2020 is a year of VISION.
As I have learned to heal my life, I learned to live a more intentional year and to throw NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS out. Most times all resolutions did were serve to show me where I had no willpower. Intentions instead, taught me that I could have the growth I seek. Choosing your WORD OF THE YEAR guides your year and tells the UNIVERSE to support you. Energy flows where your attention goes. Your soul then guides you and you experience the magic and mystery of the journey of life. I have been using words of the year since 2015 they have been: 2015 Grace. 2016 Future, Courage & More 2017 Expansion & Confidence 2018 Abundance, Integrate, Respond & Boundaries 2019 Joy, Journey, Travel and Power. 2020 words came right on time. They are GROW ADAPT TRANSFORM ( heal and blessings) If I can help you discern your word of the year, please reach out to me. These readings are $30. You will receive your word from the angels. Words come from the Divine and are for your highest good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Year in Advance SUPPORT READINGS are $100 - minimum 12 cards and whole year guidance, direction, support, motivation. Angel cards for the whole year! I always find it so intersting what comes through and how each words guides the year. Sometimes you get it and sometimes it takes all year to understand why a certain word came through. check out my services and testimonials here www.giulianamelo.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` General readings for the month of November are $25 for a half hour reading and $50 for an hour. Any mode. Email, phone, video messenger. In person are $50 for the hour at Joy and Vitality Centre. Special accomodations for those that can't make it to the centre- at my home. Talk to me. My " Love yourself to health" books are $25 with shipping for the month of November as well. They make great gifts. Prayer Support is always free. Please contact me to schedule any service. [email protected]Thank you so much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Evgeniya and I am so proud to present our 4 week NEW YEAR, NEW YOU course. It runs in January and February. Here are the details:www.facebook.com/groups/2769992543062567/ I’ve just finished assembling the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU 4 week course that I’m facilitating at Joy and Vitality Centre and Evgeniya Knyazheva is supporting with her teachings of crystals, supplements, oils etc. We are very excited to bring it to you. It’s in Evgeniya’s hands to look over now. We hope to start it January 12th. Special thank you to Sunny Dawn Johnston for allowing me to teach the “Invoking the Archangels process” 😇❤️💗💙💟💛💜💚🧡 Join Joy & Vitality Centre’s Evgeniya, and Heal With Giuliana Melo for this fabulous new self-love series entitled “New Year, New You”. You have the power within you to manifest your best year yet. You just require the tools to get you there. We will supply them. Together we will let go of what no longer serves us from 2019 and we will intentionally create a 2020 with so much more clarity and on purpose. This 4 week course will be held bimonthly over January and February, in person at the Centre. We will supplement the in person teachings with a private facebook group for accountability and encouragement. You will learn: • What is self-love • What is self-care • What is an empath • How to deal with your energy, clear it, protect it, ground it and maintain it • What are my spiritual gifts • What is a goddess • How to create a daily spiritual routine • We will learn about angels and how they help us • We will create a vision board • We will release with writing and burning and writing and ripping • We will learn about intentions and how they help us • We will have FUN! • AND SO MUCH MORE Please bring on the first day • a journal • a pen, scissors • felt pen • and purchase a poster board to create your vision board. • Have your magazine cut-outs ready • and have a glue stick or 2 and a roll of tape • Please also have a small photo of yourself for the centre of your vision board. • Also print out any words if you use words of the year. If you don’t know what that is, no problem, Giuliana will help you. Please dress comfortably and bring a closed water bottle and closed coffee cup for coffee or tea that you can purchase on site. We will provide a self- love journal “Love Yourself to Health” that Giuliana wrote, And some Himalayan salt from the centre, and handouts. DATES: January 12 &26 from 1 to 4 pm February 9 & 23 from 1 to 4 pm Call the centre for any questions. 403 452 5183.
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