After my hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, I immediately post- op, was in medically induced menopause. As a cancer patient I am not able to take anything hormonal to help. I am also not able to take anything holistic to help me. I needed to align my mind, spirit to my body in a way that I never had before. Early on, I knew I wanted to heal. I set my mind that I was going to get through this with minimal side effects.
Some effects of menopause are:
I have experiences every one of these symptoms. As more of my friends hit the perimenopause- menopausal years, I felt inclined to write about what has been working for me the past 6 years. Menopausal problems in "The Secret Language of Your body" by Inna Segal says this: Fear of aging, feeling unworthy of love and attention. Feeling sorry for yourself. Fear of not being attractive. Rejecting your feminine side. feeling useless, past your 'use-by' date. I find it very interesting that as I have learned to love myself and heal my wounds of the past that I am not exhibiting many symptoms. Sure, there are days where the headaches are intense ( I also get chinook and tension headaches). Learning to love myself has been a journey. I never used to love my body. I have an amazing mentor though that is helping me love myself. These are some things I have learned that I think will be of help for you too!
I get it, the body changes. A friend said to me though, if I realized that God created women to go through menopause with grace and ease and I aligned to that truth, then I wouldn't experience it. I believe it. I know that the physical body shows aging. Skin sags, we develop lines and wrinkles and it does things we aren't used to. When we embrace the changes and love ourself then we not only get through it, we grow through it. I have learned to look in the mirror, into my eyes and lovingly tell myself I matter and I am enough. I know I am loved by the Divine and that I am cherished by those closest to me. I was told by my mentor to go where the love is and to put my focus there instead of where I am not celebrated. That it is ok that not everyone will like me. A Course In Miracles, has taught me I am perfect, whole and complete to God. That really resonates with me as everything I do is because I want to make him proud of me. I want others to see God in me. As I pray each day, as I align with Him, as I ask for protection and ask to be of service, I step more into the light. I fill up each day and even on the days I am sad, I do something to shift my vibration. I have a mentor that I stay close to. I do my homework. I learned that committed + consistent = SUCCESS!!! and I know that the best revenge to the haters is massive success!! I am willing to change. I am willing to dig deep and heal. I have learned to celebrate my body and appreciate all its functionality and not its physicality. I list what I love.. I love that my smile is my superpower. I love that I have a cute nose. I love my fingers. I love my lips. I love that I can hear, see, feel and know. I love that I can walk places. I honour and respect that God created me. It is very important to honour and respect ourself. Through the Goddess work I learned to love my body as a temple. It is what houses my soul. I am sacred!! I am special and I am loved!! This past weekend I went to a yoga retreat. I did as much as I could do and loved myself through it. I stretched my body to do things it has never done and I can't wait to do more. My teacher told me that yoga is meant to become a part of you. It is movement and breath. I loved it!! "And If I asked you to name all the things you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?" You might be asking, but Giuliana I don't know how to love myself! Then I would say just start. Baby steps. We are progress not perfection. This journey for me has been 6 years to this point. There were days I would say the affirmations, and I would also be thinking it is b.s. I truly had to fake it til I made it. It is a journey not a destination. Here are 12 things you can do to start to love yourself:
I hope you know I love being of service and if you would love an angel card message of love or of inspiration and direction, or if you want to chat, I am available. does this blog resonate with you? I would love to hear from you. leave me a message. Connect with me on facebook on my business page
"Whenever something negative happens in your life, there is a deep lesson concealed within it"- Eckhart Tolle When tragedy strikes, humans have the ability to choose their response. They can choose love over hate, understanding over anger and belief over fear. They can choose the five pillars of earth school to help heal. They are:
Taking steps in the right direction include making the decision to be more loving and kind and leading with an open heart. We can be kind by doing random acts of kindness which includes and is not limited to such things as buying a coffee for a neighbour or stranger, opening doors, greeting each other with a smile which is the same in any language, taking time to really listen when someone is speaking, etc. "No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted"- Aesop Kindness is not act- it is a way of life. At a time of tragedy, there will be the initial shock . Intend to share the facts and not gossip. There will be sadness and initial anger. When we choose love and honour each other's journeys then healing can occur.
Choose to remember the lives of the people who perished in the accident. Celebrate their goodness and keep their memories alive. Part of the wisdom that comes with walking through our life is to leave the WHY to the investigators and instead focus your attention on becoming one of the helpers. Help through kindness and understanding and lend a hand when and where you can. Keep your intentions pure and act with integrity. Life is still beautiful. Even though there is bad in these days, there is still something good in each day. Even though there is darkness, God allows the sun to rise tomorrow and with the light of a new day will come hope and faith for joy once again to be experienced. We are so much stronger than we think. We have a strength within us that can move mountains. Tap into that strength to heal the community and all the beautiful people. During this time of intense emotion and grief, allow all the feelings to flow through you. Acknowledge the feelings. Write them down. Share with a friend, doctor or counsellor. Seek professional help when you can't function with activities of daily living. Release in healthy ways such as getting fresh air and exercise and do something that nourishes your spirit. Together our beautiful Fernie BC will heal. Allow healing in. Healing is - helping everyone allow more love in to your life. Life is not meant to be easy but together we can grow through what we go through. We grow very much during times of sorrow. Three concepts that I have learned that can help are:
Home to God. Home to heaven. Tragedies test the depth of our characters. Ask yourself this. How am I am going to show up? Do we show up kind? considerate? are we resolving to become a better soul in-spite of everything. Are we living more from our soul or our ego? The answers to these questions are within each one of us. My hope is that we choose to see and experience the miracles in each day. Yes, this is my hope for my beautiful Fernie and the beautiful people who live there. My roots are strong there. I love being from there. I have grown up there. I learned to fly there, yet I am grounded there. I may live in Calgary and you can take the girl out of Fernie, but you can't take Fernie out of the girl. My heart aches with all of you. My heart beats for all of you. My prayers are with you. If I can be of service in any way, I hope you know you can reach out. Prayers are always my act of service. During this time I want you all to know at any time you need a personal one card angel reading you can message me. I will do as needed an on a case by case basis. I also want you to know that I can do personal mentoring calls for a mutually agreeable donation to my charity. I love you all. God bless you and keep you well. Any questions you can call me. All my love, and deepest condolences to the families, friends and staff of the City of Fernie, Giuliana Giuliano-Melo Last nights “ me too “ is a very serious issue and people must now begin the healing process. Sharing “me too” shows me we are all more alike than different. So many suffer in silence. Wearing the mask of being ok. Having powerful teachers has helped me heal so many layers. However I am a work in progress. Help is available. Please know you are not alone. The time is now to heal. 1 in 3 girls/women and 1 in 6 boys/men have experienced abuse. #riseup #notonemoretime #stoptheabuse#useyourvoice #metoo Rise strong sisters and our brothers too. It takes courage to even post those two little words with big energy behind them. We all get to decide how it affects us. Whether we allow it to break us or make us better. "me too" means we rise strong, no longer a victim but a survivor and then as we heal, a thriver!! In spite of the pain. In spite of the hurt. In spite of the scars that never go away. Wear the scars as badges of honour. Even though the wounds are deep and affect all our relationships, we can heal through them until we get to the point where we wear the scars as badges of honour!! No longer do you need to keep the secrets. We are as sick as our secrets. Over the past 6 years, as I have healed through the cancer, I realized I had many wounds that had never had time to air out. I am getting to a place in my life where my little girl within me is finally healing and feeling more like the empowered woman she is. I have had to peel back a lot of pain in these layers. I had to voice my truth and tell my mom about the physical education teachers who were bullies and the men in my life that were gross and the times I was touched inappropriately. Since the moment I met my husband I shared with him my disgust when men are drunk and how it affects me adversely. I love and appreciate that he has chosen to grow with me and love that we have tools to rely on when I don't feel my best self. This is why my mentors and teachers are so important to me. I am an empath. I am so sensitive. In the old days when I didn't use my voice in a healthy way, I would yell and scream and cry and things would get worse instead of better. Now I have many teachers, and tribes of support. I have been privy to reading all the stories of people abused in so many ways. I have also been privy to the healing. Oh the glorious, tear-filled, sacred moments of healing. As I sit here I am in such gratitude to God for allowing me to live some of the best days of my life now AFTER all those crappy days. I remember the days I prayed for this. I also am in gratitude that when I have a bad day, and my buttons are pushed, that I don't stay down long. I always have someone to share how I am feeling. I know what to do to heal and I take time for me. I write and I process and then I integrate what I have learned. Today, the "me too" last night - opened up the dialogue with so many of my sisters and brothers on Facebook. I read that it was Alyssa Milano who started it. I know a lot of conversations will be going on today. My wish is that healing happens for all of us. We no longer need to stay silent. God gave us a voice to share. "Me too" has never been more important. Remember, you don't need to share all the gory details. The healing is in the "me too" for then you feel that you are never alone. You never were. God has been here. He has been standing by cheering us on. He loves us so very much. He sent the angels to help us. Pray and ask for what you need. Here is the article if you are interested. How does this resonate for you? If you are a victim and need support please contact a doctor, mentor, teacher etc. I am always available to listen and guide. I have 32 years of Health Information Privacy and Integrity behind my name. I take it seriously and I am ready to be of service. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn" This is a quote made by Jim Rohn, motivational speaker and self-help guru that I totally agree with. When I decided I wanted to heal my life, I asked God to guide me to the right teachers, places, events, classes, retreats and experiences. Early on, I began to realize that my mom and my sister were the first two of my greatest teachers. My mom has taught me faith, trust in God, compassion, kindness, unconditional love and forgiveness. She has walked through her forgiveness work with grace and ease. She is strong and she is faithful. I am very grateful to have her in my life during this stage of my expansion. She has been here for me through it all. She has been my teacher, nurse, therapist, prayer warrior and so much more. Now she is a mayor and politics isn't a pretty business. She and I have had to navigate a lot of growth during these years and it hasn't been easy for me to watch her be tore apart. Thankfully she is wise and can handle it. Me not so much. I could never or will never go into politics! I also have gratitude to God that my sister is my first friend and continues to be my friend, cheerleader, confidante and barracuda when I need her to be one. She and I have the blessing of being able to say anything to each other and get mad and grow and heal and love. She is a vision of courage, strength, faith, love and so much more. She doesn't like me talking about her so I won't say much. Just suffice it to say I love her so very much and I am grateful God sent her to be my friend. He knew I would need her and I am so blessed. The next amazing person in my five, which you will see is a little more than five, is my mentor, teacher, guide Sunny. I am so grateful for her. She has helped me navigate some of the most pain I have ever felt. I love the kind of teacher she is. She is no drama. No b.s. and matter of fact. She is kind and she is love. She taught me to be the lighthouse. She taught me to shine my light. She taught me vulnerability is courage. She taught me to Invoke Angels and to love every moment of my life, for every moment has a lesson. She has brought to me the most amazing group of support that I can ask for. She has allowed me to remove my masks and show up ME! She taught me I am fabulous and that I am worthy and enough. She brought self love to my table of life and nothing has been the same. Because of her I have my spiritual business and every day I am of service!! You can contact her at The next teacher that I love is Crystal Andrus Morrisette...... Wow! This Goddess came just at the right time! Healing my inner little girl has been a trip I don't ever want to take again. Peeling back the layers in her groups has been raw and real. Meeting her in person was a blessing. She showed me that to fall down in your tribe is not weakness but strength. She taught me about my mother martyr archetype and other archetypes and has taught me to heal them to become an empowered Goddess!! She taught me that the Dalai Lama stated that the western woman will heal the world. She teaches about the emotional edge and takes you to the edge and doesn't allow you to fall.... she helps you open your wings!! She helps you fly! You can contact her at One of the next women I want to acknowledge is my Goddess teacher and friend Velva Dawn Silver. She came into my life when I needed to know how to ignite my inner flame and expand with ease and grace. She gifted me level one of her "Goddess Healing Matrix- Higher Priestess Practioner Course last year at this exact time ( Sept 2016) and I have found an energy and a strength within me that is palpable! I then went on to finish level two. I am very grateful to all the women she has brought into my life. She is holding level one in Nov and you can find out more on her website at The next teacher I wish to acknowledge is Karen Neuls. She is my reiki 2 teacher and has also taught me about compassion. She is supportive and I am very grateful to her. I love attending her events and learning and growing with her. You can contact her at This next woman is Brigitte Lessard-Deyell. She is the creator of WomenTalk and has been an entrepreneur who has spent her whole life supporting and empowering women. She is passionate about women having the opportunity to share their stories in a positive setting. She created these monthly events in Calgary and then spread out to Edmonton, Red-Deer, Medicine Hat, Canmore, Okotoks & Strathmore - all alberta towns for now! She is teaching me that by sharing your story you make your community stronger. She is also teaching me to be courageous and to share my story. She is an encourager and loves building her stage for women to talk. She is a powerful Goddess who inspires women to celebrate their feminine energy and to speak their truth. She is on the move and if you are interested in opening a chapter or speaking, you can apply at I look forward to my talk in Okotoks in 2018. Dates will be announced soon! I love this lady so much. She is an inspiration and attracts the most amazing women to talk and share and in turn shows us we are all more alike than different. I have been taught by some masters in the business. I have been blessed by Lady Oprah and having seen her twice. I loved being taught by Doreen Virtue and so many other great women. I am on a journey of healing and I wouldn't trade a minute, for during the broken feeling times, that is where the light entered me. I listen to my God, my guides, my angels and loved ones in spirit. I love my family. I love all of my teachers.
Even the ones that showed me the ugly parts of me... To those ones I say a sincere thank you for the lessons.... for I don't see them as tragic, I seem them as a blessing. I thank God for every single experience. I thank God for loving me no matter what. I thank God for my abundance and my health. I thank God for all my blessings that haven't yet arrived. I would love to hear from you. Who are your five? how did this blog resonate with you? do you want more information? message me. I love you. |
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