments per month. All content © 2015 Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes creator of The Keys of Awakening & Ancient Secrets of the Goddesses. You can find out more information at Velvadawn.com Tonight the date is Nov 14, 2016 and we are under the effects of a supermoon, the likes we haven't seen in almost 70 years. It is powerful and I can feel it strongly. I am, finally, at a point where I can truly let go of the old me. That me that I thought I was. The title of the old job. The old life. The old pain that I have carried with me for so long I can't even state how long. Oh yes, this special taurus beaver moon is one that I intend to let go of all that pain and people that no longer serves me. I told God this morning that I am ready to step into my ideal self. I have a new teacher by the name of Carrie Kohan from Freedom Masters Inc. TM to thank for this invaluable step in my soul's growth. She facilitated a free retreat a few weeks ago that I am grateful to have attended. The first exercise she had us do was to walk the length of the room looking down at the floor and having no interaction with anyone else. Then she invited us to look up but not make eye contact or smile. Then we could look at each other and finally we could all hug each other as if we were long lost friends. This exercise served to show me I have been walking through my life looking at the ground. I haven't been the best me. I have allowed certain behaviours that made me a reactor. I had to learn to heal the inner child within me to become an empowered woman. The Goddesses have helped me do that.
Then she did this exercise/meditation where we were invited to travel along our timeline and visit the self we wished to be in the future. What did she look like? What did she feel like? What was she doing? seeing? Who was she? Was she happy? Who was with her? What experiences was she having??? I could see me .. the ideal me! I envisioned the best me I could be. I was healthy. I was happy and I was thriving! I felt empowered. I was helping people and I shined my brightest. Carrie reminded me in every meditation that she did to shine bright.. brighter and brightest. She reminded me that it feels so good to be me. She also reminded me that I am perfect. I can love me as I heal. I can love all the parts of me others judge me for. I can learn to love me fiercely because I deserve it. I came home from that weekend invigorated. I thanked God for bringing me another teacher and I knew I had to do the second level of the Goddesses. The Goddesses ignited within me a fire that has never been present before. I feel alive and I feel ready to claim my new life and my new title. I am an igniter! I am a new spiritual teacher. I am an angel intuitive. I am Goddess empowerment coach. I am a writer and I am a speaker. I don't need to dim my light any more to be liked because the right people will love me! These next 10 Goddesses have been with me my entire life. I just didn't realize it. They are: 11. White Tara. She is a Hindu goddess whose healing quality is sensitivity and listening to your body. She is white and her aura is pale green. Her gemstones are clear quartz and green jade. She represents wisdom, purity and truth. She sits upon a lotus flower and has 7 eyes. I am learning to listen to my body. I realize that I am sensitive and I am not ashamed of that.... in fact I am proud of it!! My sensitivity is a blessing. 12. Kuan Yin- she is an Eastern goddess of compassion and self fulfillment. Her aura is purple and her gems are kyanite and rhodonite. 13. Butterfly Maiden- the Goddess of transformation & cycles of change. She is a Native American goddess. Her colour is rainbow and she has the most magnificent wings. Her gem is the herkimer diamond. 14. Kali is a Hindu goddess of honouring cycles. Her colour is eggplant and her gemstone is danburite. She helps with people who are grieving. With souls who are transitioning and with births. 15. Mawu - is a western african earth goddess who has a great knowledge on how to supply our needs without harming mother earth. Her colour is brown and her gemstone is seraphinite. 16. Athena is a Greek Goddess and her healing quality is "the warrior within". Her colour is fuchsia and her gemstone is hematite. She helps clear our energy. 17. Aphrodite is another Greek Goddess of "feminine energy" She is the goddess of passion and sexuality. She will help balance the yin and yang within each of us. Her gem is the raw blue aquamarine. 18. Bast is an Egyptian Goddess of independence and unified strength. Her colour is gold and her gem is the tiger's eye. 19. Coventina is the nature goddess. Her colour is blue green & she is celtic. Her gem is the larimar. 20. Diana is the roman moon goddess. She is yellow and her healing quality is manifestation. Her gem is the golden topaz. These 10 Goddesses have come to me and have taught me to listen to my body, move it and eat better. They have taught me that the cycles of life are beautiful and that I am supported. They have taught me to honour my life and know I am protected. They have taught me to use water to cleanse my aura and my energy. They have taught me to be a woman is a gift and that it is safe to be sexy and feminine. They have taught me to release any energy that isn't mine and they have taught me to let go of old patterns. Tonight as I let go of the old I feel them empowering me and gently nudging me along. I feel their love as I do my practicals and they give me signs daily that their energy is one that I can trust. Mostly what they have taught me is that the Divine Feminine that they are is all a part of God himself. That the angels are God's heartbeat and the Goddesses are God's soul. These Goddesses are an energy that I can't imagine not asking for help daily. When I do a goddess empowerment session with a client I have them pull 3 cards of goddesses that want to work with them that day and into the future. They never cease to amaze me and the client. Their love and advice and support are spot on. I welcomed them into my life, into my heart and I can feel the difference. I stand a little taller and I feel a lot stronger. I am empowered. If you would like to become empowered with the goddesses please message me. (The Goddess Healing Matrix System is the creation of my teacher Velva Dawn Silver who can be found at www.velvadawn.com ) I am so very happy today!! I am certified as a GHMS * Higher Priestess Practitioner *TM level 1. I felt very guided to change the way I do angel readings. I will now be invoking my angel of the day as well as a Goddess that comes through for you. These are powerful readings that are full of love, support, guidance and direction. As such, I am now charging $44 for these minimum 8 card readings. If you are interested in experiencing one of your own, please message me at [email protected]. I can do in person, email, messenger, phone or skype readings.
thank you so much. Live, Love & Heal, Giuliana |
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