Joy is the highest expression of love. Joy is a very high energy. According to the dictionary it is A. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness, or an instance of such feeling. B. An expression of such feeling. Or also defined as the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying. Keen pleasure, elation. I am finding that the world has such a dense energy surrounding it with the war, strife, negative energy etc, that we must be intentional in finding and creating our joy! Joy is one of the highest vibrations and bringing more joy into our lives brings healing. The Divine reminds us that JOY is everywhere and it is up to us to tap into it. They strongly encourage us to find joy in each day. Create space each day to do something that brings you joy. Ask yourself this question: Do I feel joy in my life? why or why not?? journal on that. I am going to supply a list of things that bring me joy. I hope it helps you too.
Here are some JOY affirmations
Like Rumi says " When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you. A joy!"
If you are like me and weren't mindful of the joy you were creating, you may want to create a Joy & Happiness vision board.
Another step to joy is in loving yourself. What steps can you take right now to bring more love in? I wish you so much JOY. If I can be of service please contact me. Thank you. You can also find me at
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