2020 is a year of VISION.
As I have learned to heal my life, I learned to live a more intentional year and to throw NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS out. Most times all resolutions did were serve to show me where I had no willpower. Intentions instead, taught me that I could have the growth I seek. Choosing your WORD OF THE YEAR guides your year and tells the UNIVERSE to support you. Energy flows where your attention goes. Your soul then guides you and you experience the magic and mystery of the journey of life. I have been using words of the year since 2015 they have been: 2015 Grace. 2016 Future, Courage & More 2017 Expansion & Confidence 2018 Abundance, Integrate, Respond & Boundaries 2019 Joy, Journey, Travel and Power. 2020 words came right on time. They are GROW ADAPT TRANSFORM ( heal and blessings) If I can help you discern your word of the year, please reach out to me. These readings are $30. You will receive your word from the angels. Words come from the Divine and are for your highest good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Year in Advance SUPPORT READINGS are $100 - minimum 12 cards and whole year guidance, direction, support, motivation. Angel cards for the whole year! I always find it so intersting what comes through and how each words guides the year. Sometimes you get it and sometimes it takes all year to understand why a certain word came through. check out my services and testimonials here www.giulianamelo.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` General readings for the month of November are $25 for a half hour reading and $50 for an hour. Any mode. Email, phone, video messenger. In person are $50 for the hour at Joy and Vitality Centre. Special accomodations for those that can't make it to the centre- at my home. Talk to me. My " Love yourself to health" books are $25 with shipping for the month of November as well. They make great gifts. Prayer Support is always free. Please contact me to schedule any service. [email protected]Thank you so much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Evgeniya and I am so proud to present our 4 week NEW YEAR, NEW YOU course. It runs in January and February. Here are the details:www.facebook.com/groups/2769992543062567/ I’ve just finished assembling the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU 4 week course that I’m facilitating at Joy and Vitality Centre and Evgeniya Knyazheva is supporting with her teachings of crystals, supplements, oils etc. We are very excited to bring it to you. It’s in Evgeniya’s hands to look over now. We hope to start it January 12th. Special thank you to Sunny Dawn Johnston for allowing me to teach the “Invoking the Archangels process” 😇❤️💗💙💟💛💜💚🧡 Join Joy & Vitality Centre’s Evgeniya, and Heal With Giuliana Melo for this fabulous new self-love series entitled “New Year, New You”. You have the power within you to manifest your best year yet. You just require the tools to get you there. We will supply them. Together we will let go of what no longer serves us from 2019 and we will intentionally create a 2020 with so much more clarity and on purpose. This 4 week course will be held bimonthly over January and February, in person at the Centre. We will supplement the in person teachings with a private facebook group for accountability and encouragement. You will learn: • What is self-love • What is self-care • What is an empath • How to deal with your energy, clear it, protect it, ground it and maintain it • What are my spiritual gifts • What is a goddess • How to create a daily spiritual routine • We will learn about angels and how they help us • We will create a vision board • We will release with writing and burning and writing and ripping • We will learn about intentions and how they help us • We will have FUN! • AND SO MUCH MORE Please bring on the first day • a journal • a pen, scissors • felt pen • and purchase a poster board to create your vision board. • Have your magazine cut-outs ready • and have a glue stick or 2 and a roll of tape • Please also have a small photo of yourself for the centre of your vision board. • Also print out any words if you use words of the year. If you don’t know what that is, no problem, Giuliana will help you. Please dress comfortably and bring a closed water bottle and closed coffee cup for coffee or tea that you can purchase on site. We will provide a self- love journal “Love Yourself to Health” that Giuliana wrote, And some Himalayan salt from the centre, and handouts. DATES: January 12 &26 from 1 to 4 pm February 9 & 23 from 1 to 4 pm Call the centre for any questions. 403 452 5183.
Woohoo! I have so much to celebrate this holiday season!! I am a new ANGEL EMPOWERMENT PRACTITIONER-level 1. What does this mean? It means that I have another certificate that entitles me to provide angel card readings. I am already certified with another teacher, however this teacher brought so much MORE to my practice. I now not only provide readings via telephone, video and in person, I am now able to help with value added services such as:
When you purchase your copy - let me know. On January 4th, I am having an in person "Love Yourself to Health" class at my home at 7 pm. I am accepting nominations for 8 women to attend this very beautiful self love class sister circle style. If you are interested in nominating yourself or a friend, please email me at [email protected]
2019 is going to be a great year!! I have received my words of the year and I am excited to build my vision board. Have you received your word of the year from your angels? interested in obtaining a word that will lead your year? contact me! I can help you. I am here for you! My intention is to continue to be of service with so much gratitude to God for my life. If I can be of service, please reach out. I love you all. Angel blessings, Giuliana Here is my mission statement and intention for 2019. WORK I AM NOW AVAILABLE ! I am open and ready to receive all who can benefit from my work. Dear God, use me to relieve suffering on the planet. May all who require healing, find me. God is my Source. I am open and ready to receive prosperity and will! I know God is good and will provide all I need. Amen and so it is. Hi everyone, I felt very guided to write a short blog on just what I do and how I can help you. I am an angel intuitive and spiritual teacher. I can help you connect to your angel team and I can discern what messages you need to hear that day, through the use of angel cards. I am a teacher and I feel very passionate about being of service and helping people connect to the Divine. I call Him God. I am your fun and faithful angel intuitive. After my walk through cancer and healing, I recognize that life happens for us and not to us. We are not victims. We are beings that have a deep wisdom within us that allows us to walk through anything. I have learned that vulnerability is courage and that asking for help is a sign of amazing strength and courage. It is not weak to ask for help. I have walked through a great deal of healing since the diagnosis of stage 3 cancer and I have a lot of education and experience behind me to help you. These experiences have expanded me beyond what I thought was possible. I see how closely working with a mentor has helped me walk though my life lessons with ease and grace. However, I realize we have a choice to move forward or sit in our pain.. The choice is ours. I am here to help you. I am a very compassionate person who has a big huge heart and an ear to listen. The angel cards provide the tools for the advice from the Divine. I have felt the fear of putting myself out there and of shining too bright. However, like Sunny Dawn Johnston told me, she would never guide me to dim my light!! In fact, just the opposite and to SHINE BRIGHTER than I ever have. I used to worry so much about what others thought about me and I have finally got to this point where I don't care what others think of me. I know God loves me and I know I matter. I am a child of God and He gave me the gift of teaching. I am ready to teach even more!! So if you feel guided to learn your predominant clair, or need advice on the afterlife, how to heal through an illness, or how to deal with your grief, then talk to me. I also have a self-love class ready to help. I don't charge much and it is not because I don't think I am worth it, I am. However I just want to joyfully serve and would never turn a client away. I charge $30 CAD an hr but that is negotiable depending on your circumstance. Angel card readings are $44 with a loyalty amount for past clients of $30. Any questions, please email me at [email protected] How wonderful is it that we can now use internet applications such as the zoom room to host class. We also can use Facebook live in a private group. I am also available to host class via live fb messenger or skype.
There are so many ways to learn!! I find it so much fun to teach and want to open up my availability for you. These are my current offerings: Angels & Intuition- In this class I teach you what intuition is and how to figure out your dominant clair. We do fun quizzes and you will leave knowing how to best tap into your intuition to hear, feel, see and know your angels! Journaling with Archangel Gabriel- He is the archangel who helps us when we want to start or keep up a journal practice. He helps us speak our truth and helps us with communication in all areas. You will receive tips to help you move forward in your healing journal. Manifestation with Goddess Diana-Diana helps us tap into our manifesting abilities and also helps us prepare schedules that will help us manifest all our dreams and goals. Self- Love Retreat Day Although this day is best in person, we can certainly get together online. This class is all about bringing more love into your life. This one area is what has helped me so much. I will teach you how a daily spiritual practice and self care are keys to living a life full of self-love. Love yourself to health!! This is the link to purchase your class: Once you have selected your date and purchased then we will have a chat and discuss all the details. I look forward to being of service!! Come grow with me!! www.giulianamelo.com/services.html ![]() Since I had Paulo jr 19 years ago, I have taken my role as a parent very seriously. I know I am his mom, but I am also his voice when his isn't being heard. I am his advocate, his protector and his guide. When Paulo jr was diagnosed by the medical profession with Autism spectrum tendencies, ADHD, asthma, eczema and allergies I knew that he was a very sensitive old soul. I have made it my mission to learn and grow and help him become the best version of himself. He is so talented and smart. I knew he was special. I never wanted to label him as I know labels are better suited for cans! When I was sick and walking through cancer, Paulo jr developed epilepsy on top of everything else. According to the emotions behind the disease, epilepsy means that he was in fear and out of balance with life! No kidding!! He was in fear he was going to lose his mom. I knew that I my walk through cancer I had a choice to stay in earth school or not. It would have been very easy to give up hope and wither away and die. However, my beautiful son was the inspiration for HOPE!! I wanted to live. This morning I was reminded that on the day of my first surgery, I had a hard time coming to, and that my Oxygen levels were altered. I remembered that at that moment I had choice. An exit point was presented and I told God I wanted to stay. I knew I had more work to do on the planet. I also now know that I am meant to learn and grow and help my son even more. I need to provide the right tools for him to stay healthy. Sunday I am going to a workshop put on by two new friends, Deb Weinberger and Nola Peacock and also with Cindy Smith. Their workshop is entitled "Honouring our Sensitive Kids". It is being held at the Sheraton in Calgary and is for both the kids and the parents. Here is the link:www.honoringoursensitivekids.com How do you know if your kid is sensitive too?
Are they? 1. ~very sensitive? 2.~struggling with worry or anxiety? 3.~ do they have sensitivities or allergies? 4~are they often unhappy or stressed? Like the ladies state: We are seeing a significant increase in anxiety, sensitivities, allergies, unhappiness and physical ailments in our youth. Through social media, our kids are exposed to much more fear based energy. With some simple tools and strategies, kids and adults alike can protect themselves and feel empowered, confident and happier. Join me Sunday morning or at 1:30 to 5 at this amazing workshop! We need to help our kids. I also wanted to make time to share with you what I have learned about our sensitive kids. We all have gifts deposited within us. We are all either clairvoyant, clair sentient, claircognisant, clairaudient or clairfragrant. Our kids are too. They often share that they are playing with their imaginary friends. ( they are not imaginary!! they are seeing their team of angels and guides!!). They also will share that they see their grandparents who are in spirit. The veil to the spirit world is very thin the younger we are. It is up to us to nurture this gift within them and not shut it down. These kids are very sensitive to the energy of others. They can feel the emotions of others. Especially kids who are autistic! These kids feel so much and if they absorb all that yucky energy it can make them sick. They are sensitive to their surroundings. I know Paulo jr gets overstimulated when in large crowds. This is why he loved to be involved in sports that he was alone and not in group athletics. Loud noises often would send him over the bend. A lot of these kids need to wear ear protection. Intuitive kids need alone, quiet time to recharge every day. I remember that they also use to guide him to carrying heavy packages of paper around to help ground him. I wish I had known then, that putting him in the grass would have helped. And to teach him then how to be like a tree and imagine roots from his feet growing deep into the ground!! I taught him now. Paulo jr has great instincts about people. This is another trait of a sensitive kid. I always trusted him and never kept respite workers that didn't resonate with him. To this day I honour and respect his voice in this matter. They know when people are lying to them and are not being sincere and really don't have their best interest at heart. He can see right through people. I love that about him. He is so amazing that even though he was only 6 months old when my Uncle Vince passed away, he knows he is available in spirit to help guide him and support him and he feels safe knowing it. What I find super amazing is that one of Paulo's first words was MICHAEL!!! not mama or dada, but MICHAEL!! I knew from the beginning that a part of my son's spiritual guidance team was Archangel Michael!! How cool is that!!! My son and sensitive kids also love love love animals and babies!! They exude love when around them. They love their beautiful unconditional love energy and heal when around animals. I know that empathic kids love being home in the safety of their surroundings. On days when he needed to stay home, I would allow it. Of course I would gently guide him to make the right decision for him, but if he knew he would get into trouble at school because he was having a hard time with emotions then I allowed him his quiet time. I loved those days of just me and him. Often we would have lunch or supper dates. I cherish those days. Sensitive kids often have sleep issues. I know it is sure true for my son. He sleeps as though with a werwolf. He sleeps upside down and often if I get up in the middle of the night and check on him, his head is hanging off the bed!!! He doesn't sleep well. He talks in his sleep. When he was younger he also had night terrors. Most times, sensitive kids have such an active brain that they are very creative! Being intuitive is a right brain function while being analytical is a left brained function. When these kids are creative it is because they are using their right brain. They are often very happy when doing art, painting and colouring. They have a very gifted imagination. You may be asking if your kid needs support and how to - well come to the workshop is a great step in getting educated. Come learn with me and the facilitators. Honour the kids and their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Allow them to be heard. Encourage them to trust their gut and listen within. These special children are often referred to as Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. I am still learning and hope to blog more about this in the future. I hope you know that God entrusted us to parent these amazing beings!! we are very blessed. If you found this blog helpful or are going to join us at the workshop let me know by leaving a comment below. As always I am ready to be of service with angel messages and have a special right now. $30 gets you a beautiful email message. I love you all. Giuliana Saturday Sept 26, 2015 I facilitated my first class as the ANGEL LADY. The itinerary was set to meditate, share the 7 archangels and then go over the 5 clairs. I had exercises to do as well but we ran out of time.
There were 18 women who shared in the learning and were open and very loving. The meditation was a a beautiful " Invocation of the Archangels by Sunny Dawn Johnston" which was immediately followed by " Love Is by Kris Voelker" who is the soul artist who works with Sunny. I have been very blessed to have been to retreats where Kris's music helps heal us. Her Cd's have been played during times of great stress and help elevate my vibration. Everyone who knows me knows what an instrumental teacher, mentor, advisor Sunny has been so they won't be surprised to see me wear clothes from her "Conscious Teez Line". She sent me the Angel Lady shirt that I wore. She has amazing comfortable clothes in that line. I also feel very empowered when I wear the Archangel Gabriel power set. It is beautiful. Since using her IAM power essential oils I haven't been physically sick hardly at all. I also use her VibeRaiser spray to high vibe the house when I do my angel card readings which helps my connection. I have been certified by Sunny in Mind, Body, Spirit Coaching and I have learned how to run my spiritual business by her as well. I have been mentored by her for over a year and a half and she has helped me move a lot of pain out of my body. Through her "Invoking the Archangels" book and teachings I have learned about the angels and have assigned each to a day. Working with the angels has changed my life and they have helped me in ways that are nothing short of miraculous. Grief continues to be one of the biggest areas of my service to others. I believe and know Heaven exists. I completed Sunny's course and read the book "The love never ends". I know that our family and friends return to the spirit world and I am learning to connect to them. I have learned a big lesson this year and that is discernment of energy. It truly helps with energy. I am so abundantly blessed to have angel jewellery and I am learning what the different gems do and how they heal the physical body. I love wearing the jewellery. It is sparkly and gorgeous. I am going to work with Sunny as an affiliate. It is a dream come true as I now feel a part of her team. I use her deck "Invoking the archangels" every day and I have her greeting cards as well. All these products are amazing tools in my life. If you want more information on me or on Sunny you can find us each on Facebook or at our websites.. www.giulianamelo.com www.sunnydawnjohnston.com I have ordering forms and I can show you the products. I believe in their effectiveness. Let me show you. Come to my next colouring night.. Sat Oct 17th. 630 pm. I have the colouring book she created and her artist helped me create my sheets that I have on my site. I have put the testimonials on the testimonials page. Check it out. thanks to everyone who came. Thanks to Sunny for always supporting me and helping me on my journey. |
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