Today's the day!!!
Dear Friends, I am overjoyed with excitement because it’s LAUNCH DAY for my new book, Kindness Crusader! We have put together a beautiful, inspiring day for you! We are having a HUGE party with so many fun prizes to giveaway at the Launch Party on our Facebook page I do hope you will join us in all the fun happening on our Facebook page, please come meet some of the authors! Join the party here: It’s our goal to reach best-seller status today! Here’s how you can help. 1. Purchase your print copy of Kindness Crusader 2. AND Download the eBook version (it’s FREE today only!) 3. After you received your copy or downloaded the eBook version, your Amazon review would mean the world to me! Here are some of the items you could win at the party today: Meditate Hat- $25 Value Psychic Readings- $60-145 Value Yoga Nidra (virtual or in person) - $75 Value Wisdom Quest, 90 min Shamanic Journey to connect with wisdom, insight, and intuitive guidance (virtual session) - $125 Value Personal Mermaid Reading - $40 Value A Variety of card decks - $18 Value Each Pet reading - $76 Value Angel card readings- $40 - $65 Value Quiet Mind Meditation $19.99 Value Kindness Crusader Package - $15 Value Starbucks gift card - $30 Value 3 greeting cards made from Maggie's photography, suitable for framing - $15 Value Bundle of 3 coaching sessions with or without the horses - $300 Value Online Course Seven Steps to Joy- $ 200 Value Set of 5 handcrafted cards - $15 value A Variety of Books- $20 Value Each Reiki session or Equine coaching session- $65 Value Linen Mist of Serenity - $8 Value 1-hour coaching session - $100 Value Here’s how it works: 1. Like our FB page, this is where the party is! - 2. Purchase and download your books here: US – 3. Enter to win here: Thank you for sharing in this special day with me! My chapter is week 44! Read about how I was inspired to create KindnessCrewCalgary Society Ltd. A charity that I founded in 2015. To date we have donated hundreds of blessings bags to the homeless. IF you are interested in helping us or seeing what we do, please check out my page I want to take this moment to thank my Crew!!! In gratitude, Giuliana Melo
![]() Introducing Volume 5 of the #1 Bestselling 365 Book Series Have you ever received a sign from the universe, a piece of divine guidance, or a seemingly commonplace message that helped you steer your life in a better direction? 365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time will collect 365 true stories (from over 200 contributing authors) of such experiences – ranging from the miraculous to the mundane (but still important), from the spiritual to the secular, from the subtle and nuanced to the dramatic and impossible to miss. It’s our hope that when someone picks up this book, they can flip to any page and find a true-life story that will provide inspiration, insight, and encouragement to reflect upon the messages they’ve received in their own life…and to be on the lookout for more! Some examples of soulful messages include:
1. Messages from the Other Side 2. Soulful Signs 3. Messages from Our Body and Soul 4. Messages from Family 5. Messages from Friends…Old and New 6. Messages from Animals and Nature 7. Messages from the Divine 8. Messages from Our Hearts to Yours we hope that you will check it out and purchase your copy on Today is the day I have dreamt of for 7 years. For seven years I have been healing post stage 3 cancer. I knew that a part of healing was to share my story. To allow all the pain, shame, guilt and other emotions that I had been carrying in my body to leave, I had to learn to be vulnerable enough to share my stories.
One way was to write. I started my journey by writing a prayer in the first edition of '365 days of angel prayers'. Then I wrote a letter to my husband Paulo in 'the book of love'. From there I won an entry into 'Finding our wings: a collection of angelic stories and poems. After that I wrote in " the invisible thread book", ' 365 moments of Grace' ( Grace was the first word I had ever intuited and used as my word of the year.) I wrote for the DreamSTRONG day book of inspiration, The Peacemakers, 365 Life Shifts, When you are done expecting, the 2nd edition of 365 Days of Angel Prayers I got to write 4 more prayers, Goodness Abounds, 111 Morning Meditations, Happy Thoughts Playbook, and now 52 Weeks of Gratitude and When I Rise I thrive both which will be out soon. 111 Morning Meditations afforded me the opportunity to create the meditation in audio format, and the 365 Days of Angel Prayers was also published in SPANISH this year and I was named TOP SPIRITUAL LEADER of 2018 in the directory!! I want to take this opportunity to thank Shanda Trofe for everything to bring my solo book to reality. That is a grand total of 19 projects realized. I can hardly believe it. Friday night I actually said "I am a writer!!". Get your copy TODAY!! From Shanda: Congratulations to Giuliana Giuliano-Melo on the publication of her journal/workbook: Love Yourself To Health "Loving myself to health has been an interesting journey. I could only do it because of my belief in the Divine and the help of all of my angel teachers on earth and in heaven. Harnessing the power of the Divine Feminine with Mother Mary has allowed me to nurture myself in a way that I never had before. This journey of life is one that is blessed and beautiful, and when the hard times hit, as they do because we are meant to learn lessons, it sure helps to have a tool to guide you. I sincerely hope that this journal will become a beloved part of your daily spiritual practice." ~Giuliana Giuliano-Melo Get your copy here: If you want to write and need a writing coach please contact Shanda Trofe at Today I felt guided to share my gratitude in having an amazing teacher, mentor and guide who has brought so much healing into my life. It is said, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. And appear, she did. Sunny Dawn Johnston has been a steadfast support in my life. I have been in her mentoring classes for both personal and business. She helped me transition from the old job to creating this new spiritual biz and through her community, I have met some of the most amazing souls on the planet. Three weeks ago, one of the most amazing women in my life, and a huge part of the Sunny community, Vicky Mitchell, departed earth school and returned to heaven. These three weeks have been full of her in spirit signs. These signs made me feel like going through all her messages that she and I shared. In those messages I found the following. She and I were preparing our pieces for the book, and she told me she had finished hers and sent it in. She asked me if I had added to my one from the first edition. I told her I had and was debating whether to have them translated for the Spanish edition. This is where it is interesting. The first time I read her words I didn’t notice. In her message she said “ I am very proud and inspired by you. I did one of you and me and you inspire me…. You were the one who gave me the courage to do the first group book. Thank you.” I told her thank you for that that blessing. Have a good night and that I loved her. Then she told me she loved me too. When I initially read these words I didn’t realize the true meaning behind it. The depth of our relationship. The depth of the friend that I have. I have sat on these words for the last three weeks wondering when the right time would be to share them. The time is now. The book is launching today and her prayer and my prayers with all the other amazing soulful authors are brought to the world. Our Angel prayers for all. A gift for all time. This is just one example of the deep meaningful relationships and what healing with Sunny and her community brings to your life. This is her prayer that she wrote for the two of us. April 29 in the book Rainbow Light of Heavenly Love By Vicky Mitchell Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me weather my storm of self-doubt and unworthiness. Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me transform my thunderclaps of negative self-talk into self-love and self-acceptance. Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me sew my tears and pains into a blanket of love. Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me change my lightning bolts of self-dislike into self-appreciation. Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me slide down my rainbow into my pot of gold to receive and accept my self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance. Rainbow light of heavenly love, help me celebrate by dancing down my newfound pathway to joy. Thank you Vicky for everything.. thank you for the prayer for all of us.. thank you for being vulnerable enough to share your life with me. I love you .... for always.. and I know you will be there to greet me when it is my turn to return to the light. Thank you Sunny for doing the job you do. Thank you God. 365 Days of Angel Prayers Book Description What if every day you could encounter the divine? What if you could regularly know the blessing of deep peace and abiding joy? What if you could talk to angels? Great news—you can! 365 Days of Angel Prayers is a multi-author anthology of daily readings written to inspire and guide you to experience a rich and continuous communion with the angelic realm. Whether you choose to read that day’s entry or take a more spirit-led approach, these prayers, blessings, invocations, and essays will help you learn how to communicate with angels. And as you allow the words to wash over your mind and heart, receiving the healing inherent within them, you will begin to see that there is no one way to pray for divine blessing or assistance. Soon, you may even find your own unique words pouring out—embrace them. Remember, this book is a collaboration, one you are warmly invited to join. Soak in the deep peace, love, and joy of the angels. Through your daily connection, you will begin to shine their heavenly light and share their divine love with everyone you encounter. For more information or to purchase this book, click HERE You see, this book is more than an angel prayer book, it is a soul full book. This is just one story, imagine all the stories behind all the prayers in the book? Angels were gifted to us from God. Vicky was gifted to me from God. Sunny was gifted to me from God. I am a gift from God. I recognize it and today means even more to me than words could ever describe. I want to thank another two of my greatest teachers..... my mom, Mary Giuliano and my sister Pina Giuliano. When I showed them Vicky's message they validated the strong, deep, meaningful relationship we had. My mom taught me that if you have one great friend, you are rich!!! I am a rich woman. Not with money, but with love. I thank God. I thank my angels. I hope you will all join us today. Here are the links to join the party. Let's celebrate together. Also, if you are into the Angels and The Afterlife, come join Sunny and her team in CALGARY in June on the 23, 24.. purchase tickets at the link below: Last year I had the pleasure of being a contributing author in 365 Moments of Grace. By the Grace of God I am healing. And now we are happy to present the next book in this soulful series.
Have you had a chance to check out our new book? It's called 365 Life Shifts. It contains 365 personal stories of pivotal moments that changed everything. Life shifts are powerful and change your life! In the book, I share a brief piece about “how gratitude, kindness, & love helped me heal.” I am chapter 8 page 289. In 2011 I walked through a journey with cancer and this is what helped me walk in wellness and heal. There are over 250 beautiful souls all around the world who are part of it, including several of my friends and colleagues. This book is filled with over 450 pages of positive, loving energy to help uplift and inspire you. We're already getting such great feedback, which has been such a blessing. We made Amazon #1 in 7 categories. You can learn more about the book here: Plus, if you order now, you’ll receive lots of soulful bonus gifts – all created by the contributing authors – including guided meditations, ebooks, ecourses, a colouring sheet from me and much more! To receive your 70+ free bonus gifts, order the book on Amazon (link above). Then, go to, enter your Amazon order number, and receive all the awesome bonus gifts. You may also want to read my colleagues blog today at . Peace, Love and Angel blessings, Giuliana Melo In 2015, while working with a mentor, I was presented with the opportunity to choose a word for the year. My word came to me swiftly. It was GRACE. I know GRACE. The Grace of God is healing me.
In the Christian faith this is the definition: ~ the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
The contributing authors all came together to show how magical our world is and how connected we truly are. If you are looking for inspiration, this grace-filled collection will restore your faith and re-awaken your sense of wonder!! There are stories of miracles and transformations. In this day and age we must fill up with positivity, and loving words. We invite you to purchase our book at and at I also invite you to check out these other author blogs being published today too! Marie Spencer-Rowland – Cindia Carrere – July 21: Kimberly DuBoise – Michelle Terry – Cynthia Starborn – Autumne Stirling – And our amazing creators of the book: Jodi Chapman - Dan Teck - The Grace of God is flowing to all of us. Thank you Jodi and Dan for creating such a beautiful work of art. angel blessings, love, light and peace, Giuliana What a blessed thread I have strengthened with the help of this beautiful teacher, Sunny Dawn Johnston. I haven't hid my love and gratitude I have for her. I know her part in my healing and I am in such amazement of the energy of life! of love! God created each one of us and when we decided to come to earth school, we each chose certain life lessons to learn, grow, heal and expand our souls.
All of the lessons lead back to love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, understanding, tolerance, respect, and a myriad of other qualities. This particular teacher models unconditional love but also doesn't candy coat the reality of who we are. When we can't see the bigger picture, the way she can, she illuminates the dark with her light. She has taught me so very much and has introduced me to some of the most beautiful souls on the planet. She has allowed me to stop seeking that external validation that I once sought with everything in me. Because of her love and her support she has helped me find a greater spiritual connection and she helped me find the courage within me to awaken my spiritual gifts. As I seek within I am guided to experience so much more! My life is enhanced and every day I meet more interesting people, I see more of our amazing earth and I get to heal with so much love surrounding me. I always believed in God and the angels, but through this teacher and her gentle guidance I began to awaken my gifts to read angel cards. I am getting better every day. From afar she checks in on me and gives me those gentle nudges that every one needs. I know my truth. That is I am so much more than my physicality that held me back my whole life... up til now! I am worthy of love. I am enough. Sunny shares her stories with practical tools and knowledge to help each one of us. She is the anchor of the book. Between the pages of this book you will read about all of these strong, courageous women and their stories........ DreamSTRONG - Connie Gorrell Woven Dreams- Shanda Trofe Silky Tales of Eternal Grace- Louise Huey Greenleaf Walk through the door- Katrina Elkins My Children Light the Way- Shelly Kay Orr My Cooking Crew in Heaven- Vicky Mitchell When You Show up For yourself Magic Happens - Melissa Kim Corter The Winds of Change- Toni Miller The Journey to Oneness- Thea Alexander Connecting Through Compassion- Dajon Ferrell The Gift- Tonia Browne Take the Hit- Annie Jarrett-Keffeler Covered in Wings of Love- Cheryl Lynne Moving Through Grief with Grace and Ease- Vernita Soltis The Threads of Grace- Jacqueline Lamica How God's perfect Plan Helped Me overcome Depression and Find my Life Purpose- Pat Roa- Perez My chapter is the Invisible Healing threads- I am so proud of this chapter. I wasn't a writer. I am now! My mom has been the only writer in the family. I dug deep to heal and through writing I began to see that I had a story to share. One of hope, inspiration, Love and God. I hope that you will purchase a copy of this book and through it you will recognize your strength, courage and your INVISIBLE THREAD and that to which we all belong.. the one of LOVE. Finding Our Wings: A Collection of Angelic Stories and Poems Kindle Edition- on and .ca
by Spiritual Writers Network (Author), Shanda Trofe (Editor), Megan Winter Moffitt (Foreword) Be the first to review this item See all 2 formats and editions DO YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS? A miracle. Serendipity. Synchronicity. Divine intervention. Just a coincidence? These are some of the words and phrases often used to describe unexplained events that we will all likely experience at one point in our lives or another, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. But what are these miraculous occurrences and who or what is behind them? That is the question of many, but for others the answer is clear. Could it be the work of angels? Is it possible there are guardians on the other side watching over us, ready to intervene when we call upon them for protection or guidance? Could it be there are even angels walking this earth among us? This book is a collection of angelic short stories and poems compiled from the winning entries from Spiritual Writers Network’s 2016 writing contest. With each turn of the page, you’ll find beauty, inspiration and love to uplift your soul and enlighten your heart. We hope you will enjoy this year’s collection of divinely inspired stories and poems. Foreword by Megan Winter Moffitt Sacred Guardians by Diane Bell Angel Wings and Human Hearts by Tonia Browne Heaven Sent by Vicki J. Cypcar Angels Watching Over Me by Louise Huey Greenleaf Prayer Shawls by Chaya Rosen The Angel Promise by Krista Gawronski To Ask Angels for Help by Giuliana Melo The Gift by Mary Frances Fisher My Emissary by Susie Tierney Divine Appointments for an Angel’s Birth by Lore Raymond Your Wings Were Meant To Fly! by Alex Treglazoff~Dober Angel Unaware by Janet R. Sady Celestial Traces by David DeWolf The Everlasting Rose by Linda A. Mohr A Point of Light by Wyshika Gibson The Angels Among Us by Laura Silvina Guardian by Kev Milsom The Hook of the Angel by Susanne E. Steinel Angels in Hospice by Joan Genske God’s Watchdog by Dr. D. Leon Pippin Awakening by Joanne Mills Lucinda and the Garden Fairy by Lisa Wells Blessings Forever Be by Cheryl Denise Chandler Christmas Angels by Emily L. Pippin Open the Door by Katie Golby My Angel of Mercy by Amy Bryant A Hug from Archangel Michael by Bernadette Price My Guardian Angel Drove a Hummer by Georgia A. Hubley Angels by Camellia Stadts Mom’s Angel Pin by Debbie Quigley Sometimes Angels Wear Clothes by Betty Whitaker Jackson Love Drunk Angel by Barbara Collins Traveling Angels by Karen Erlichman An Angel Intervention by Barbara Harris R.N. My Blue Angel by Kelley Smith Angel Rock by Vicky Mitchell This was a labour of LOVE and I hope that you will consider purchasing a copy. I believe tomorrow it is free download!! please check it out and let us know what you think. I love the angels and I love working with them.
is this the year you write YOUR book? is this the year you tell your story? is this the year you become a published author?? Then click the link and get started.. you will be glad you did.. 8 week book writing intensive starts FEB 8. It will change your life..working with Shanda Trofe - Write from the Heart is an amazing experience.. I loved it.. and as an alumni I will share space with you as you grow through this experience. Shanda Trofe can answer any questions you have.. don't be shy .. she is amazing to work with! Since working with Shanda I have written in 6 multi author compilations 2 of which are published, 2 are coming out very soon and 2 will be out by mother's day. I have written many of my own blogs and contributed to many guest blogs. I have worked on my book and plan on working on it more this year. If you sign up via the link at the top I will receive a credit! Thank you for your support. I will also be in the group as an alumni and it is a great place for support. She has added more content this year. Sign up. You will be glad you did. I am so pleased to show you the cover of our new book... this is a multi author compilation that is a true labour of love. I can't wait to share it with the world.
Author SpotLIGHT: The Invisible Thread ~ Stories of Synchronicity Giuliana Melo is passionate about non-traditional healing and working with angels. Her own experience of walking through and surviving cancer caused an awakening in her spirit when she asked the question WHY ME? Then she realized, why NOT me? She has experienced true Grace. She recently retired from a 31-year career in Health Care and has become a certified Mind, Body, and Spirit Practitioner. Giuliana has a strong faith and encourages many through her coaching. She also provides intuitive angel card readings and Reiki. She is an author contributor to the bestselling book 365 Days of Angel Prayers and also the The Book of Love. Giuliana is a Kindness Ambassador and created the “Kindness Crew CALGARY Society” which is committed to providing a hand-up to the homeless and performing random acts of kindness. She has been married for 28 years and has a 17-year-old son. Look for Giuliana's chapter titled: THE INVISIBLE HEALING THREADS in the upcoming release of The Invisible Thread with Sunny Dawn Johnston!! Please let me know if you want to preorder a copy. Many thanks to Connie Gorrell and Shanda Trofe for all their love and support. |
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