This week has been intense for me. Sometimes life feels heavy and making decisions becomes hard. We are presented with choices and unsure of the choices to make. I am a strong believer in God. I do believe He is with me every moment of every day so I continue to ask Him and my angels for help to support me.
I have been noticing a shift in myself. I feel extremely tired with some of the lessons God is bringing me. Even though I know I have God and my angels by my side, sometimes I feel alone and lonely. Doing my spiritual work, means I acknowledge all these feelings and I sit in discernment of what is real and what isn't. I went for my blood work the other day and tomorrow will receive the results. A part of my human becomes ungrounded when I don't know for sure if I am healthy or not. Having walked through stage three cancer, I always wonder if I am ok. Sitting in trust isn't always easy. When I feel like this I know that a part of my little girl needs healing. So this is what I decided to do today... maybe you might want to do it too.... Picture your self when you were a child. ( your homework will be to find a photo of you when you were small- under five years old, and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Ask yourself how would you treat him or her? How would you love yourself? Feed you? nurture you? How would you treat little you if you were your mom? I bet you would protect her fiercely and give her space to learn and grow and spread her wings. You would allow her to sleep when she needs to. You would feed her healthy food and play with her. If she fell and hurt herself you would kiss her booboos and hug her tears away. I would bet my last dollar (but I am not a betting girl... lol) however I am sure you would want to take her pain away. If she had a tantrum or was mal-behaved you would lovingly give her a time out. From this moment on, I would love it if you would join me in extending compassion to yourself. Love yourself to health. Give yourself the love that she needs and allow her out to play. She needs play like oxygen. One way to play is to allow your guardian angels to help you. Angels are messengers of God that are gifted to us on our earth journey.. We do this by asking them in. They are with us always and in all ways. The angels remind us that we need to play. when you work too hard your soul and your inner child cries out for fun. If you are feeling fatigued, irritable and depressed these are additional signs that you are overdue for some play time. The angels say that you don't need to create a special time for play, just inject it into your day today. Smile, laugh, watch a funny movie, sing, dance etc. Fun and play are necessary for children and adults. Fun is part of a balanced life and help us live healthier lives. You deserve it! So go out and have some fun!!! If I can be of service with an angel card message please book an appointment. Thank you.
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