What is smudging? It is a universal practice and sacred ancient ritual of clearing and blessing spaces that is known among all religions throughout the world. Buddhist temples use incense sticks, catholic churches use frankincense, People of Indigenous backgrounds use sage and other herbs. Smudging your home is a very powerful way to clear stagnant energy to make way for clear, fresh energy to come in.
I love clearing and blessing my home. Today I used a powerful resin, (dried sap) copal, to clear and bless my home. Resins have long been known to be sacred and blessed. You may feel a sense of connection to God and a sense of well-being when using them. Copal is used for cleansing. Frankincense is known as it is one of the gifts given to Jesus at his birth. It is collected from trees belonging to the Boswella genus. It is said to also have anxiety decreasing properties. Amber is known to awaken the soul and balance your home and bodies energies. Some other resins you can use are dragon's blood (rattan palm tree), pinion pine, myrrh (also given to Jesus at his birth), and benzoin. Depending on which you feel guided to use and for what purpose, your home will feel much better and lighter. Popular substances to help are: Palo Santo-also known as holy wood - used to clear Sage-used to bless, cleanse Sweetgrass- known for attracting new energy cedar- protection, cleansing and protection. How to smudge?? Get a safe container such as a shell, clay pot, steel bowl etc, to collect burning ashes from your smudge item. Light it and create a smoke. Fan out the flames. It is the smoke that clears and blesses the space. Open your doors and windows to allow old energy to leave the area. Walk around your space and spread the smoke to where it is needed. You can clear the whole house or just one area. Start at the front door and go clockwise or how you feel guided. There is no wrong way to do it. As the smoke rises, our wishes and desires are sent to heaven. The smoke transmutes the negative energies back to love. You may extinguish the the smudge stick in a bowl of sand or put it out with a little bit of water. In the case or palo santo it goes out on its own and needs to be relit often. When you have gone around the entire home, say a final prayer of gratitude to God and your Divine Team for helping you clear the space. Envision the sun filling the house with tons of white light. The ritual is now complete. You can also clear your own or other person's energy in this way. As with all smudging please take care when performing as to not create fires or burn people or objects. It is a very sacred practice that when you practice and are consistent with, you will create a home and personal energy that is very high vibration. When I am going to smudge, I get everything ready and I set aside time and space to clear my area, my home, my body, my family. I invite in God, Archangel Michael, my guardian angels and guides to help me. Then I believe it is done. It is as simple as that. I also have prayers that I say: This is a powerful one from our book 365 Days of Angel Prayers that is available on www.sunnydawnjohnston.com I am available to help guide you to energetically clean and clear your space. I am doing them for a donation. You can do it but if you want me to do it, please ask. I can also clear a space remotely with prayers, reiki symbols and intention. So much love to all of you. Now booking june and july readings. [email protected] Giuliana xo
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