Avon, Indiana couple, Ken and Lisa Peplow, recently hosted a Santa and Mrs. Claus Food Drive Walk for the children in their neighborhood. A few years ago the Peplows bought the costumes as a fun way to visit their four small grandchildren and afterwards they decided to further utilize them for charitable events. The couple posted in their Facebook Subdivision Group encouraging families to take a walk past their home from 6-6:30 pm Friday evening to receive a big wave from Santa himself! They also offered the opportunity to donate non-perishable food items for the Project Angel of Avon Food Pantry. The event resulted in a nice large box full of donations. After the recommended 6’ social distancing announcement they chose to continue their efforts by inviting the children of the Woodcreek Crossing subdivision to write a letter to Santa with one question, take a picture, and email it to Santa’s super secret email, and then Santa personally replied. With this they also continue to offer the opportunity to donate to the basket on the Peplow’s porch. Mrs. Claus/Lisa Peplow stated “We hope this inspires others to think outside the box regarding what they can offer in their community. Simply placing a donation box on your front porch and letting others know it is there is one way of taking simple action that can assist in creating valuable solutions.” To contact Lisa, you can do so on her facebook page at GO out and BE the change you wish to see in the world. I can't wait to start this here and see where it takes us. Share your photos with us by #4@GoodClaus on Facebook. I want to thank Lisa for allowing me to be the FIRST to share this exciting movement with all of you.
Most of you know that I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Yesterday, the City of Calgary declared a state of emergency and closed all the schools, post secondary education centres and many other public places.
this COVID-19 is very serious. I am very grateful that our government is doing it's best to flatten the curve. You see, in Alberta we only have 527 ventilators. When the worst hits, we want to ensure the most amount of serious cases will be helped and saved. I have read all kinds of people complaining today. I get it. I really do. As an empath, I FEEL energy. And it hits me in waves. I am fine and then I feel nauseas and know that I absorbed something. I am using my tools, however we need to up the process of protecting our energy, maintaining our energy, clearing our energy and grounding our energy. I had a salt bath and I did my meditation, and I say prayers, however lately I need to write to move energy. My yoga classes have been cancelled and so I need to set the intention to be even more disciplined in doing my yoga and moving my body. I clean when I am nervous and I foresee that my already clean house is going to get even cleaner. It is still cold and slippery outside so I am not venturing out to move my body today. Maybe another day. I can't risk falling as our healthcare system is already at capacity. I learned that last week when my son was there. To say I am mindful of the current state of affairs is an understatement. There is no toilet paper to be found and we tried cutting paper towel into smaller rolls and it didn't work.... I guess wipes it will be. A small price to pay if we remain healthy. Today the angels brought a message to POUR your hearts out to them.... They say that they are here for us. Do you know your angel? When you feel upset and scared, take the time to write it out to them, speak to them as you would a good friend. Tell them everything. This is a great process that has so much therapeutic benefit. Allow your fear, acknowledge it and then let it move through you. The angels are strong enough to handle what ever you tell them. They will support you with no judgement. Affirm: My angel of God is with me. I will get to know it. I will pour my heart out to my angel as I would a best friend as my angel is my best friend always in all ways. Amen and so it is. Here is a prayer to your guardian angel: Angel of God, my guardian dear To whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide AMEN. I want to make sure you all know that I can help you bring through your angels messages via the phone, or video messenger are the funnest, and email works too. Your angels want you to connect to them. I also want to remind you that FAITH is not cancelled. HOPE is not cancelled. and mostly LOVE is not cancelled. Also that conversations, relationships, songs, reading books and self care is not cancelled. Lean into the good stuff that remains. Mother earth is cleansing. This is necessary to RESET the collective. go with the flow. trust the process of life. Stopping non-essential social contact is NECESSARY now. Do not take a lassé faire attitude. People will die. Make sure it isn't you. Wash your hands often, clear your thoughts when they are negative by journalling and keep an open heart. Help your neighbours and do what you can to stay safe and healthy. Eat well, hydrate and move your body. Work from home when you can. We are all in the same boat. There is uncertainty and we will all get through it TOGETHER. God says, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The SUN will come out tomorrow. As I am writing this I can hear my angels saying "Giuliana, tell the people to do what they thought they had no time for- do it NOW" Take this time as a gift. Don't worry about the money, have faith. Life is unfolding. The Divine has us and we are being called to get to know them NOW. " To close I leave you with this "And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested and exercised and made art and played games and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, int he absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways. The earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices and dreamed new images and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed" this is by Kitty O'Meara on FB. I am here for you. follow me on FB for daily uplifting posts and FB lives. Remember this GOD DOESN'T WANT YOU FILLED WITH FEAR... HE WANTS YOU TO BE FILLED WITH FAITH!! My friend Carol CC Miller said this today:Thank you Carol C C Miller for this. I agree. We must be safe Physical distancing is about spreading LOVE, kindness, and compassion for others and not about spreading fear. I am physically distancing not out of fear, but out of LOVE. It's about slowing down the spread of COVID-19 to help our health care providers stay on top of those who need their attention the most. It's about keeping those safer who will have far more serious consequences if they do contact the virus than the majority who may not have any symptoms or mild ones. Pray to your God, Universe, Source - whatever it is you call your higher power and as you pray... THANK that source for providing human form miracle workers in our doctors, nurses, health care community and others on the front line for doing their jobs. Be safe. Be healthy. Be at home if you can. ——————-- I add - please pray - ask angels for help - stay calm - clean your hands- clear your heads - breathe and connect with each other via other means. Stop Non- essential contact and Be a lighthouse! ![]() Take them seriously. Do what you can when you can. Listen to them with your ears and your intuition. Allow them to be heard, seen and know they matter. And mostly? Call in professional help whenever you can. It takes a village to grow -we all need a tribe. We all wAnt to be seen, heard and know we matter. Yesterday my son shared that Tuesday night he had dark thoughts and wished he was no longer among the living. Naturally, as his mom, I said we needed to go to emergency. He was with his respite worker and he and I attended emergency together in support of my son. My only son who is my pride, my joy and my heart. The last few months haven't been easy. My son's special needs means that at times he can't share what is in his head or heart with adequate words. Sometimes he becomes overloaded. Never as much as this time.
You know, as a spiritualist and spiritual teacher/angel intuitive I watched energy and how it affected my boy. It was a powerful full moon on the 9th and the end of mercury retrograde and with COVID 19 - the fear in the collective is palpable. For a sensitive soul like Paulo Vincenzo Melo who became overloaded - I am actually proud of us for not brushing this under the rug and instead seeking professionals- To be on the frontlines of healthcare during COVID and to be a part of it for a moment was something I will never forget. There were so many blessings. My son is charming and his soul is good and innocent. He became overwhelmed and wanted help. I sit processing all of this and thanking God, my angels and all of you for the support. As I sat in ER for 12 hours and then this morning - I felt the love and prayers. I could FEEL them. I remained calm, I put my needs aside and prayed for his highest greatest good! His. Not mine. The dr said it never happens that she was on last night and again this morning. She maintained smooth energy. Not fragmented. The whole team is calm and super supportive. However I am going to give myself some credit for also remaining calm and only speaking from an observer and not overtly emotional. Having had Sunny Dawn Johnston as a teacher is helping me walk through all this life with ease, grace and gentleness. I know now I can ASK for help, love, support, prayers, energy and so many of you answered the call. I feel enormously blessed to have my Paulo jr as my son. He continues to be my greatest work. He is one of the most important blessings God entrusted me with. And although I cried for hours last night, with the morning came clarity and decisions I agree with. I trust the helpful people God is sending. I trust Paulo jr spirit and I trust God with my whole heart. I stayed present and kind. I nurtured people in the ER who asked me opinions etc. I silently blessed them and I was praying the whole time. I invoked thousands of angels. God was with me. And I’m so happy Paulo is home. Mental health is so important. Listen to your kids when they say they don’t feel good. Allow them to be heard. I love you all. Thank you again for allowing me to share and if I can support your journey, if you need an ear, message me to book an appointment to talk. FEAR- the acronym is forget everything and run or face everything and rise. the oxford dictionary says FEAR is: noun. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. ... something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension; something a person is afraid of: Cancer is a common fear. Lately with all this coronavirus in the news, being an empath, I am having an interesting time grounding myself and staying in trust. Most of you who know me, know that I am a prayer girl. I believe in God and I believe in trusting that God has my back. I believe in angels and I believe in asking them for help. However, this full moon, end of mercury retrograde, fear in the collective and not feeling good today, has me breathing through some anxiety. I woke up yesterday with an ingrown toenail that is infected and a boil in my female region and today I woke up, stood up and blood came pouring out my nose. To say I had fear, is an understatement. So I pulled out my Inna Segal book, THE SECRET LANGUAGE of YOUR BODY and all these symptoms are anger. I have been having a hell of a time parenting lately and I believe my body is talking loudly. I have been sitting on going on a trip to the USA and today it all came flooding through and I actually cried. I allowed myself the emotions that came and then got to work to heal myself. I have been soaking my foot in salt for 3 hours. I have taken my antibiotics, I am doing my affirmations for health and I am envisioning myself in perfect health. And then I get the news that Italy is on lockdown as we speak. DAMN fear tries to set in again... so then I think, G you have to go write and move some energy. I can't do my yoga today as I am in so much pain. So I am resting and allowing the energy to move through me. That is what healing is. It is acknowledging what the heck is going on in the mind, body and spirit and then pulling out your tool box and doing things to help yourself. Some things that my angels told me today are: ~be mindful when in public and only go out when you have to, need to. ~Avoid large crowds as much as you can right now. ~wash your hands often. ~don't touch your face or nose. This weekend I stocked up on my mutivitamins, vitamin c and zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, and my B12 because I am deficient. I am drinking lots of water and tea and I have 3 bottles of protection blend essential oils. I am going to set the intention to eat as many superfoods as I can and eat at home rather than order in or eat out. These are very mindful times and we are going to need to stick together and talk our angels often to help us stay connected to God ( trusting God ), grounded to the earth, (allow Mother Earth to take what no longer serves us) and allow my body to return to health. I know that emotions play a HUGE part in wellness. As I process this healing, I know how much my angels and God want to help. That is why I love doing the work I do. I connect each day to God in gratitude and prayers. I ask my angels for support, I move my body to move energy, I process through my emotions and I know how being connected in a tribe of support helps. In fact, Monday March 16th I am facilitating a 7 day MEDITATION event in a private group on FB. It is only $11 and is payable to or in Canada you can etransfer me at [email protected]. Direct deposit. I would be happy to help you with a meditation practice. In our group I will also do daily angel guidance and provide love and support. Choose you and join me. I would love to have you. In fact, make a promise NOW and join me in the group... it is only $11! Some ways to increase your energy are:
Some ways to clear your energy are:
I am happy to serve you. Now, online, video messenger and phone are going to be powerful ways to connect us to help us get through these times. I trust that our souls picked this time to journey, knowing that we could get through it without losing our shit. I do have a prayer group and I do pray. Pray in a way that feels good to you too. Today to close, I offer this prayer from our book 365 Days of Angel Prayers. Prayer for Good Health By Elizabeth Harper Archangel Raphael, I am open to receive your emerald ray of healing light, ready to be healed on all levels of my being, and willing to let go of anything that stands in the way of good health. Help me to release all patterns within my consciousness that create illness and dis-ease. Guide me to find the right healing modalities to draw on for optimum health. Direct me to the foods that will best serve my pursuit of good health and happiness. Give me the courage to realize that I am worthy of living a healthy and healed life. I am healthy. I am whole. I am healed. Thank you! And so it is. Indeed and so it is. I am sending you all so much love, light and blessings. I am open to prayers too. If you need me or want to book an appointment please email me: [email protected] #movemybody30 chair 🪑 and floor yoga 🧘♀️this morning. Last night my Instructor, Robyn, had a chair ready for us. This was the first time in a class that I got to use a chair. I have tried chair yoga before on my own, but it sure helped having a teacher show us what to do. So this morning, I decided that I would do it at home. Being overweight, did you know it is OBESITY AWARENESS DAY today? it is....doesn't mean unable. Being obese doesn't mean that you are incapable of moving your body. So many of us give up. I had! and I got sick and nearly died.. I truly know what it means to be fat, sick and nearly dead. After cancer I said no more... I set my intention to heal. I was so weak. I had very little strong muscle tone. I hated my body and I did not want to move. I wanted to sit in front of the tv and feel sorry for myself. However, by the Grace of God and my intention, and a gentle kind encouragement from our SDJ and the #moveyourbody30 movement, I am getting stronger. 2 years ago this summer, I got my bum into yoga and I haven't looked back. With each class, I fall a little more in love with myself and the muscles that are forging themselves through the fat! Restorative is my great joy and I set my intention to share it with the world. Just because you have a BIG body, doesn't mean that you can't still move it move it!!! You can regain your BEST body inside and out. Find a teacher you love, Robin Harned was my first teacher, then Meaghan Fettes, then Lisa and Rachel. And now I have a new Robyn that I just paid for classes until the end of June. I am committed to me. I hope that you will join me and the #moveyourbody30 movement. I am here cheering you on!! Can you hear me cheering for you???? GO FOR IT.. 📸Paulo Vincenzo Melo photo credit. Then guess what was in my email this morning?? you guessed it.. chair yoga course by daily om. That my friends is validation!! I am moving this body. I am getting stronger, feeling better and I am ready for new experiences. Are you ready? Need support? Talk to me. Book an appointment to chat. I can bring through messages to support you. Happy March everyone! Today I come to you to share one of my offerings... angel card parties!! As an angel intuitive, I can come to YOU! Whether it is a sorority event, jewelry party, birthday, shower (wedding, baby, engagement) etc. I can add value to your event! This weekend I was invited to perform readings to the guests of my friend Nikki who hosted a jewelry party! It was so much fun! I charge a set amount per hour and I can do as many guests as time allows. Angel energy is so fun. I can also bring goddess, fairy, dragon, and other decks.
I have done them in person and online. If you might be interested, please contact me for more information. I am so happy to be of service. [email protected] |
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