Happy {almost} New Year!! 2020 is expected to be amazing! Here is a list of everything I personally do to make sure that every year is happier, healthier, more successful and more prosperous than the previous year!! I hope you enjoy this goodness from my heart & home to yours!!! ♥️🍾🎉😘 Before midnight on New Year’s Eve:
Important things to AVOID On New Year’s Day ❌Cleaning your house (it’s thought to sweep away blessings, luck & wealth) ❌Arguing or pettiness ❌Looking back (you’re not going that way!) ❌Speaking negatively, judging or gossiping ❌Cursing or mean words ❌Crying I wish each + every one of you the most AMAZING 2020 !! I am rooting for your success, happiness, health & big time LOVE!! Thank you for following my healing journey, sharing my posts & making my heart SO full of gratitude. I have never had more passion for my mission & I am so happy to share my love of healing with all of you!!! Much love, Giuliana Giuliano-Melo💋 (Adapted from Feng shui life) If I can be of service with a word reading for $20 or a year reading for $60 please let me know. A word reading helps guide your year with a set intention and a year reading helps support you all year long. GiulianaMelo.com
Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. The reason for the season for me is Jesus' birth and I don't take this lightly. I have been reciting the book of Luke in my prayer group since Dec 1 and there are 24 chapters. Tomorrow I finish the chapter and I rejoice at His birth after reflecting on His life. I know Jesus' love intimately as He is the one who saved me from a life of hell and ill health. He is the one who fills me up with light and love. I am very grateful to know and love Jesus. In His honour I would love to share a message from Him. If you don't know Him, know that He is Love. He is good and He is the way, the truth and the light. He says " Love one another; as I have loved you. (John 13:34) and to " Pray Always" (Luke 21:26). I have a prayer group that you can join here: www.facebook.com/groups/prayerswithhealwithgiulianamelo/ Prayer helps us in our time of need and in times of gratitude. The Divine listens and comes to our aid. Life is an amazing journey of learning, growing, healing and expansion. It is not always easy. There are times of great pain and times of great joy. As a spirit in a body, through the connection of our spirit we are never alone. It is my Christmas wish that you get to know God and our Holy Angels and that if you feel guided you will reach out to me to help you with your angel card messages. They provide so much support. It is really hard to put into words. You really have to trust me and give it a try. In 2015, I discerned my word for the year. It was Grace! By Grace I was healing. By Grace I was still alive. Grace was the card for today. The message is this: I am filled with the same beauty, poise and Divine perfection as all of God's creations. You are so very loved and cherished by the Divine. There is no other you and He loves you so very much. Learn to love yourself because you are worth it. When you love yourself as much as God does then you heal on a level that you can call a miracle. Health is wealth and God wants us abundant. Do you have a word for 2020? Words help provide direction. I am so blessed that my clients asked me to be of service during the month of December with word readings. Providing these words allowed me to stay in a high energy and connected with the angels. I would love to provide them for you too. The are regularly $30 and I will do them up until January 15th for $20.
Pay here and then I will email them to you asap. www.paypal.me/GiulianaMelo I would love to thank all of my past clients and friends for the love and support during 2019. I appreciate every single one of you. I look forward to being of service in 2020. Please have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday Season and a Great New Year!!! Today's the day!!!
Dear Friends, I am overjoyed with excitement because it’s LAUNCH DAY for my new book, Kindness Crusader! We have put together a beautiful, inspiring day for you! We are having a HUGE party with so many fun prizes to giveaway at the Launch Party on our Facebook page I do hope you will join us in all the fun happening on our Facebook page, please come meet some of the authors! Join the party here: https://www.facebook.com/Kindness-Crusader-411011716114896/ It’s our goal to reach best-seller status today! Here’s how you can help. 1. Purchase your print copy of Kindness Crusader 2. AND Download the eBook version (it’s FREE today only!) 3. After you received your copy or downloaded the eBook version, your Amazon review would mean the world to me! Here are some of the items you could win at the party today: Meditate Hat- $25 Value Psychic Readings- $60-145 Value Yoga Nidra (virtual or in person) - $75 Value Wisdom Quest, 90 min Shamanic Journey to connect with wisdom, insight, and intuitive guidance (virtual session) - $125 Value Personal Mermaid Reading - $40 Value A Variety of card decks - $18 Value Each Pet reading - $76 Value Angel card readings- $40 - $65 Value Quiet Mind Meditation $19.99 Value Kindness Crusader Package - $15 Value Starbucks gift card - $30 Value 3 greeting cards made from Maggie's photography, suitable for framing - $15 Value Bundle of 3 coaching sessions with or without the horses - $300 Value Online Course Seven Steps to Joy- $ 200 Value Set of 5 handcrafted cards - $15 value A Variety of Books- $20 Value Each Reiki session or Equine coaching session- $65 Value Linen Mist of Serenity - $8 Value 1-hour coaching session - $100 Value Here’s how it works: 1. Like our FB page, this is where the party is! - https://www.facebook.com/Kindness-Crusader-411011716114896/ 2. Purchase and download your books here: US – t.ly/8zLK1 Canada-t.ly/M6vb1 3. Enter to win here: www.KindnessCrusader.com Thank you for sharing in this special day with me! My chapter is week 44! Read about how I was inspired to create KindnessCrewCalgary Society Ltd. A charity that I founded in 2015. To date we have donated hundreds of blessings bags to the homeless. IF you are interested in helping us or seeing what we do, please check out my page here:www.giulianamelo.com/kindnesscrewcalgary.html I want to take this moment to thank my Crew!!! In gratitude, Giuliana Melo |
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