I had a question recently and thought why not blog about it:
"Can you tell me what the different clairs are and how I can know which clair I have?" I had been mentioning that I know I am clairsentient and claircognizant. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance are the four main clairs. These are psychic psychic modalities and gifts. When you know what your dominant intuitive gift is, it helps you develop that modality better so you can become more psychic. Let’s go over the four clairs now to clarify each one. Clairvoyance means “clear seeing,” and it is what happens in your third eye. The third eye is your sixth chakra, it is where we experience clairvoyance. It is between the anatomical eyes. With clairaudience, that is “clear hearing,” you hear messages in your ears. Clairsentience is “clear feeling,” and so that’s when you feel sensations in your body that match something that is going on in your life or in someone you know. Claircognizance is “clear knowing.” That’s when you just know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it or feel it. You just know it. It's like when one of the girls at work was pregnant and I got the hit that she was days before she announced it. Or when a friend broke up and didn't announce it until days later.. it's when you JUST KNOW! Clairalience means "clear smelling." It is the 5th clair and not as common. Those are the 5 clairs. When you can identify which one is your dominant one, then you can develop your own intuitive abilities, work on it and strengthen it. When doing exercises to strengthen your clair, focus on the hits not the misses. Practice makes perfect.
Thursdays I work with Archangel Gabriel. His name means "God is my strength" He is known as the messenger angel. He helps with communication and expression and writing. His colour is white and on thursdays I wear white to feel close to him. AA Gabriel is the patron Angel of our family as our Great Grandpa was Gabriel and my cousin is Gabriel. The gemstone to work with him is Moonstone and Clear Quartz. To call him in all you have to say is this: Dear Archangel Gabriel, I call on you now, to be with me, bring your energy of communication and strength and infuse me with it. Help me to always speak my truth. Please allow me to express myself in a loving way and to use words that are gentle and kind. Please help me always communicate from my heart. Thank you. and so it is. ASK ALLOW BELIEVE RECEIVE GRATITUDE via the Queen of Affirmations- Louise Hay
Summer has begun and with it some people worry too much about how they are going to look in that bathing suit. Whether you are truly overweight or just stressing about how you look, it’s time to stop the self-criticism. It’s important to realize that all of our actions are designed to meet a need. Oftentimes, being overweight is caused by insecurity, self-rejection, and fear of our own feelings, while overeating is usually an attempt to love and nurture ourself with food. The original problem may very well stem from childhood beliefs and choices. Once seen and addressed, these outdated beliefs can be released for new ones that serve us now as complete and perfect adults. Filling our minds with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health. Start today by saying these affirmations and posting them somewhere in your home: I love my body exactly as it is. I am my perfect weight. I am my perfect size. I eat only when I am truly hungry. I am drawn only to foods that truly nourish my body. I eat slowly. I savor every bite. I love to eat healthy foods. I release the fear of food. I drink lots of fluids that are good for my body like water and herbal tea Food flows through my body with ease. Every morsel I eat rejuvenates my cells. All the food I eat energizes me. I breathe deeply as I eat and digest. I love to exercise. I love walking briskly. I have respect and a high regard for myself. I balance my life around work, rest, and play. I support, love, and accept myself unconditionally. I am happy and peaceful beyond my wildest dreams. Enjoy the summer! I am very happy to be an author contributor to this book. It has many love letters in it. I wrote on LOVE in MARRIAGE and wrote a love letter to my husband Paulo. We have been through it all and are happy to celebrate 28 years of marriage this July 4th and 30 years being together this august 5.
love never gives up 1 Corinthians 13:7 the digital version is free now at the link below. http://thelettersofgratitude.com/the-book-of-love/ What do you say to a man who has always been
One of the most important people in your world? someone who tried his best to always take care of you. Who helped in ways that only LOVE understands? what do you say to the Man who stood by to help you grow? Providing love, care and support always, and helped you become the person you are today? what can you say to let him know he is the best daddy for you and that you wouldn't trade him for anything? that you hope that you made him proud? and that you HOPE you inherited his amazing sensitivity and wisdom? What words would you say if you were given the chance? I would say I LOVE YOU DAD... I see you.. I see your beautiful soul and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! And I hope he understands all that means..... thank you GOD for my dad. thank you so much... thank you for everything. Louise Hay
Here Are 10 Affirmations To Help You Love Yourself and Bring More Love into Your Life: I choose to see clearly with eyes of love. I love what I see. Love happens! I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time. Love is around every corner, and joy fills my entire world. Today, I remember that Life loves me and will reward me. Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I chose to give love. I rejoice in the love I encounter every day. I am surrounded by love. All is well. I am comfortable looking in the mirror and saying, “I love you. I really love you.” I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I accept it now. Love is all there is! from an unknown source and origin.
I have Hosted the Archangels a few times now. IT is an angelic experience that I wanted to share with whomever may want to initiate it. This is the procedure. It is the angels' desire to stay and work with the individuals for 5 days and help them fulfill 3 wishes. The angels always arrive at the new place on the agreed day at 10:30 pm and leave 5 days later at 1030 pm. Between each 5 day visit the angels REST and the next individuals prepare to receive the angels. Keep in mind that by hosting the 5 Archangels, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael and Metatron, you are assisting them to serve humanity, Mother Earth and all universes. They thank you for your willingness to participate. Anyone wanting to start this process may do so by picking a date and at 1030pm on any given day invite them in and then follow the process. On the last day of the visit, write down the names and addresses of the next 3 people the angels will visit. You will ned to send these people the information and the simple ritual below and specify to them the day of the arrival and departure of the Archangels from their home. The time 1030 pm stays the same no matter the time difference. It is always the local time. With a complete day of 24 hours long, the Archangels vista is always 5 days and then they rest for 5 days before coming for another 5 day visit with a new host. You will welcome and host the Archangels after having prepared a little altar with: 1. A White Flower 2. A Candle that can stay on all the time they are with you that you are home. Light it shortly before they arrive to show them they are being called. 3. An envelope with a letter that has your 3 wishes. one for mother earth. one for your family and one for you. Formulate wishes in a clear concise way. Detail is not required. 4. On the sealed envelope place an apple that you will eat after they leave. Lay the envelope near your candle and white flower. 5. The house should be neat and tidy much like you would do if you were receiving a physical guest. when they arrive at the front door at 1030 pm. Open the door and read this greeting: "Archangels! HELLO and Welcome to our home. You were called by me (sent by name ) whatever process it is that they are coming. I am grateful to each of you for purifying and bringing peace to this place and to beings that live in it. I am grateful to you for bringing harmony, joy, and serenity to all of us. I am grateful to you for fulfilling my wishes. From that moment on the AA make things happen. It is recommended to regard the 5 days as a special time to give room for the vibration of higher energies to re-align many things. For some, this may mean you want to ask for specific help or you may just find a quiet moment in your busy day to sit in stillness. Remember there is no limitation. TRUST. You can also ask them to go with you through the day. If you travel during this time, you can ask them to come with you. When it is almost time for them to leave, use the candle to burn the names and addresses of the next 3 people. This will pass their names on to the Etheric realm. Send your thanks and love to the Archangels for all their help. Once they leave burn the envelope with your wishes in it and eat the apple. Place the flower outside on the earth. thank them for their time. What I learned this week:
I have learned it is OK! It is ok for me to forgive myself and all others to move forward. It is ok for me to treat me kind. It is ok for me to be wrong. I am HUMAN. It is ok to get mad. It is ok to try and fix things. It is ok to use all the tools I have learned to make things better. It is ok to be flawed. It is ok to choose HAPPY! It is ok to cry. It is ok. God loves me no matter what. I am ME and it is A-OK! via #LouiseHay calendar " To have a friend you have to be a friend." this is a very deep statement.
What makes a friend? A friend is someone who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. What unconditional love means is that even when you aren't your best self you are loved. There are no conditions on the love. Not I will love you only when you are who I think you should be. Not I will love you only when there are no problems. Not I will love you only when you it serves me. A friend is someone who has compassion, empathy, FORGIVENESS. I know this is tough energy right now, but we are all going through it.. We are spirit in body.. We are humans. We are not perfect. I saw this most amazing post by LISA FABREGA on Facebook today : this is what Mercury retrograde taught me in these past two weeks. I had to get up from a table I didn't want to leave, but I did. Sometimes you have to. You can still love that person, but it's going against your soul to stay at a table where love is no longer being served, or you are not being treated in a way that feels loving --so of course, I got up and left that table. When we are kids we may not be able to take that option, but as adults, we have a responsibility to parent ourselves in the same way we would parent a child with love and respect. That means not leaving your inner child in situations where love is no longer being served, where you are not being met #self respect. "Some people are upset with YOU because they are unhappy with THEMSELVES" So here I am .. living and learning to be my own best friend. To love myself enough to move forward with the hope that in my true friends they will continue to love me.. all of me.. all of the woman I AM. |
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