![]() Hello Everyone, happy fall. Here in Calgary we got a cold front over the weekend and so it was the perfect time to have a nice bowl of soup. Luckily for me, my sister-in-law Judi created this yummy soup for us. She allowed me to share her recipe. It is so yummy. Soup is good for you. It helps warm you from the inside. Soup is a wonderful cool weather lunch or start for your dinner. It goes so well with a nice hunk of bread! yum. Here is Judi's recipe for Butternut squash soup. 2 large squash ( cut lengthwise) sprinkle with cinnamon 4 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp chili flakes 2 tbsp fresh ginger 6 cloves garlic minced 1 tbsp sea-salt 8 cups veggie stock 2 tbsp of maple syrup 1 cup coconut milk place squash in pans that have been sprayed with non stick spray. Rub squash with oil and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake covered with foil for 45 minutes to an hour. In stockpot, over medium heat, sauté onions in oil for 5 minutes. Add chili flakes and sauté for five minutes. Add ginger, garlic and salt and sauce for 2 minutes. Cool squash and scoop it out and add to stock pot. Add the 8 cups of veggie stock and simmer for 15 minutes. Add maple syrup. Blend until nice and smooth. Add coconut milk after it has simmered for a bit. Return to pot and warm. This is freezer safe. This is a great time for soup. Archangel Raphael says to consume as much soup as you can as it is good for you. He is the archangel of healing. If you want to harness a $30 reading before they disappear please message me. In the new year all readings except for the one cards, will be $50. Thank you. I would love to read your comments below. Love Giuliana
Prayers- for the last few days I have been strongly guided to share about prayer. I believe that prayers are the answer to everything. Prayers change things. Prayer changes EVERYTHING! I have personally experienced prayers in my life. I believe in prayer with my entire BE-ing. I know how safe I have felt knowing that my mom, friends and family were praying for me. During the darkest times of my life, it has been my belief in God and prayer that has allowed me to get up from the depths of darkness and despair and believe in hope and Grace and TRUST. I do Trust God. I have faith that he has my back and that His Holy Angels are watching over me.
Prayers ask the Divine for support. There is no prayer that is wrong and there is no such thing as doing it wrong. Talking to the Divine is always listened to and answered always come. The thing is this, the answers often don't come in the way you expect. In fact, we are taught to surrender control and the how to God and the angels. They know our highest and greatest good. The will provide the answers. It is up to us to stay awake and in tune to our intuition and signs that they send so that we are then motivated to take inspired action to bring in the answers to our prayers. We are also taught to watch for the helpers. Being open to receive is a big part of answered prayers. IF you keep your arms closed and aren't willing to have others help, then how do you expect the help to arrive> Prayer is an invocation (asking for help) that seeks to activate and cultivate a relationship with God. Prayer seeks to develop a relationship with an object of worship through deliberate communication. It is an intercession directed to God, Goddess, Angels, Saints and loved ones in spirit. It is a spiritual communion with God. I was born and raised Catholic. I still consider myself a Catholic, although staunch religious folk would consider me a BAD Christian. I do not believe that for one second!! I believe that God loves me and I believe in myself and my own intuition to connect to God each day and that I am being guided by the Holy Spirit in my life. I have sat with God so many times and asked for His love and guidance and each time I feel His loving energy around me and supporting me to do the work I do. I call it work, however I know it is my soul mission. I do prayers as my Act of Service to God. I always pray when someone asks me and when I am called upon to pray. When I was sick and crying out to God, WHY ME? I heard in my head ( and no I am not mentally ill.. lol) "Why not you Giuliana?" I said " Ok God, if why not me, then I need help!! I need so much help to heal and I need teachers to help me! " I began to awaken my intuition and I began to follow my signs. These signs took me to Sedona, Phoenix, Toronto, Vancouver, Banff, Lake Louise and right here at home too. I found teachers and that saying, when the student is ready, the teachers appear is so so true. I love each and every one of my teachers. They have helped me dig deep. Sometimes it has been so incredibly hard, however with prayer I keep getting through it with Grace and ease. I know that Divine Grace is flowing always and in all ways. I want to be carried in Grace and experience my lessons gently, so I continue to pray. In the Catholic church, we have 5 types of prayers. 1. Prayers of adoration and blessing 2. Prayers of contrition and repentance 3. Prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude 4. Prayer of supplication, petition and intercession 5. Prayers of confession. Prayer is talking to God with your hands. As children in catechism we were taught to establish prayer as a habit and for me it has stuck with me to this day. God wants us to know Him. God answers our prayers. God loves us and we in turn love God through prayer. To learn how to pray: T A L K to God.
CONFESS means to get the junk out of your life. It is when you ask for forgiveness and know that you are forgiven. It is saying, "I am sorry!" READ means to read the bible which helps us see ourselves as a mirror. It helps us understand who we are and who God is. ASK is to ask for help. It is said, ask and thee shall receive. Also in Mathew 21:22 it says that, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Pray for others, pray for yourself and ask for God to provide for you and others. Ask for wisdom and patience and understanding and compassion. THANKS - it is said if the only prayer you ever say is THANK YOU and it is enough. Be grateful for your life. You will receive more to be grateful for. Some people have asked me "Giuliana, how do we start to pray?" and this easy FIVE FINGER PRAYER is a very easy way to remember how and what to pray for.
God says that there are five main areas of a pray filled life. He says that we must have trust and faith in Him and we must forgive ourselves and others, we must be compassionate and we must strive to be unconditionally loving as He is. He wants us to get to know His son Jesus and The Mother of Jesus, Mother Mary. He says that the Holy angels will never hurt us or lead us astray. When we pray, we are talking to God and spending time getting to know Him. God wants us to pray and spend time with Him. When should you pray? ANY time. ANY where and especially at meal times at is blesses the food going into your body and changes the vibration of it so that it nourishes you in supernatural ways. Why do we pray? to Get to know God and ask for help. Pray freely and speak from your heart! Where do we pray? EVERYWHERE!!! what & how do we pray? The Lord's prayer is a perfect place to start!!! Here it is for reference: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is heaven, Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, AMEN. We bring our hands together at heart centre and bow our heads slightly to connect us to our hearts and our breath. This prayer mudra ( sanskrit word for hand gesture) connects our physical self to God energy or Universal life force energy. Prayer centres you and aligns you with the Universe. This is also called a heart seal. When you place your hands in front of your heart, you powerfully connect both the left and right sides of the brain. When you do this and combine it with the word NAMASTE it is symbolic of the coming together the divine masculine and divine feminine powers. As we close this prayer blog, I want to leave you with this fact: PRAYERS ARE ALWAYS ANSWERED in the HIGHEST and GREATEST good. and NOT in the way you THINK. You job is to be Love, Light and experience great joy as you experience this journey we call LIFE. At this time I would love to invite you to my mentor and teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston's next THRIVE presents: Angel day 2020. I will be closing the event with an angel prayer. I thank Sunny so so much for allowing me to be her prayer facilitator on her page Angels & Affirmations on facebook. She has been instrumental in my coming out live each week. If I can pray for you please email me at [email protected] and please consider joining us at Angel Day online!!! If I can be of service with an angel card session message me. I am praying for you!! God bless you! Prayers are so very needed as so many people are feeling alone and lonely and scared. Don't be scared, be mindful and take good care of yourself. God's got you!!! Love, Giuliana Melo You can join us here:www.sunnydawnjohnston.com/thrive |
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