On thursday Sept 21, I embarked on my latest healing retreat with my mentor and teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston in Sedona, Arizona.
Sedona is a magical area with red rock mountains, vortexes, sacred sites and the most amazing energy. I have been on two other healing retreats in Sedona at the Briar Patch Inn that has individual cabins, but this year she rented a house for us where all eighteen of us could stay together under one roof. You can see it here : youtu.be/rbs_a-QS5rs You might be wondering what a healing retreat entails... well with Sunny she tells us that she shows up as much as we do. That means that we have to dig deep to heal our wounds of the past. This time we were focussed on healing parts of our inner little girl, feelings about money and worthiness, setting intentions, letting go of our masks and creating new stories. The retreat ran from Thursday through Sunday with an extra day at the front and back. I didn't attend the VIP day on Wednesday, but did attend the chillin day on Monday. This allowed me and the others who chose this wrinkle, to have dinner with Sunny and her team on Sunday night and then go out and listen to some live music. It was so much fun! Being a part of Sunny's community for the past five years means I was blessed to know eight of the attendees from past groups and retreats. It was like a reunion as well as a retreat. I attended because I knew I had more forgiveness work to release and I needed to get clarity on my next best step. Sunny is an amazing teacher and together with her soul musician, assistant/reiki Goddess and technical support/massage therapist facilitates an amazing experience. This year we had the bonus of a personal chef and helper. She created the most delicious food ever. I enjoyed every moment. Even the moments where I ugly cried and released old pain. When we move out energy it is imperative to fill up, so to do so we danced, sang karaoke and laughed like kookoo birds. We visited the Amitaba Stupa and Airport vortex. I love healing with this team. It is hard work but the payoff is huge. I love this team and the community it attracts so much. I come home feeling lighter in my spirit. I am grateful for the work they do. I am grateful to God that as a student I was ready for this beautiful teacher. They have given me so much. They have helped me so much. I thank every one of the team and ladies who attended with my whole heart. Thank you for helping me find and grow my wings. If you would love your own angel card reading please contact me. If you would love to learn more about healing please contact me. I am happy to be of service. If you would like to learn more about Sunny and her team, her work etc you can find her at www.sunnydawnjohnston.com
![]() Since I had Paulo jr 19 years ago, I have taken my role as a parent very seriously. I know I am his mom, but I am also his voice when his isn't being heard. I am his advocate, his protector and his guide. When Paulo jr was diagnosed by the medical profession with Autism spectrum tendencies, ADHD, asthma, eczema and allergies I knew that he was a very sensitive old soul. I have made it my mission to learn and grow and help him become the best version of himself. He is so talented and smart. I knew he was special. I never wanted to label him as I know labels are better suited for cans! When I was sick and walking through cancer, Paulo jr developed epilepsy on top of everything else. According to the emotions behind the disease, epilepsy means that he was in fear and out of balance with life! No kidding!! He was in fear he was going to lose his mom. I knew that I my walk through cancer I had a choice to stay in earth school or not. It would have been very easy to give up hope and wither away and die. However, my beautiful son was the inspiration for HOPE!! I wanted to live. This morning I was reminded that on the day of my first surgery, I had a hard time coming to, and that my Oxygen levels were altered. I remembered that at that moment I had choice. An exit point was presented and I told God I wanted to stay. I knew I had more work to do on the planet. I also now know that I am meant to learn and grow and help my son even more. I need to provide the right tools for him to stay healthy. Sunday I am going to a workshop put on by two new friends, Deb Weinberger and Nola Peacock and also with Cindy Smith. Their workshop is entitled "Honouring our Sensitive Kids". It is being held at the Sheraton in Calgary and is for both the kids and the parents. Here is the link:www.honoringoursensitivekids.com How do you know if your kid is sensitive too?
Are they? 1. ~very sensitive? 2.~struggling with worry or anxiety? 3.~ do they have sensitivities or allergies? 4~are they often unhappy or stressed? Like the ladies state: We are seeing a significant increase in anxiety, sensitivities, allergies, unhappiness and physical ailments in our youth. Through social media, our kids are exposed to much more fear based energy. With some simple tools and strategies, kids and adults alike can protect themselves and feel empowered, confident and happier. Join me Sunday morning or at 1:30 to 5 at this amazing workshop! We need to help our kids. I also wanted to make time to share with you what I have learned about our sensitive kids. We all have gifts deposited within us. We are all either clairvoyant, clair sentient, claircognisant, clairaudient or clairfragrant. Our kids are too. They often share that they are playing with their imaginary friends. ( they are not imaginary!! they are seeing their team of angels and guides!!). They also will share that they see their grandparents who are in spirit. The veil to the spirit world is very thin the younger we are. It is up to us to nurture this gift within them and not shut it down. These kids are very sensitive to the energy of others. They can feel the emotions of others. Especially kids who are autistic! These kids feel so much and if they absorb all that yucky energy it can make them sick. They are sensitive to their surroundings. I know Paulo jr gets overstimulated when in large crowds. This is why he loved to be involved in sports that he was alone and not in group athletics. Loud noises often would send him over the bend. A lot of these kids need to wear ear protection. Intuitive kids need alone, quiet time to recharge every day. I remember that they also use to guide him to carrying heavy packages of paper around to help ground him. I wish I had known then, that putting him in the grass would have helped. And to teach him then how to be like a tree and imagine roots from his feet growing deep into the ground!! I taught him now. Paulo jr has great instincts about people. This is another trait of a sensitive kid. I always trusted him and never kept respite workers that didn't resonate with him. To this day I honour and respect his voice in this matter. They know when people are lying to them and are not being sincere and really don't have their best interest at heart. He can see right through people. I love that about him. He is so amazing that even though he was only 6 months old when my Uncle Vince passed away, he knows he is available in spirit to help guide him and support him and he feels safe knowing it. What I find super amazing is that one of Paulo's first words was MICHAEL!!! not mama or dada, but MICHAEL!! I knew from the beginning that a part of my son's spiritual guidance team was Archangel Michael!! How cool is that!!! My son and sensitive kids also love love love animals and babies!! They exude love when around them. They love their beautiful unconditional love energy and heal when around animals. I know that empathic kids love being home in the safety of their surroundings. On days when he needed to stay home, I would allow it. Of course I would gently guide him to make the right decision for him, but if he knew he would get into trouble at school because he was having a hard time with emotions then I allowed him his quiet time. I loved those days of just me and him. Often we would have lunch or supper dates. I cherish those days. Sensitive kids often have sleep issues. I know it is sure true for my son. He sleeps as though with a werwolf. He sleeps upside down and often if I get up in the middle of the night and check on him, his head is hanging off the bed!!! He doesn't sleep well. He talks in his sleep. When he was younger he also had night terrors. Most times, sensitive kids have such an active brain that they are very creative! Being intuitive is a right brain function while being analytical is a left brained function. When these kids are creative it is because they are using their right brain. They are often very happy when doing art, painting and colouring. They have a very gifted imagination. You may be asking if your kid needs support and how to - well come to the workshop is a great step in getting educated. Come learn with me and the facilitators. Honour the kids and their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Allow them to be heard. Encourage them to trust their gut and listen within. These special children are often referred to as Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. I am still learning and hope to blog more about this in the future. I hope you know that God entrusted us to parent these amazing beings!! we are very blessed. If you found this blog helpful or are going to join us at the workshop let me know by leaving a comment below. As always I am ready to be of service with angel messages and have a special right now. $30 gets you a beautiful email message. I love you all. Giuliana With all the forest fires burning in BC, I found this message very poignant right now.
" It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke, and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell." James 3:5-6 the message. As children of God, we can use our mouths and the power of our words to heal relationships or destroy them. The Scripture above shows how major problems are birthed by something as simple as wrong words- a tiny spark can cause an entire forest to catch fire, just a single word can hurt many people. Once we have said something, we cannot take it back. We must be very careful about what we say. If you have said unkind things, apologize, seek forgiveness, and begin to use the right words in your life and your relationships. POWER THOUGHT: I am very careful about what I say because my words have power. Last January 2016, I said something I should not have. As a child of God and as a good person, I apologized, not only once, but three times. I have forgiven myself and I have moved on. I have left this at the foot of the cross with Jesus, however I have not been forgiven by these people who are close to my husband. I have done a lot of work to heal and show up a better person. I am very careful of what I put out now. My intention is to heal, not harm. I am human with a soul that is perfect, whole and complete. I stand in my power and I do my work to heal. I will no longer be a doormat. Some people are so used to me always being the peacemaker and as such I never used my voice. Part of the lesson from this was an unkind word that was said that set off a series of lessons. In January 2018 it will be two years since my sisters in law decided that I was no longer worthy of their care. The thing is, now that I love myself I see that I had to love me enough to keep walking forward. God is in control and my hands are off the wheel. I am learning the power of forgiveness, compassion, faith, trust and unconditional love. These are the five lessons of earth school and some of us are more advanced in learning than others. I have had to learn to live a spirit based life full of love. I have had to be like a tree and let the dead leaves fall. It has been a journey of great expansion. I have had great teachers!! They taught me that being selfish isn't really a bad thing. In fact- it is a blessing!! Now I love me so much!! I will never go back to the old way of life. Once you expand and grow you are forever changed. What has changed, however, is my husband's clarity. He is seeing in a whole new light and our relationship is better than ever! Thank you God. So like this fire burning out of control, make sure that your sparks ( words) heal and not harm. Give the relationship over to God and allow him to work on the hearts of all the people involved. Let go and let God. A Course in Miracles teaches that you can have a grievance or you can have a miracle. You can not have both!!! I choose miracles. Thank you God for all my blessings!! I am a very rich woman!! I am rich with love. I am rich with faith. I am rich with trust. I am rich with my family. I am rich with friends. I am rich with teachers. I am rich with knowledge. Does this blog resonate with you? Would you love to chat with me over tea and perhaps pull some angel card messages? or messages from Jesus? let me know. I love you all. I leave you with this: Ho'oponoponoI Love You, I'm Sorry, Forgive Me, Thank You!!! What an amazing summer I have had!! It is said, 'when the student is ready the teacher appears.' I am so glad that Sunny Dawn Johnston is my teacher, mentor and friend. This summer she facilitated two amazing Facebook live healing groups. The first one was the 22 Day Re-boot, Re-start, Re-Connect and started on July 1. Even though it was Canada Day, I tuned in at 730 am and then did my homework before enjoying all the days festivities . That first day Sunny reminded us healing is not only what we eat, drink and how we move our body, but it is also what we are thinking and how we are feeling and how we are being affected by our thoughts, feelings and emotions. This was no ordinary group. It was a group dedicated to the mind, body, spirit connection and each day would be dedicated to one of those areas. This day was 'appreciation appreciates.' Being grateful brings more things into our lives to be grateful for. It was a great start. I love being appreciative and grateful. The following 21 days were dedicated to areas such as body movement, meditation, releasing the stinking thinking, hydration, maintaining our energy etc. It was a fabulous 22 days! Very soon after the first group ended, we wanted and were ready for more!! That's when Sunny announced that she would be facilitating another group this time 22 days Body Revival group. Again it was Facebook live.
Day one was the body and remembering that it is our best friend! WOW!!! I had never considered my body my best friend. In fact, most of my life I have hated this body! No wonder it hated me back by hanging onto a lot of fat energy. She also reminded us that we have fat, we are not fat!! Just like we have fingernails and that we are not fingernails. I contracted to fall in love with me!! I gave love freely, however I never treated myself well. My self talk was bad!! I belittled myself. I spoke badly to myself. I would never let her off the hook!! Sunny taught me that it was ok to forgive myself for what was done in the past as I deserved it. She taught me to always choose peace and to move on with Grace. She said I am worth it!! She encouraged me to expand and grow and heal some more. Some days were very intense. As we peeled back those layers, some were more painful than others. I realized that I have allowed a lot of crap in my life. I became aware of an old pattern of giving my power away because at my root I want to be loved. This realization brought me to my knees. I cried and mourned for days. I wondered if I had settled in my life in areas of career and relationships. However I then knew that I was where I was because of all the choices I had made. I had to be ok with it and again decide what I wanted moving forward. During this time, I again visited a surgeon about my post cancer surgery hernias. I have 2. Again they told me I carry tooooo much weight and I would have to release the weight before I could be considered for surgery. Recognizing that I am menopausal and the true emotions behind my diseases I told the Drs that I would go to the weight management clinic and see the dietician, however I am not really on board to have weight loss surgery. I don't believe cutting my stomach out is of my highest best good. No! I am going to RELEASE the weight ( the energy) of all the past pain. I am letting go of old people, places, and things that no longer are meant to be in my life. I know that as an empath I have absorbed a lot of other people's thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is time to become healthy!! Mind, body and spirit. I have been doing very well in the mind, and the spirit areas, however I knew innately this year would be when the body area became more in alignment. You see, I no longer feel the Julie that carries all the extra weight!! I feel like a Giuliana who is healthy in all areas. Who is in alignment with God and her Divine vessel - the body! So with my amazing teacher, I embark on personal mentoring and a journey of releasing. At the end of this journey it will be time to write about my life. The beautiful journey God is helping me with. The beautiful journey that I chose as a spirit embodied. I have never had such an amazing Summer as this one. It started when Sunny came and did Angels and the Afterlife day in June, and then in July we did the Re-boot, and August was the Body Revival. In between the healing I had so much fun!! Paulo and I celebrated 30 years of marriage!! Paulo, Paulo jr and I galavanted all over BC. We went to Fernie, Oliver and Vancouver. We saw Kenny Hess perform and I celebrated 35 years Reunion with my high school classmates. I learned what a true friend is and I learned who my teachers are. I thank this particular teacher, and all the ones before her. I thank God for my intuition and my guidance that is keeping me healthy. The best part of this summer is releasing 9 pounds of old energy!! I am so very proud of myself and this has motivated me so very much. This time I do it all for me.... because I am worth it. I am a child of God and I will rise up like the goddess within me. I love this life. I love my faith. I love my family and I love my friends. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me. I am ready and I am open to receive all my blessings. Oh yes. I finally love M E!!! If you want to heal, become your own best friend. Seek within. Trust yourself. When you trust within, you are trusting God and that ancient wisdom that comes from Source and you will always stay on the right path. The path for your highest best good. If I can be of service with your own angel or goddess guidance messages, please message me or email me at [email protected]. I love me and I love you and I super love GOD. Angel blessings. Giuliana |
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