What is smudging? It is a universal practice and sacred ancient ritual of clearing and blessing spaces that is known among all religions throughout the world. Buddhist temples use incense sticks, catholic churches use frankincense, People of Indigenous backgrounds use sage and other herbs. Smudging your home is a very powerful way to clear stagnant energy to make way for clear, fresh energy to come in.
I love clearing and blessing my home. Today I used a powerful resin, (dried sap) copal, to clear and bless my home. Resins have long been known to be sacred and blessed. You may feel a sense of connection to God and a sense of well-being when using them. Copal is used for cleansing. Frankincense is known as it is one of the gifts given to Jesus at his birth. It is collected from trees belonging to the Boswella genus. It is said to also have anxiety decreasing properties. Amber is known to awaken the soul and balance your home and bodies energies. Some other resins you can use are dragon's blood (rattan palm tree), pinion pine, myrrh (also given to Jesus at his birth), and benzoin. Depending on which you feel guided to use and for what purpose, your home will feel much better and lighter. Popular substances to help are: Palo Santo-also known as holy wood - used to clear Sage-used to bless, cleanse Sweetgrass- known for attracting new energy cedar- protection, cleansing and protection. How to smudge?? Get a safe container such as a shell, clay pot, steel bowl etc, to collect burning ashes from your smudge item. Light it and create a smoke. Fan out the flames. It is the smoke that clears and blesses the space. Open your doors and windows to allow old energy to leave the area. Walk around your space and spread the smoke to where it is needed. You can clear the whole house or just one area. Start at the front door and go clockwise or how you feel guided. There is no wrong way to do it. As the smoke rises, our wishes and desires are sent to heaven. The smoke transmutes the negative energies back to love. You may extinguish the the smudge stick in a bowl of sand or put it out with a little bit of water. In the case or palo santo it goes out on its own and needs to be relit often. When you have gone around the entire home, say a final prayer of gratitude to God and your Divine Team for helping you clear the space. Envision the sun filling the house with tons of white light. The ritual is now complete. You can also clear your own or other person's energy in this way. As with all smudging please take care when performing as to not create fires or burn people or objects. It is a very sacred practice that when you practice and are consistent with, you will create a home and personal energy that is very high vibration. When I am going to smudge, I get everything ready and I set aside time and space to clear my area, my home, my body, my family. I invite in God, Archangel Michael, my guardian angels and guides to help me. Then I believe it is done. It is as simple as that. I also have prayers that I say: This is a powerful one from our book 365 Days of Angel Prayers that is available on www.sunnydawnjohnston.com I am available to help guide you to energetically clean and clear your space. I am doing them for a donation. You can do it but if you want me to do it, please ask. I can also clear a space remotely with prayers, reiki symbols and intention. So much love to all of you. Now booking june and july readings. [email protected] Giuliana xo
![]() Take them seriously. Do what you can when you can. Listen to them with your ears and your intuition. Allow them to be heard, seen and know they matter. And mostly? Call in professional help whenever you can. It takes a village to grow -we all need a tribe. We all wAnt to be seen, heard and know we matter. Yesterday my son shared that Tuesday night he had dark thoughts and wished he was no longer among the living. Naturally, as his mom, I said we needed to go to emergency. He was with his respite worker and he and I attended emergency together in support of my son. My only son who is my pride, my joy and my heart. The last few months haven't been easy. My son's special needs means that at times he can't share what is in his head or heart with adequate words. Sometimes he becomes overloaded. Never as much as this time.
You know, as a spiritualist and spiritual teacher/angel intuitive I watched energy and how it affected my boy. It was a powerful full moon on the 9th and the end of mercury retrograde and with COVID 19 - the fear in the collective is palpable. For a sensitive soul like Paulo Vincenzo Melo who became overloaded - I am actually proud of us for not brushing this under the rug and instead seeking professionals- To be on the frontlines of healthcare during COVID and to be a part of it for a moment was something I will never forget. There were so many blessings. My son is charming and his soul is good and innocent. He became overwhelmed and wanted help. I sit processing all of this and thanking God, my angels and all of you for the support. As I sat in ER for 12 hours and then this morning - I felt the love and prayers. I could FEEL them. I remained calm, I put my needs aside and prayed for his highest greatest good! His. Not mine. The dr said it never happens that she was on last night and again this morning. She maintained smooth energy. Not fragmented. The whole team is calm and super supportive. However I am going to give myself some credit for also remaining calm and only speaking from an observer and not overtly emotional. Having had Sunny Dawn Johnston as a teacher is helping me walk through all this life with ease, grace and gentleness. I know now I can ASK for help, love, support, prayers, energy and so many of you answered the call. I feel enormously blessed to have my Paulo jr as my son. He continues to be my greatest work. He is one of the most important blessings God entrusted me with. And although I cried for hours last night, with the morning came clarity and decisions I agree with. I trust the helpful people God is sending. I trust Paulo jr spirit and I trust God with my whole heart. I stayed present and kind. I nurtured people in the ER who asked me opinions etc. I silently blessed them and I was praying the whole time. I invoked thousands of angels. God was with me. And I’m so happy Paulo is home. Mental health is so important. Listen to your kids when they say they don’t feel good. Allow them to be heard. I love you all. Thank you again for allowing me to share and if I can support your journey, if you need an ear, message me to book an appointment to talk. What a wonderful day to be alive!!! The cold may have some people complaining, but not me!! I am grateful to be alive and I am grateful to be of service.
Today the angels guided me to talk a little bit about vibration and auras. Did you know that a weak aura will attract negativity? A STRONG vital aura will attract positivity and abundance. Your vibration (energy) is the frequency that your energy body resonates at. The higher your vibration, the more aligned and connected you will be with your true self and your great purpose that God has for your life. When your aura is strong and healthy, people, places and things that are not meant to be in your life will disappear. Allow them to go!! I thought that I would share some high vibe tips with all of you today. Maybe something will spark the fires within to allow yourselves to vibe higher even on a frosty cold day like we are having in Calgary AB today. Incidentally, our neighbours to the North, Edmonton, are having it 10 degrees colder than us!! and it is purported that Edmonton is colder than the North Pole today. OMG! So to get that energy and vibe up you can do these things today. Physically: - deep breathing - exercise - contact with water - singing - walking in nature - dancing Spiritually: -surround yourself in white light -pray -meditate -ask your angels, guides and archangel Michael to help you clear your aura and space -receive healing energy -ground and centre yourself Mentally: -positive thoughts/affirmations -gratitude journal -listen to nice music -watch a funny movie -laugh -create -visualize good things -associate with positive people -unfollow fb drama Some other things I did today was put my crystals in a crystal bowl and put them on my desk. I have put on essential oils. I am drinking lots of water. I am eating healthy. These are some great tips and tools to help you raise those vibes my friends. Remember this too shall pass. Today the angels bring this message: Note to yourself dear ones You can not control how other people receive or perceive your energy! Anything you do or say gets filtered through the lens of whatever they are going and growing through at that moment in time. It has nothing to do with you. You are only responsible for YOU. Just keep being and doing YOU with as much integrity, spirit and LOVE as possible. Today in my mentor's group we were discussing people pleasing. Please take back your power and don't allow anyone to disrespect you, talk down to you or abuse you in any way, shape or form. You are worthy! You are unique and you are so beloved to God. Love yourself to health! ( the name of my book) Copies of my book right now are $20 CAD with shipping included. If you would like one please pay here:paypal.me/GiulianaMelo and email me at[email protected] and I will send ASAP. Angel card readings via email and video are only $30 until the end of the month. Contact me to book www.giulianamelo.com/contact Have a beautiful and blessed day. May God bless you and keep you. Spring Time- A Time for Spring Cleaning and Clearing Clutter
It is a beautiful day in Calgary today. The sun is shining and the snow is melting. Winter left behind an abundance of litter strewn on the side of the streets. The above 0 temperatures make me want to open my windows and this time of year ignites within me the desire to clean my home and declutter my life. I have learned that this drive for orderliness in my life comes from my knowledge of energy flow. We can all feel the difference when we are in a clean room, versus a messy one. You can feel the difference between order and disorder in your home, desk, garage etc. Organization is a way of getting things in order. Before I walked through cancer in 2011, I was a neat fanatic. Now I know how that fanaticism kept me from manifesting my dreams desires and wishes. I became so fixated on order that I lost my spontaneity! I also learned that this was self -sabotage. It kept me from working on my happiness. I felt out of control inside me, so I cleaned outside of me for a semblance of control. Energy flows in all areas. When there are too many objects in an area, the flow of energy is obstructed (blocked). The effects of this can be physical fatigue, loss of ambition, difficulty concentrating, increased appetite and slow manifestation abilities. The angels guide us and help us get motivated to clear the clutter in our homes, offices and minds. Our home and work environments affect us on many levels. Clutter can erode our energy, block our energy and our abundance. The angels are available to help us. We must ask them for help. The angel who will help us is Archangel Jophiel. This is the angel of beauty, creativity and art. Her name means “Beauty of God.” She helps with manifesting more beauty in our lives, interior design and decorating, releasing, hope, joy and inspiration. Her colour vibration is bright yellow. She will help us release all that is no longer serving us. By clearing away the physical clutter, we feel better able to clear emotional clutter. What thoughts can you release? Journaling out what you want to let go of is of great help. Then ask the angels to help you release what you wrote out by burning the paper in a safe place. This process transmutes the old to new energy. Today you can intend to LET GO of stuff that is creating clutter in your house, heart, mind and world. Take ACTION by choosing one area to declutter:
With each item ask yourself this question…. Do I love it? Have I used it in the past year? If the answer is yes, then keep. If the answer is no, then decide to discard, recycle, sell or donate. AFFIRM: I am safe to release these items. JOURNAL QUESTIONS: Where in your “external” world do you hold the most clutter? Are you holding on to fear of not having enough money to replace the items should you need them further down the line? Are you hoping to lose weight to fit in the clothes from 10 years ago? What is one place I can clear and clean today to allow new energy in? To fill up, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers and bring the outdoors in. By doing this you can tap into the newness of spring energy. If I can be of service please contact me to book a reading/coaching session. Giuliana Melo Heal With Giuliana Melo www.giulianamelo.com The Solar Eclipse, The New Moon & The Power of Surrender!!!! TheUniverse truly has your back <38/21/2017 4. Ask for a sign and then use your gifts of feeling, seeing, hearing and knowing to listen in. Ask and you will receive - it is the law!! Say, "thank you Universe for showing me a sign that I indeed am on the right track. I know you are guiding me. Thank you and so it is. Our job is to listen and then take inspired ( in spirit) action. 5. When you think you have surrendered, surrender some more! I have pulled 3 cards for a surrender reading for all of us today. Here is a powerful meditation that Gabby had us do...sit with your palms facing up, resting gently in your lap, close your eyes and take a big deep in and release it.. call on the Universe to come and take from your mind, body and spirit all that you are willing to release and give away. Let it go. Surrender to the Divine. Connect to that part of you that is indeed Divine. Ask Creator " where would you have me go?" what would you have me do? what would you have me say? and to whom? thank you GOD. Thank you ..... thank you!!! and so it is. Take a deep breath in and release and then open your eyes. We all need an anchor and a foundation and the time is now, today to realign to a higher power in order to THRIVE in life. SURRENDER to a HIGHER POWER.. it is your connection to the UNIVERSE!! that is your true Power!! plug in for maximum energy!! vitality and strength! This eclipse will open a portal to Divine energy that will help you manifest your future! Keep your thoughts positive, and focus on what you want. The Universe will comply. Allow the energy of this new moon and solar eclipse to elevate you to higher dimensional energy. You deserve it!! You are capable to hold it.
Like Dr. Barbara De Angelis teaches; Take this time to contemplate and reflect on any spiritual or emotional "eclipses" that have been occurring in your life. Call upon the Light to illuminate any places within you that you need to see, heal and transmute into something higher. Today spend some time in prayer and meditation, focussing on what you want! What areas of your life are thriving and what areas are amazing!! This is what the Universe will bring more of. Pray for peace and always choose peace. You are a creation of the Divine... May this be a new beginning of the triumph of Light over Darkness, and Love over all that is not Love, in you, and in our world. Does this resonate with you? I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment or send me an email message. Love and blessings to each of you. Giuliana xo The 12 Universal laws
An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book "The Light Shall Set You Free"(1998). 1. The Law of Divine Oneness The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. 2. The Law of Vibration This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. 3. The Law of Action The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words. 4. The Law of Correspondence This Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world - energy, Light, vibration, and motion - have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. "As above, so below" 5. The Law of Cause and Effect This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we "reap what we have sown." 6. The Law of Compensation This Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. 7. The Law of Attraction This Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. 8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy This 8 out of the 12 universal Laws is a powerful one. It states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. 9. The Law of Relativity This Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative. 10. The Law of Polarity This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. 11. The Law of Rhythm This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. 12. The Law of Gender This last out of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 12 Laws of Karma (learned from powerofpositivity.com) Karma is the law of cause and effect – an unbreakable law of the universe. Your actions create your future. The reason your fate is never sealed is because you have free will. Therefore your future cannot already be written. Life gives you chances. 1.The Great Law: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”The simple explanation of the Great Law is: our thought and actions have consequences – good or bad. If we desire peace, love, harmony, prosperity, etc. we must be willing to act accordingly. Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us. This is also known as the “Law of Cause and Effect.” Also, energy (thought, action) that we put into the world has a consequence, immediate or not. 2. The Law of Creation: “What we desire comes through participation.”The life we see around us was created by a person’s intentions. As we are one with the Universe, our intentions determine the evolution of creation. Since what we surround ourselves with becomes part of us, it’s our responsibility to ensure these surroundings are conducive to our desires. Life does not happen by itself. We need to make it happen. 3. The Law of Humility: “Refusal to accept what is will still be what is.”Acceptance is a near-universal virtue in many belief systems. Simply put, we must first accept the present circumstances in order to change them. In focusing on the negative instead of making changes to address the negative, we’re committing to a zero-sum result. One must accept something in order to change it. 4.The Law of Growth: “Our own growth is above any circumstance.” The only thing we have control over is ourselves. The subsequent action (or inaction) of motive will yield either positive or negative circumstances in our lives. True change only occurs if we make the commitment to change what is in our heart. When we change ourselves our lives follow suit and change too. 5. The Law of Responsibility: “Our lives are of our own doing, nothing else.”When there is turbulence in one’s own life, there is often turbulence internally. If we’re to change our life, we must change our frame of mind and surroundings. We must take responsibility for what is in our lives. 6. The Law of Connection: “Everything in the Universe is connected, both large and small.”Our past, present and future are all connected. As such, we must put in the work to change these connections if we desire something different. No step – first, intermediate or last – is more important in the accomplishment of a task. All are required. The past, present, an future are all connected. 7. The Law of Focus: “One cannot direct attention beyond a single task.”Relating to our spiritual growth, we cannot have negative thoughts or actions and expect to grow spiritually. We must direct full attention to achieve any desired task. We cannot think of two different things at the same time. 8. The Law of Hospitality and Giving: “Demonstrating our selflessness shows true intentions.”Put simply: what we claim to believe must manifest into our actions. Selflessness is a virtue only if we’re accommodating something other than ourselves. Without a selfless nature, true spiritual growth is nearly impossible. Our behaviour should match our thoughts and actions 9. The Law of Change: “History repeats itself unless changed.”Conscious commitment to change is the only method of influencing the past. History will continue along an unconstructive path until positive energies direct it elsewhere. One cannot be present if they are looking backward. 10. The Law of Here and Now: “The Present is all we have.”Looking back regretfully and forward pointlessly robs oneself of a present opportunity. Old thoughts and patterns of behavior negate the present chance to advance ourselves. History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path. 11. The Law of Patience and Reward: “Nothing of value is created without a patient mindset.”Toiling away cannot be circumvented through wishful thinking. Our rewards are claimed only through patience and persistence, nothing else. Rewards are not the end-result. True, lasting joy comes from the knowledge of doing what’s necessary in the rightful anticipation of a reward that is well-earned. The most valuable rewards require persistence. 12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration: “The best reward is one that contributes to the Whole.”The end result is of little value if it leaves little or nothing behind. Energy and intentions are vital components that determine the significance of an end-result. Ideally, love and passion embody the motives of one that resolves to leave a lasting impression on the Whole. Rewards are a direct result of the energy and effort put into it. Many laws govern how we react and what comes to us, what we create and how we live our lives. Tap into these laws to live the highest energy life. Law of attraction states that everything that is ours is in the vortex. Our energy field. In order to bring it in we must be tapped in, tuned in and turned on. Its the law ;) Today, I can feel so much collective energy! I have never experienced this on this level before. It is something new to me because I am in tune with my body more than ever now. Being a feeler is a blessing, however I must be very mindful not to absorb energy that is not mine. Today I am grounding with Mother Earth and I am connecting to Source. I know what it is, so I am being lead by my spirit today. I am quieting my mind. I am breathing. I wrote this short piece. Enjoy it. When we quiet our mind, we can hear God, Goddesses, and the angels speaking with us. This is the pure voice of love that is for us and born in our hearts. It is the trustworthy guidance our human seeks. Be lead by love, compassion, faith and forgiveness. Trust in the process of life. Know all is well. You are spirit embodied with a connection stronger than steel! Remember you were born to do this!! ( Joan of Arc) During these times of frenetic energy, you have Divine support. You have your God spark in you. You are not weak. God, the Goddesses and millions of angels are here for you now. All you have to do is talk to them and ask them for support and ground to mother earth. Joan of Arc teaches us to lay down our armour and our old ways of fighting! She encourages us to send love, light and unity to all. When you feel your ego or that of those around you, ask her to help you shift your perspective and action into forgiveness and holding a space of loving transformation for that soul. This doesn't mean you agree with them, it means you can send love and remain neutral thereby staying centred, healthy and peaceful. Peace is what we all strive for. Peace begins with each of us. Affirm: I am not afraid of fear. I embrace it and I will expand my aura to the energy of infinity, becoming one with these lower energies while standing firmly in my intuitive leadership abilities. A simple grounding exercise is this. Place feet flat on floor. Breathe in deeply. Connect with:
Affirm: All is well. I am safe. Picture God's white light all around you. He's got you. He loves you. Thank Him for the love and support He provides. If I can be of service in any way, whether through coaching, a phone call to help you talk through what is on your mind, or angelic support through card readings you can email me at www.giulianamelo.com/contact This morning I was approached to clear a home space and so I was guided to create a post for it in case someone else wants to do it too. I am available to help if you need it.
I hope you find this post valuable and informative. I learned these valuable tips from a course by Denise Linn. Nikola Tesla teaches we are all energy, frequency and vibration. Every thing has energy. Humans, animals, furniture, the house, your ornaments etc. Clearing our energy and that of a home is as necessary as bathing. Bathing our body is actually cleansing our physical body and our auras with the element of water. Adding salt to the water further enhances the power of a clean aura. When would we clear the energy in the house? When the house or your personal energy feels heavy. You are getting sick a lot and generally don't feel well (out of sorts), with no medical conditions or have had a lot of people in your home. Some people call this process smudging, which is one way to clear the energy. I like to also do it when I move into a new home or if you are bringing home a new baby. The principal of clearing is to use tools, items to uplift and clear and vibrationally increase the energy of your home and you. After a clearing you and your home will feel happier, lighter and healthier. There will be a sense of peace and calm. These are 2 steps to clearing. 1. Preparation Ask yourself what kind of clearing are we going to do? what kinds of supplies to we need. Are we going to do a smoke clearing with sage, sweetgrass or a high vibrational spray for those allergic to smoke? are we using bells? drums? What is the intention that you want to set? do you want to clear it of negative energy and bring in love, light and joy? What is the end result you wish to achieve? Energy goes where intention flows. Setting intentions are the power behind the clearing. Do you want more safety? Peace? Assemble your items that you will use during the ceremony. Prepare an altar in a central location. This altar will hold and ground the energy of the clearing. It can include religious symbols of faith, flowers for nature element, candles for light, a rock to ground or other stone, water to purify. This is where you place and then bless all the tools used. Choose a cloth and colour for the altar that will help set the intention of the end result. For example, white for purity, red for passion, brown for earth and grounding, pink for more love, yellow for sunshine/light, purple for forgiveness of self - use your intuition to guide you. 2. Purification This is where you will invoke your God of your understanding, angels, guides and other members of your Divine Team and ask for the help necessary to clear the house energetically. It is really good practice to clean and clear the house of clutter before doing an energetic space clearing. Prepare a blessing tray with a bell, incense, vibe raiser spray, your sage etc. First spray cleanse your own energy before doing any of this. Have a salt bath or shower. Wear white clothes if you wish. If you are smudging the house with sage you can smudge or spray yourself. If using bells, ring them along the body, front and back for either method. Then go around the house, room by room in clockwise direction. Do so until you feel and hear a shift in the sounds and energy of each room. Allow your intuition to guide you, trusting in your Divine Team to do the work with you. When you come to the end of the house, bless the house and perform a figure of eight symbol to seal in the energy of light, love, joy, peace, safety. You can say this little prayer too. "God bless all who live and visit this home. Fill this home with love, light, joy, peace, health, laughter, kindness and compassion and all things good. Amen and so it is." To preserve and upkeep the energy of the house you may want to set up a permanent altar, sacred space or bring in a water fountain, feng shui cat, and other objects of love, light and faith that bring you joy. Play uplifting music or the gayatra mantra. Ensure to keep the house clean and clear. Open windows often and let fresh air in. Light candles to bring in light. Pray in the home. Tell the spirit of the house how grateful you are to have a house to live in. A roof over your head. Thank everything in the home. If you have junk in it that you don't love, get it out! Pronto! These are things you can use to keep the energy light.
To integrate all the energy in the house means to create a state of balance with the home and all its occupants, objects and surroundings in order to radiate love, joy, light and peace. Set clear and concise intentions in what you want to achieve in the clearing. What do you want the house to feel like and what do you want to feel living in it ? Use your intuition as it helps you sense where the energy is dense and needs to be cleared and then when you hear, feel, see and know it is done.. it is so. An Invocation, is to ask, call in, invite your God, angels, guides and Divine Team to help you clear out the old, negative, stale and stagnant energy. Be especially mindful to do the corners of each room. Remember the keys to clearing a space. You have the power of DOMINION over your space. Claim it. Proclaim it. One of my mentors says when your vibration is high, nothing negative can touch you. I believe it. She would say to "vibe higher!" Invite God into your life. Be light. Be love. Because in truth, that is who you are. You can clear the energy of the home anytime you FEEL you need to. You can also do a GREEN FIRE which is an effective easy way to cleanse the energy of a home. What you need for that is this.
Mercury Retrograde is 12-19, 2016 to 1-8, 2017. What is it? It is when it appears as though planets are moving backwards through the zodiac, then it is called “retrograde motion,” according to Almanac.com. Mercury does this three to four times a year. According to those who study astrology, when this happens people can experience confusion, frustration and delay. In the past, I used to be fearful of this energy. I am not any more. I have learned to ride the wave, slowing down, being mindful, breathing and being grateful. Mercury Retrograde can affect communication, travel and your electronics. These are some tips I have now to get myself through this amazing energetic time. 1. communicate clearly 2. take time to recharge, reflect, rest, relax, reflect, review, retreat. 3. be kind, loving, patient, tolerant, compassionate. 4. protect your energy. 5. ground to mother earth. 6. get fresh air 7. Eat well 8. drink your water 9. be grateful for your blessings 10. connect to God. this card is by Kyle Gray and he says it is important to know that you are so much more powerful than being in fear of this energy. Speak directly to the energy of Mercury (rather than resenting or fearing its consequences). Take time to thank Mercury for open and clear communication channels.
Reiki with God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Archangels Michael, Raphael, the Saints and Mother Mary
HEAL WITH GIULIANA MELO·TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016 Effective Immediately, I am shifting the way I conduct my practice. I am a firmly rooted Catholic Angel Intuitive- Goddess Empowerment coach. I am strongly guided to do Reiki and other Healing Energy sessions invoking the Holy Trinity. (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) as well as Archangels Michael and Raphael, the Saints and Mother Mary Energy. Reiki is Divine Life Force energy that comes from God. I am just the facilitator of the energy. Why a facilitator you ask? As a certified Reiki practitioner I am certified in process. This service will help those who wish to energetically align their chakras. I am a devout prayer warrior and can intercede on your behalf. I can help with physical, mental, emotional, spiritual healing. How does this differ from traditional Reiki? I will pray over you and I will invoke the MOST HOLY DIVINE Team and flow energy to you and over you. This energy is for your highest best good according to God’s will for your life. Experience the Grace and Favour of God through Divine Life Force Energy. Any questions please call me. I am certified level 2 Usui Reiki. These 30 minute sessions will be $50. book at www.giulianamelo.com |
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