Really read the list below and see what resonates with you. Do you always seek external validation? I did too! Now I know I am worthy, enough, loved. I know that because I am a part of God and He is a part of me.
Do you live with an open heart or are you more in your ego? Do you complain all the time or do you count your blessings? Gratitude is one of the fastest ways to shift your life. Being grateful ushers in more to be grateful for. Seek out a mentor, teacher, guide to help you walk through all the bad and rejoice in all the good, because the truth of the matter is .. its all intertwined. That is what LIFE is. Good and bad, happy and sad, rich and poor, sickness and health. We have this magic and power within us that can propel us in the direction of our dreams. Your dreams come true only when you breathe, listen to your internal guidance that comes from God and then you take inspired action. You can't just sit and expect things that you wish for to fall into your lap. Do your work to heal. Learn tools to get you through the bad days. You become like the 5 people you most hang around, listen to, learn from. Who are your 5? Take a look at that. If you aren't growing with those people or you are staying small, that may be something to work on. What is your word or intention for 2017? 3 years ago I stopped with the resolutions as I never kept them past the first few weeks of january. I believe the stat is 90% of us don't keep resolutions we make. In 2015 my word was "Grace." I have the Grace of God and I am healing. This year my word was "future" and "more". I wanted to ensure I continue to heal, grow, learn and expand so that I have a future so bright! And I want MORE for my life. I want a happy family life. I want a strong marriage. I want a successful new career. I want healthy female relationships. I want to be the light of the world and share it with everyone. I want to eminate love! I want my message to be - we are all loved and lovable. We are humans doing the best we can. We can make a mistake and know that forgiveness is what heals relationships, but if people don't forgive, then that is on them. We forgive because we deserve peace. I want so much for my life, and instead of complaining I am working on myself for I know that is where my power lies. I have a coach, mentor and teacher to gleen inspiration from, learn, heal and expand some more. 2016 has been a 9 year.... all about endings and completions. It was true for me. I ended a 32 year career. It was very hard on me making the decision to let go and quit. But now I feel happy and healthy with that decision. I feel amazing. I am a new spiritual teacher and I love my life. I am learning to trust God. My faith is strong. I know I am love, loved and lovable. I have learned to forgive myself and all others and I am so compassionate and kind. I continue to learn with God, the angels, and now the goddesses. These amazing energies have amplified my life to a level I only dreamed of. I want to share that. I love doing angel card readings. I love having clients over to the healing space. I love being of service. I love helping people shift their own lives. I have had some heartache this year too, however I have turned to the people that love me the most for support. I have done my work. I am a better person inspite of the heartache. I will walk into 2017 knowing that I am doing the best I can and I endeavour to be more, do more, have more, love more! My word for 2017 is "expansion" I have learned that I must expand myself in order to heal more, grow more, learn more. I want to help you. In January my prices are going up to reflect all the learning and growing and my experience. Angel card readings will be $44 for 6 cards or more. I will continue to provide $25 - 3 card for my long term clients who need that quick support. The 6 cards or more is a more indepth reading. The 12 month spread for insight into your 2017 will be $50. Care calls are $30 for a half hour. Reiki is $50 for a half hour service. My newest service is a Goddess empowerment session for $44. This pricing is for a limited time while I gain more experience. I want to take this time to thank everyone for your love and support. Here is to a fantastic 2017, knowing we are all doing the best we can. To book your service, via email, skype, in-person, messenger or phone please use this link to contact me.[email protected]
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