July is always a great month. This particular July was filled with blessings. July 1 is Canada Day and I am very proud to be Canadian. July 4 is our wedding anniversary and this year we celebrated thirty five years of growing together. July 8 was the Calgary Stampede and July 9 is my hubby birthday. It was the first time in 6 years that my family and my inlaws were together in one room. July also saw my being able to be with my Women Talk tribe at a dinner on a beautiful property outside of Calgary and also the blessing of attending a radical joy retreat with Karen Neuls. The most amazing part of my month was being able to travel from Calgary to Edmonton to see the Pope. His theme for this trip of healing, truth, justice and reconciliation was #walkingtogether. I truly believe it is a very necessary first step for the Church to initiate the healing we need for our first nations, inuit and metis brothers and sisters and really all of us to heal the sins of the past. It was so very moving to be in His presence. I could feel God with us this particular day. I could feel it strongly. I actually don't have words for the way it made me feel. However to experience it with Paulo jr was a one of the best opportunities of my life. The Pope has his Popemobile and was so close to us. If he had stood up and if I leaned over I could have touched him. It is a day that will never be replicated! I am so grateful to God to have been in this open air mass. I love God with my whole heart. Being there affirmed my love of the Catholic Church. I am a Catholic girl deep down in my heart. I love God, I love angels and I love the power of prayer. Being with so many faithful filled me up to overflowing. It was not easy to get there. Two days before we were to make our journey, Maxie, my chihuahua, had a seizure. I was very aware of the dark trying to make me stay home. And it almost worked. Except I had the power of God on my side. He put it on my heart that I needed to go. I actually got an email sign. I want to share it with you. The email said Stop everything Giuliana, you are making the worst decision of your life! " Hello Giuliana, I know that you are listening to your intuition, your little voice, your guardian angel... but you are on the verge of making a terrible mistake. Open your eyes, take a step back, and jot down what you are about to lose. Sure the heart has its own reasons, which logic can never understand, but ignorance is only bliss for a short while, and waking up can often be more painful." WOW. This was just what I needed to read. I knew what it meant. I needed to trust God. I needed to go on this trip. Getting this sign, affirmed to me that the Divine always is communicating with us and we are responsible for paying attention. Had I allowed my ego and fear to run me, I would have missed this once in a lifetime event.
There were so many beautiful synchronicities for me. I am very aware of how God was working in my life. My son loved the event and the trip, a friend came and spent time with us and took us around Edmonton, we saw neighbours in the Starbucks when we were having coffee, the theme room at the hotel was cheaper than the normal two bed suite and the weather was fabulous. This week the weather in Alberta has been intense with so much devastating hail. I am so grateful. I want to share how faith is an anchor. Today maybe examine your faith. I promise it is worth it. To share a little bit about the experience, I really had no expectations. I just knew we were going to a mass with the Pope. However as soon as we sat in our seats, I became very present. I felt the air on my face, I felt the sun on my face, I felt my son's arm on mine and I felt the loving energy of the beautiful woman who sat next to me. There was a pre-mass program and when the Pope was just about to enter you could feel the energy shift. It was a Holy Moment! The whole stadium became silent and it was so profound and powerful to be in that energy. There were over forty thousand in attendance. I had set the intention of bringing all the prayers of my group, my family and friends and my mentor's community with me. It was a very prayerful atmosphere and I just knew that all the intentions of our hearts were being heard. Bishop McGratten, who is our Bishop in Calgary was in attendance and said " When we entered to procession for mass and I saw the number of people on the field and in the stands, you had this sense of presence of Christ in those who had gathered to be with the Holy Father." I agree. It was super powerful. The papal mass was celebrated on the feast day of St. Joachim and St. Anne. These are the grandparents of Jesus. Pope Francis used this opportunity to speak about the importance of grandparents and family cohesion during this homily. I felt all my grandparents and ancestors during this time. I also felt the love of my beautiful parents. I healed deeply in those few hours. My love for my family was overflowing. I am very grateful to them for all they have done for me. My heart knew why were there. We were there to witness a step in healing, truth, justice and reconciliation. We were there because of the atrocities of the past done in the name of the church. I held space for healing. I prayed for healing to begin and continue. It was hard on my heart to watch the hate so many have for the Pope. He is blamed for all the pedofiles we have in the church, and he carries the burdens of all the sins of others. I know that God was not in those who perpetrated these crimes. I hope for healing and I hope that we can somehow come together in love. I was in gratitude that our Pope, eighty five years old and not well physically, made an effort to bridge the gap of hatred, anger and evil. I thought that it was a great gesture to show up and share our sorrow and apology to the first nations, inuit, and metis peoples. Residential schools were horrible. I will never understand why we allowed that to happen. We being humanity. The future lies with the all of us, in the hopes that we will learn from history and build a better society where this will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! We must build a culture of goodwill and reconciliation in our own hearts and take that out into the world. Like I commented on a friend of mine facebook post about the gifting of the headdress, I have the hope that Pope Francis carries God in his heart, the forgiveness of Jesus and the hope of humanity in his message. I pray and hope for healing. I know it is possible. I believe with my entire being in the Power of God. I believe in the Power of love and in forgiveness to move forward. I believe we must always remember what happened and never lose sight of the intention of truth, justice, healing and reconciliation in not only this situation AND in our own lives. I was honoured to have had this blessing! I was grateful to have had life to enjoy this day. I am hopeful that my son also healed a part of his soul and got filled up as much as I did. This trip was one of the greatest blessings of my life. I left Edmonton with the knowing that I must seek to heal my life so as to be a part of the healing of humanity. That is how important it is. I left Edmonton with the intention of truly being an observer to other's pain and to be an even better me than I was before this experience. One thing I know for sure?? There is a BIG GOD and we are loved so very much. He weeps at the injustice man does to man. He gave His only son to us, in our image, so that we would know forgiveness and eternal life. This month, a truly wonderful woman, Sandra Tremblay passed to the light. I could feel her spirit with us. She is love and will be missed. I hope that this blog helped fuel your faith. If I can be of service please reach out. With love.... lets continue to #walktogether Giuliana
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My whole life headaches have plagued me. Whenever I am stressed, overloaded, unable to cope etc. I get headaches. I get many types of headaches. Chinook winds headaches, stress headaches, cluster headaches, hormone headaches, if there is a headache, this girl gets them.
One day I was introduced to a wonderful teacher. Her name is Inna Segal. She wrote the book " The Secret Language of Your Body". This book opens our awareness on the emotions behind a symptom, disease, ailment and illness. It is a guide to restoring our body to its best state. Inna Segal offers insight into the underlying illness and provides advice which empowers many to heal and move energy out of the body. Today I want to share what she teaches about migraines. This is what she offers: Migraine- control, pressure, seriousness, perfectionism. Overcommitting yourself. Great need for love and approval. Ignoring your own needs. Putting other people before you. Extreme guilt and anxiety. Conflict with self and other people. Self-punishment. Feeling angry and annoyed with others. Saying, "you are giving me a headache." I resonated with almost everything that she offers. I have been told that I must control my son more. I am feeling extreme pressure. I am a taurean and I am very serious. I am a perfectionist. I do have a lot of responsibility on me. I do want to be seen and loved. Because of covid-19, I have been isolating and not seeing my friends and clients in person. I do tend to put others needs before my own. I am dealing with anger and do feel guilty. So yesterday, I had a mentoring call with my SDJ, that is Sunny Dawn Johnston. She guided me to move the anger out of my body. She said to move it by doing exercise, writing and burning, punching a pillow, journalling, crying etc. So I am doing that by sharing today. I am committed in helping myself move it out of the body. Monday I also had a massage and most likely will go do a salt cave later. Inna also guides us to release unhealthy emotions that may be causing the symptoms by identifying the unhealthy emotion and then releasing them. For this blog, I will share what she says about anger. She shares that anger often comes from righteousness, fear or judgment that arises when people feel they have been wronged or haven't gotten what they want. That fits for me. I feel so angry right now. All the issues I am walking through with my son have me seeing red! Anger, she says, gives people a false sense of power, making them feel they want to criticize, put down or hate or resent others. I have been feeling so much resentment. Some of it is old, some of it is new. Anger is also a catalyst for change and transformation that can fuel passion, excitement and enthusiasm. If something in your life is not working, this anger is then an opportunity for you to free yourself from your ailment, such as depression, powerlessness and feeling overwhelmed. I have been feeling all of it! Anger can drain life force and energy! Long term anger is never good and can make you feel fatigued, frail, unhappy and worn out. Unresolved anger can lead to hypertension, inflammation, psoriasis, sinusitis, tumours, cancers, PMS, pneumonia, ulcers and more. To release anger, put your hands on the part of your body where you feel it and breathe into the area. Ask God and your angels to pour white light into the area and dissolve any of the fear, pain, anger, shame, guilt etc. Do this repeatedly until you feel a shift. This is a process and is not just done once. If you are feeling guided to purchase the book, you can do so on amazon. www.amazon.ca/Secret-Language-Your-Body-Essential/dp/1582702608 My mentor, Sunny Dawn Johnston is having her next THRIVE event in July and Inna Segal is a guest!! you might want to get your ticket here: sunnydawnjohnston.com/events/thrive-july/ There are so many ways to help yourself. I hope that you know you do not have to suffer. Our body is always talking to us and our job is to tune in and listen to what it is saying. If you are interested in having a chat with me, or if you want to have your own personal angel card message, please email me to book at [email protected] __________________________________________ Some of the essential oils that I use are: (always use with a carrier oil):
Wow! what a growing month January 2020 turned out to be!! Little did I know what God had in store for me when I signed up for my mentor's new 21 day class. Choosing me has been quite the journey. I had felt my angels guiding me since the summer of 2019. I was allowing some energies that were not for my highest greatest good. I was taking on too much extraneous energy and I had lost my original focus. It is interesting how the Universe works when you are not doing what they want and instead are doing what you think you want. So this month I had to LET GO. I had to trust God and my angels to guide me on the right path. Letting go is rarely easy. It takes courage, strength and a lot of work to heal the heart. We judge ourselves so harshly. True self love is forgiving our SELF first and then all others. Today the angels guided me to share this. I am a recovering controller. I have a 21 year old son with whom I having much growth and pain and I have tried to control with no success. ( background story: my husband and I are his guardians as he has some needs that require us to have this duty) The angels say that when we try to control situations and people that can be a sign of fear and not trusting the process of life. The angels told me to have compassion for myself when this shows up. I am learning that my son and my husband and me need reassurance that the Universe is orderly and trustworthy. I know my mentor teaches me to trust the process of life, to trust God and to trust my angels. I am learning to trust me and I am learning to allow my son to trust his spirit. He doesn't always choose the right friends and often is used and manipulated. It is so hard to watch. It is even harder sometimes to support when I am left with what I feel is shovelling the poop after he does things. Apparently the angels say that to be nurturing and being guided with unconditional love is the answer to these situations and issues. They are right when they say that often the person who tries to have power over everything is often the one who feels out of control. They remind me to visualize what I want and not to focus on what I don't want. They say to picture the outcome I want. Easier said than done. It is my work at the moment. I am doing my best. When your trust is shaken they say to lean on your faith. I am doing just that. I am going to church again. I say many, many prayers each day and I ask the angels for signs I understand. The angels remind me that everything is turning out in Divine order and that my son, my husband and myself have lessons to learn. I am letting go of the past and and focussing on the truth. The Divine is guiding us. As long as we stay focussed on that Divinity, on the light, we will be ok. There is a promise of peace when we can sit in the knowledge that God has us in the palm of his hand. I keep my eyes on Him. I ask my angels for help and I let go and let God. Today's affirmation: I am in the flow of life. I know that all this is under control. I trust in God and in Divine order. The infinite wisdom of God guides me to a perfect outcome for us. Amen and so it is. ________________________________________________ Sometimes with letting go and letting God, we lose something. This is what the angels guide us to do in that circumstance. They say to process the loss. What is the lesson? What is the gift? Then they say to celebrate what remains. Changes can feel like a loss. This loss must be processed and healed before we can fully move on. Part of this process is appreciating what we have. Appreciation appreciates. This is a process that can be as simple as writing down the perceived losses and what remains. Do it like this: What was lost______________________________________________? What remains_______________________________________________? What was the lesson________________________________________? Make amends when necessary by forgiving and then let go. You know that saying if you love something set it free. If it comes back, it was yours ( and meant to be.) If it doesn't it never was. LET Go and LET GOD my friends. It is the pathway to peace. Peace begins with our own hearts. Move forward. Life is too short to hang on to things, people and places that have served their purpose. This healing is truly a journey of lessons. Learn the lesson and move on. If I can be of service, I have a special on email, phone and video readings until the end of February. Six card readings are at $33, however the angels guide me to offer NEW clients an opportunity to pay what you can. That means that there are 4 price points for you. $15, $20, $25 and $33. These are payable through PayPal or etransfer. Email me to book at [email protected] I love and appreciate every single one of you. Thank you. Here is my Talk www.facebook.com/julie.g.melo/videos/10162192859645112/ - I would love to hear from you. If you are interested in TALKING check out the website www.womentalk.ca My thanks to Brigitte Lessard-Deyell, the WomenTalk speakers and the attendees. It was a blessed day. Talking is healing. #yourstorymatters #healwithgiulianamelo Last thursday I travelled to Phoenix and then on to Sedona, to attend Sunny Dawn Johnston and Emmanuel Dagher's "Awaken Your Magic" event. Sunny has been my spiritual teacher, mentor and guide since 2013. I had a lot of growth in January and I was so happy that I had decided to attend this event. Sunny is transformational specialist. She helps us elevate our lives and helps us attain our highest potential. She is a lighthouse in my life and has been a lifeline during my healing from cancer, during my leaving my old job and the grief from it and she has helped me heal my relationships with my husband, son and family. To say she is important to me, doesn't seem to be enough. She is a gift from God and I am grateful for her in my life. Emmanuel is a newer teacher in my life. I have been following him for a couple of years now. Emmanuel Dagher has served as a transformation specialist and holistic healing facilitator for more than 15 years, guiding tens of thousands worldwide to transform their own lives at the molecular level by fully recognizing and instantly transcending the root causes of any physical, mental or emotional blocks and imbalances. A natural born healer and intuitive, Emmanuel recognized and honed his special skills and gifts while growing up in the war-torn Middle East, where he faced unfathomable challenge and hardship on a daily basis. It was this experience that inspired and empowered him to devote his life to elevating the consciousness of the planet by helping humanity awaken into remembrance of its divinity. With a background in psychology and certifications in multiple holistic and alternative healing therapies, Emmanuel’s favorite method for facilitating healing and transformation is his renowned, proprietary The Core Work© Healing Experience. Together, Sunny and Emmanuel are magic!! I went to this event with an intention of "fun, friendship, filling up, and open to receive healing for my highest greatest good, with ease and grace!". I arrived in Phoenix Thursday, and had an amazing friend come to pick me up. She took me to meet friends for lunch. Anna is so generous and kind and treated us all to lunch. Then my dear soul sister Deb took me to meet Kendra and we had dinner together. After dinner, we went to see a funny movie. It was so fun just having girl time together. These are quality relationships and I soaked in every beautiful moment. Friday we got up, got a few groceries for our weekend and headed off to Sedona. A dear friend from home asked me to take an offering to the Stupa in Sedona, and so Deb and I went there and soaked up the peace of the Stupa and the energy of the red rocks. Later that day we met up with Patty and the festivities began. Melinda walked up and introduced herself and a new friendship began. When it was time for dinner, we headed to the hotel restaurant and before long there were almost 20 of us together. In fact, when Sunny and the team showed up, we were all so loud and happy and in joy, that some fellow patrons complained! Can you imagine? They complained that we were in JOY!! We all laughed and kept having fun. Saturday morning arrived!! We were so happy to get to spend the day and evening with liked minds. Being with Sunny is like being home. You feel safe, loved, heard. You know you matter. I love being in her energy. The mix of people was a perfect blend of mostly people I knew from either old retreats, her online community, from her group etc, and some of Emmanuel's people. It was like being at a family reunion. I loved it so much. I hadn't realized I purchased VIP ticket, so I sat right at the front and centre. I was ready for the day. I was open to receive. In fact, after the initial intros, Sunny facilitated an open to receive exercise. She had us stand and said once we felt like we were open hearted to sit down. I felt guided to sit quickly. Learning to love myself is something that has truly expanded my soul. However, she said that she didn't feel we were really being truthful with ourselves and had us do it again. Janice and I held hands while our arms were outstretched and it was such a blessed few moments. You see, Janice is pure love. She is kind and she is gentle. I am so grateful she is shared that moment. Kris sang to us ( she is Sunny's soul musician) and created a magic moment for all of us. With outstretched arms we all REALLY felt open and ready to receive. Emmanuel is such a gentle soul. He had us affirm the I AM, The Universe is. Both he and Sunny reminded us our magic is our existence. Remember the fact that no one is you. That is your magic. It is also your superpower. Love is who we are. Our magic is inside us. Do you know you are magic?? do you believe it?? you may want to journal on that. See what comes up. They also reminded us that we don't need to seek approval from anyone. We are worthy. Also, we don't need permission for anything. We have it. Then fear was brought up. A lot of us are growing through fears.
Sunny then asked us if we believed that everything happens for a reason? I do now. I didn't before. However I do believe that there is value in every lesson. When you can see the value and learn a lesson, then you have grown. To fully allow your magic, you must be yourself! she reminded us that vulnerability is courage and that we must be our authentic selves.
We must also make ourselves a priority and put ourselves on our calendar. It is really important to fill up our own cups. Emmanuel helped us anchor in our energy with I am statements and music that he had specially created. It was truly an out of this world experience. I can't wait to purchase his CD as they sold out. Kris Voelker is Sunny's soul musician and her music takes me places that can't only be described as safe, loving, nurturing and healing. I thoroughly enjoyed the Saturday evening sound healing and concert. Sunday was more healing through grief and loss. It is always such an honour holding space for my fellow attendees. As one of Sunny's senior community, I was called upon twice to help others during their releasing. To help another soul is my highest work and I am forever grateful to the two ladies that allowed me that. I think what was most amazing, was the strength I felt during this particular event. I felt different. I felt worthy, enough, loved, in my power and I didn't care what others thought of me. I put my focus on the love. I had an intention of extending love to someone who was there, who walked away from our friendship. I prayed for the right moment to extend myself to her. I apologized and I am moving forward now with ease, grace and realizing that nothing is the same and that is a great thing!! I am not the same person from four years ago. I have learned. I have grown. I have expanded and I am healing. I do love myself and I do have a big huge heart. My focus was on the love and all the blessings in my life. I have a beautiful life. I am a blessed woman and I am proud of me. I have the gift of compassion and true forgiveness. I have forgiven me. ( I posted a photo of my shadow, because I felt it was a special way to acknowledge my shadow self and to love her too) "each friend who walks away is a teacher and is someone who draws you closer to the people who share your beliefs and passions. Being disliked by some is a product of being authentic to who you really are. be proud - they can not recognize your magic- it's ok" Is this the day you decide to accept YOUR magic? Do you allow yourself to walk away from the old and all that is no longer serving you? Do you allow yourself to LET GO? Let go dear one.. allow yourself to shine bright!! Let go of dulling your sparkle and magic for fear of not being liked? You are Divine Magic and can co- create an amazing life with God. This IS the day that you can CHOOSE to be more! have more and see more..... What was really interesting is that during our event a Tibetan monk was in the chapel creating a beautiful mandala and sunday was having a dissolution ceremony. That affirmed to me how impermanent life is. Nothing stays the same. Not even us. We are meant to have experiences, learn, grow, heal and expand. Staying the same is ok if that is what you choose, however for me, I need growth. My soul longs to grow and have new experiences. I am living a heart centred life. I do connect with God each day, and yesterday at the Church of the Holy Cross in Sedona is one of the most exquisite crosses with Jesus that I have ever seen. Last year when I visited I cried. This year, being there with Sunny and our group, I allowed myself to release so much old pain that I cried for what felt like almost half an hour. I wept and wept. During my weeping I cried for the old Julie. The girl who was trying her best to give to everyone but her. Then I cried for that part of me that didn't know better. Then I cried in gratitude that I know Jesus and that He is my heart. That I believe in Him and that I know Him. I asked Him if he was pleased with me. I asked Him if my work was for the highest greatest good and if my intention of allowing others to see Him through me was pure and if He would forgive me for my trespasses and my human shortcomings.. He forgave me.. and He is pleased. I asked Him to guide my work. I asked Him to illuminate my path and I asked Him to allow healing to my friends and family. I thanked Him for all my blessings and for my life. I left the chapel filled with the Holy Spirit and with gratitude for my teacher Sunny and her community... I was filled with so much love and healing that I couldn't wait to get home to my boys. My plane was to leave this morning, however I asked to get on a flight last night. I love Westjet. They accommodated me , and It was such a Joy to tell my boys I was at the airport and coming home. You see, I don't run from my life, I went to sedona to fill up. I went to be with my teacher and my soul family. I loved every single moment. I realized my magic has been here all along. I turned it down because I wanted to be liked. Once I fell in love with me... My magic became a miracle. To close, I want you to know that I am open to being of service for angel card messages. They are $50 Canadian and payable to www.paypal.me/GiulianaMelo They can be done via email, phone, video or in person. Tap into your magic today.. I love you! Wow!! 2019 has started with so much growth! I sometimes wish I had a crystal ball to tap in to the future. However, I know that God's will is always being served in my life. Thank God that I have an anchor, because I have needed it. January started with much energy going on in my life. I found I was having triggers that I hadn't had to this magnitude for a long time.
Late last year, I had decided to cohost an event with an amazing mentor of mine. In a group that I hold dear and with respect. I had wanted to help someone else on her healing journey. I broke a cardinal rule. I can't want for anyone else. I don't have a right. If I had been listening and tuning in, I would have seen and known that. However, I got caught up in the excitement of such an event. I could feel it and I could see it. Things happened swiftly. The person I wanted to help wasn't ready and wasn't in a high enough vibration to be able to cope with such an event. After some mentoring I was again reminded, I can't create for anyone else. I can't feel for them and I can't want for them. I got caught up in some energy that wasn't mine and things started to feel out of alignment. The excitement turned to fear and I quickly stepped down. With the stepping down, came much shame and guilt. All of my fears surfaced and I became an emotional mess. The physical manifestation of the stress was headaches, sore body and an intense rash that hurt!! I knew that I had to do something. I am so blessed that I have been on a healing journey for the last nine years and have beautiful mentors who help pick me back up. My mentor emailed me and asked me a few questions. Combined with what I have already learned, this is what I had to do to heal:
I know that I am love. So today I affirm it and I remind all of you that no matter what you are loved. So go adjust your crown, head up darling. We got this!! If I can be of service with an angel card session, please email me at [email protected]. from Facebook.....
This man died a billionaire at 56yrs of pancreatic cancer and here are his last words on the sick bed: "I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – "Life". When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading – "Book of Healthy Life". Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends... Treat yourself well. Cherish others. As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300 or $30 watch - they both tell the same time... Whether we carry a $300 or $30 wallet/handbag - the amount of money inside is the same; Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the road and distance is the same, and we get to the same destination. Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine - the hangover is the same; Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq ft - loneliness is the same. You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Whether you fly first or economy class, if the plane goes down - you go down with it... Therefore.. I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth, .... That is true happiness!! Five Undeniable Facts of Life : 1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price. 2. Best awarded words in London ... "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food." 3. The One who loves you will never leave you for another because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on. 4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it. 5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, You have to manage! NOTE: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together! Six Best Doctors in the World 1. Sunlight 2. Rest 3. Exercise 4. Diet 5. Self Confidence and 6. Friends Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life.~ unknown source ________________________________________________________ I don't know about you but I want to live a life that when God calls me home, I say, "wow what a ride!! I used everything you gave me!! I hope you are proud of me!" Saturday I will be at Joy and Vitality Centre with my book "Love Yourself to Health". If you are in Calgary, please come. books are $20 CAD. If I can be of service with an angel card reading via fb video they will be only $30 until the new year. You can book by www.giulianamelo.com/services Happy Thursday!! Thank you to everyone for the calls, texts, messages, prayers and love. I am ok!! Thank God I didn’t lose consciousness! I slipped on the ice getting into a taxi yesterday morning. As I hit the ground my left side of my head bashed the taxi. Then the door hit my right side of my head. The funny part? I was being careful not to fall as I was carrying a cup of coffee. The coffee went flying but landed right side up without losing a drop! Sometimes I say I wish God “would knock me on the head” so that I would know I’m doing what HE wants me to do. Some will think it was just a fall. It wasn’t. For me it was a sign. I’ve been getting nudges. Signs. My intuition is heightened so now I need to trust!!! I will also never say that again!! Once is more than enough to gain my attention. I have faith so this year I must TRUST. You have a power within you to HEAL. Today I feel so much better. Shaken but the lumps on my head are down and just sore. I am so grateful I am ok!! Praise God!! I’ve got Paulo jr 20th party 🎊 🎈 🎉 to set up!!! Thank you God for this great day to be alive!!! ( in case you were wondering I did invoke Archangel Michael yesterday. I asked him “why?” And heard “higher purpose and course correction”. Ahhhhh. Trusting!!! Do you get signs? I thought I would take this opportunity to remind us all that we are continuously being given signs by our Divine teams that include God, our guardian angels, guides and loved ones in spirit. The key is to pay attention. This is where our intuition comes into play. When we tune in, tap in and turn ourselves on to the guidance we walk through everything we go through with Grace and ease. These are some signs:
Our Guardian angels and our loved ones in spirit are always near us and want to help us through life and especially during times of stress. However because God gave us Divine free will, you have the freewill to accept or reject their assistance. The angels will not intervene without your permission except in instances of preventing physical harm, such as an accident when it isn't our time to transition yet. Ask your angels for a sign or message to help guide you along your path or as guidance in making a specific decision. They will help us with inspiration, guidance, direction and support. When you receive a sign, notice it, listen and express gratitude for the message. The more you are aware of and express thanks for the divine communication, the more frequent you will receive messages and guidance from your angels. The more you connect with your angels and apply divine guidance in your life, the smoother and more joyful your life will become. I remember testing them, asking for a parking spot etc. Once you open your communication with them, they will bombard you with positive guidance. I couldn't imagine my life without them. My life is magic with them. I have learned that my life flows with more Grace and Ease when I tune in. I can choose to see everything as a sign or not. I received a message from a dear friend of mine who reminded me that in the spiritual community we believe that a fall helps us clear karma.. I welcome this thought and with the powerful full blue blood moon energy yesterday, release all people, places and things that no longer serve my highest best good. As I write this, I am getting all kinds of nudges... I am feeling my angels support and feel their wings around me. I felt a nudge on my head caressing the spot that took the hardest hit. I am listening to dear Archangel Gabriel in my ear, helping me with the right words for this blog. I feel my dear Guardian angels, Nicole, Bernadette, and Samantha, who have been with me my whole life guiding and guarding me. I am so thankful to God for creating these beautiful energies to help us. These are some of my signs from yesterday, after my fall, and in ER. I super love my life!! I love each person God has allowed me to meet. The ones that no longer choose to have me in their life, I release with love and hope they create magic and miracles in their life. I thank them for the lessons and I put my hand on my heart and tune into the love of God and the love I am. I accept the healing from the fall. I am open to new experiences, places and people to help me with the next leg of my journey.
This year is a year devoted to self-love, abundance, integration and responding not reacting. I am excited for the future. This month I have a SPECIAL EMAIL angel card reading for $22. If you are interested please contact me or book on my website. www.giulianamelo.com/services Today I learned a valuable lesson. So much of what rules me, is that I am a reactor .. my self worth issues always at work serving to keep me small. I know better than to make assumptions and take things personally, however sometimes that small little girl in me pops up because she is wounded and always wants to be loved... Seeking external validation is not serving me any longer. I must KNOW my worth. Innately! ... in fact I am hereby intending that 2018 I am going to become a better RESPONDER.
So my 3 WORDS for 2018 are ABUNDANCE, INTEGRATE & RESPOND. Having a word(s) for the year is valuable and sets an intention out to the Universe that this is the lesson and experience that I wish to have and manifest. It is powerful. If you have never done it before I am available to help you. It is only $10! Schedule here: www.giulianamelo.com/services.html I am grateful to my mentor for helping me this morning. We are all doing our best. I am doing my best. However when we react out of fear it is never good. I am reminded of the "Four Agreements" 1. Be impeccable with your word. Always say what you mean and mean what you say. 2.Don't take anything personally! nothing anyone does is because of you. 3.Don't make assumptions! 4.Always do your best. Always put your hand on your heart and listen in.. WHAT WOULD LOVE SAY??? sometimes I forget .. Sometimes the EGO gets in the way and makes me crazy!! Ego, according to Wayne Dyer means to EDGE GOD OUT. I never want to edge Him out!! I love him with my whole heart and soul. I want to learn and grow and heal and expand some more. I want to be of service in the highest greatest good of me and all. That brings me to the important fundraiser that I have going until the items are SOLD OUT. Five members in my community are walking through cancer and I want to help. I have an angel love pendant for $20 and an angel love necklace for $25 available for sale. I also have many books! The most being 365 Days of Angel Prayers. All books are $30. Send payments to Paypal.me/GiulianaMelo www.paypal.me/giulianamelo and leave your mailing address and what item you would like. If you are interesting in healing with me and an angel reading please schedule one, pay, and then you will receive the photo of the cards and all messages to your email within 24 hours. Healing is a continues process. Healing is a journey not a destination. Each day I aspire to inspire. To learn, grow, heal and expand and learn the value in all the lessons. I am so grateful to God to be of service and for forgiveness that moves us in a positive direction. One of the best acts of self care I have ever done for myself is to put me first. This means having to let go of people, places and things that have been hurting my heart and soul. This means staying close to teachers, mentors, guides and friends who GET me. This year has been a year of great expansion. At times I have felt so alone. I know I am never alone, and even though I felt it, what that did was bring me closer to God and my team of Divine helpers. I know my guardian angels and I know the seven Archangels that I work with. I know many of the Goddesses and I am learning just how interconnected everything is.
A month ago I went for an abdominal CT ( cat scan) as I have two abdominal wall hernias that are post-surgical. They have been hurting me and are very large. In order to have a CT you must drink this contrast solution. I had to be at the hospital at 8 am and at 830, 9, 930 and 10 I had to drink a glass of this solution. It was terrible and tasted like metal. That was my first trigger. Then I had to have an IV (intra-venous) put in so that they could put in more contrast when I was in the CT machine. This solution was warm and makes you feel like your are peeing your pants. When they went to hook me up to the solution, the IV wasn't positioned well so IV solution went everywhere. This triggered my experience of the chemotherapy I had during the walk with cancer. So in those couple of hours I had the taste and the chemo triggers, then all of a sudden I realized I was alone for the first time in the six years that I have been healing. My husband was at work, my son was at school, my sister was at work, my mom was at work, I didn't ask any friends to come with me and I felt all alone. I also felt rage building up within me. Being at my old worksite still held a bit more healing. I began to well up with emotion and began to cry. I apologized to the nurse and shared a bit of my story. Thankfully she was compassionate and listened. During this time, I was not allowed to drink or eat since the night before. I was hungry. I was tired. I was emotional. I was feeling like crap!!! I managed to pull myself together and get dressed and then go and get some soup to eat. I took a cab home and knew that I didn't feel well. That night I began to vomit uncontrollably. I dislike vomiting. Even while walking through the cancer, I never vomited. My body disliked this whole experience. Thankfully I now work from home, so I cleared my schedule and took it easy. I nurtured myself and sat with everything. I allowed myself to feel the feels. I acknowledged my anger, sadness, fear. Two days later, my son got sick with the flu. Then three days after that, again I began to vomit uncontrollably. I knew I had gone to a place where I was not in a state of ease. I had to do my work. I had to dig deep. Flu, according to "the secret language of our body" vulnerable, frail, tired. Overwhelmed by negativity. feeling like you have to carry heavy burdens that you can't handle. Feeling invalidated. confusion and chaos inside you. In need of a time out. All of this resonated with me and I knew I needed my mentor to help me shift out of this funk. During my appointment with her, she said to me, "what do you want??" how do you want to feel? and what do you want to create?" I was honest with her and I said I have never really asked myself these questions. I have never dreamed big. I have felt selfish to ask for more than what I thought I deserved. I shared with her that even when I did my vision board in January 2017, I didn't know what to put on it. I was raised to be grateful for what I have and not to be selfish. I have had to change my way of thinking to realize I deserve the abundance of the Universe. I have had to learn I am worthy of achieving more and asking for what it is that will make my heart sing and my soul grow. So for over a week now I have been sitting with "WHAT DO I WANT???" I know I want health first and foremost. I want to continue to share my light and bring people closer to God through my angel work. I know that I want to continue to grow and heal and teach. I want to feel good. I want to create and through an amazing 'felt angel class" I have tapped into my creativity. I am so delighted that my words that spirit brought for 2018 are ABUNDANCE and INTEGRATE. This past year, through my words of EXPANSION and CONFIDENCE I have indeed expanded. It has been painful. However today I can honestly say I am grateful for every single moment of my life. I have been tested in forgiveness ( my sisters in law still don't speak to me and this january will mark two years that they don't have it in their heart to forgive me - and I am finally at the point that it doesn't affect me any more.) I have been tested in trusting that God really does have my back and that I am supported at all time. I have been tested in relationships, however I know that love and compassion helps heal all of it. What has never wavered is my deep FAITH I have in the Divine. I love God with my whole heart. I know that I am a part of something greater than me and I love to be of service. I am so grateful for life and for learning and healing. As we head into the last month of this year and as we close out the last chapter of 2017, I wish you so many blessings of love, light and peace. If you would love an angel card reading, or a full year reading please book here:www.giulianamelo.com/services.html I wish to leave you with this: The Gentle Art of Blessing On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all. On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will accompany them on their way and the aura of its gentle fragrance will be a light to their path. On meeting and talking to people, bless them in their health, their work, their joy, their relationships to God, themselves, and others. Bless them in their abundance, their finances...bless them in every conceivable way, for such blessings not only sow seeds of healing but one day will spring forth as flowers of joy in the waste places of your own life. As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, its nurses and streetsweepers, its children and bankers, its priests and prostitutes. The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing: bless them totally, sincerely, joyfully, for such blessings are a shield which protects them from the ignorance of their misdeed, and deflects the arrow that was aimed at you. To bless means to wish, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others and events from the deepest wellspring in the innermost chamber of your heart: it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with utter awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole. To bless is yet to invoke divine care upon, to think or speak gratefully for, to confer happiness upon - although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of Life's abundance. To bless all without discrimination of any sort is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray of sun that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives. When something goes completely askew in your day, some unexpected event knocks down your plans and you too also, burst into blessing: for life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, you yourself called forth, so as to learn the lesson you might balk against were you not to bless it. Trials are blessings in disguise, and hosts of angels follow in their path. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden to material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy. When you pass a prison, mentally bless its inmates in their innocence and freedom, their gentleness, pure essence and unconditional forgiveness; for one can only be prisoner of one's self-image, and a free man can walk unshackled in the courtyard of a jail, just as citizens of countries where freedom reigns can be prisoners when fear lurks in their thoughts. When you pass a hospital, bless its patients in their present wholeness, for even in their suffering, this wholeness awaits in them to be discovered. When your eyes behold a man in tears, or seemingly broken by life, bless him in his vitality and joy: for the material senses present but the inverted image of the ultimate splendor and perfection which only the inner eye beholds. It is impossible to bless and to judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought that desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall, everywhere, behold the very face of God. Pierre Pradervand P.S. And of course, above all, don't forget to bless the utterly beautiful person YOU are! God bless you all!! Merry Christmas and here's to a magical, abundant 2018!!! Love, Giuliana |
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